PC culture is ruining free speech, plain and simple. I don't like hateful speech and would never use it, even behind the anonymity of the internet. However, when people can't make a joke, or even discuss a matter of sensitivity with legitimate sincerity because people don't like a certain word or wish to avoid offending someone we have a problem. The abuse, hate, and violence in the world needs to be highlighted in our news, our art, and our lives. There will definitely be people out there who want to trivialize these things or undermine their importance, but to silence ourselves in the effort of silencing them only makes these problems worse. We need a mature discussion about mature issues.

well just read till latest chapter, still writing UA instead of US. but then there is a mention of third reich, berlin, hitler.. even a device made by the them using 10k brains.
isnt that more offending?

whatever his reason is, it is biased af. well censoring is continued, so yea they are informed but no action is taken.

Part aisha who never pray daily and out of religion is actualy quite offending.

Actualy this must be cut if translator not biased to certain people/nation/religion.

But, you know... This not my own so i can't change this. Huft...

    N0xiety Honestly, if he didn't want the content to be offensive he shouldn't have picked a novel based half in our world and half in an alternate one, Chinese modern day novels are all full of nationalism and racism towards other countries.

    LeechesOfSoul It's not offensive, many Muslims don't pray daily just like many Christians don't go to church weekly, and even if this was offensive, you can't blame the translator unless he's excluding it being mentioned in the original Chinese text, which i don't believe he is, infact she pretty much gave up her faith when she decided to be with the MC.

      is it me or just that I feel that we don't actually have to relate this story to real life as it is just a story? So don't be offended by the author way of writing.. Besides.. For me, a Horror Story is good as I don't see many Horror Story as nice as this. If anyone know. Please suggest?

        Shadows7 nobody is offended, just the translator, he is scared of offending certain people. that is why this post is made, translator is censoring certain nation and organization as well as cutting off parts of the author words.

        Shadows7 owh as for 'horror' novels, it is hard to recommend. most of the good ones are japan and as such is licensed. but if you know how to search it shouldnt be too hard, Boogiepop series is quite good. Another too, this even have manga.

        i'd like to recommend apartment from hell or something but it is dropped by translator. a pity. that it only has a dozen or so chapters.

        Mute i know what you mean.
        In real world, this ugly fact actualy exist.

        But, what i ask is 'objective' side from translator.

        If s/he want to break rule and changing and hide some part here and there then do it properly so there will be no one complain.

        If not, then just translate word to word whitout hiding and changing.

        So, you know what i mean right?

        I don't get it. Why would the translator risk it just because he doesn't like some words..

          LeechesOfSoul Nope nothing changed. Maybe translator won't change the terms that he censored from before? I don't know... He still uses Han in place of China. Funny that he used USD as a currency, but still uses UA in one of the recent chapters... This translator sure is funny huh? USD with UA hahaha........... I wonder which countries currency is USD? Can anyone guess? Shouldn't be UA right? No no no that would be UAD right? Ridicilous... Sigh........

            N0xiety i did stop reading this novel because some censor or remove parts. well reading the comments sometime help just to understand the chapter plus with some wild speculations

              NormalReader Well, i'm still using an app to auto correct the censored words atleast... Not gonna drop it just because of this but still...

                N0xiety heis this tranlator.
                Life is hard and have many problem but this tranlator make additional problem.

                If you want become idealist life up to your idealist.

                Ah, and i can't drop this novel. This is to good.

                But, but i stop reading for binge read in the end . haha...

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