Mansion in Post-apocalyptic World translator censor and cut parts as he likes!
BobKenton I use but it's for firefox ofc.
is it me or just that I feel that we don't actually have to relate this story to real life as it is just a story? So don't be offended by the author way of writing.. Besides.. For me, a Horror Story is good as I don't see many Horror Story as nice as this. If anyone know. Please suggest?
Shadows7 owh as for 'horror' novels, it is hard to recommend. most of the good ones are japan and as such is licensed. but if you know how to search it shouldnt be too hard, Boogiepop series is quite good. Another too, this even have manga.
i'd like to recommend apartment from hell or something but it is dropped by translator. a pity. that it only has a dozen or so chapters.
Mute i know what you mean.
In real world, this ugly fact actualy exist.
But, what i ask is 'objective' side from translator.
If s/he want to break rule and changing and hide some part here and there then do it properly so there will be no one complain.
If not, then just translate word to word whitout hiding and changing.
So, you know what i mean right?
I don't get it. Why would the translator risk it just because he doesn't like some words..
N0xiety 8 day now.
So it is fixed yet or not?
N0xiety 8 day now.
So it is fixed yet or not?
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LeechesOfSoul Nope nothing changed. Maybe translator won't change the terms that he censored from before? I don't know... He still uses Han in place of China. Funny that he used USD as a currency, but still uses UA in one of the recent chapters... This translator sure is funny huh? USD with UA hahaha........... I wonder which countries currency is USD? Can anyone guess? Shouldn't be UA right? No no no that would be UAD right? Ridicilous... Sigh........
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N0xiety i did stop reading this novel because some censor or remove parts. well reading the comments sometime help just to understand the chapter plus with some wild speculations
NormalReader Well, i'm still using an app to auto correct the censored words atleast... Not gonna drop it just because of this but still...
N0xiety heis this tranlator.
Life is hard and have many problem but this tranlator make additional problem.
If you want become idealist life up to your idealist.
Ah, and i can't drop this novel. This is to good.
But, but i stop reading for binge read in the end . haha...
NormalReader do binge read if it fixed. Yea...
Wow. This is really sad. I would hope everyone coming to read a novel that is of a different country would accept it for what it is. Reading something offensive might even open your mind to ideas and thoughts you didn't know existed. Novels are a work of art that the author worked hard on to create. You shouldn't change the work of art.
Rainbow Mansion ? LOL
OldTimeTea Most of the times it's actually not the translator, but the original source itself has been censored. I've come across many raws where there's asterisks censoring certain characters (and it's soooooo painful trying to figure out what they want to say).
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littlemist Except if you read the first post, you can see that the translator cut out the Watergate Scandal because he found it controversial. As in history is too offensive for his reader base.
Edit: sorry, didn't notice the reply post was about asterisked words in general.
That's nice
so that was the reason the names where so weird sometimes...
N0xiety translator is somewhat stupid in renaming. Even can't think out about not used names. Country teg UA already occupied for 25 years - it's Ukraine.
So translator is racist, he hates Ukraine. And much other countries. So or change all names or do not change anything. Better second. Or do not touch novels if do not want do a proper work.
Chapter 321 is only half here because the other half is censored and only available on his Patreon?
Why is such a thing allowed?
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N0xiety if its by the author's permission then its okay.
if the raw is too offensive to somebody or groups, then change/adapt the content (with author permission) is the best choice. thats what censor is for. to make it safer (less harmful) or more enjoyable for readers.
i support @_Min_ and @Rainystars in this matter.
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AreYouTheEye Are you serious? Did you even read? Do you have no logic? How is 'United States of America' offensive to you? How is 'White House' offensive? How is 'Los Angeles' offensive? How is 'Hong Kong' offensive? How is 'China' offensive? Do you get offended from everything? How the f*ck do you even live in this world with such a mindset? Do you also get offended from the name of your own country too?
Damn sjw are runing the world.....
N0xiety chill out brat! did i offended you somewhere?
i NEVER get offended from just anything but the way you speak right now is definitely OFFENSIVE!
and i feel offended by it.
i'm pretty sure i never speak (or write) anything offensive to you. and just in case if you really don't get what i mean (because of my terrible english).
AreYouTheEye N0xiety if its by the author's permission then its okay.
if the raw is too offensive to somebody or groups, then change/adapt the content (with author permission) is the best choice. thats what censor is for. to make it safer (less harmful) or more enjoyable for readers.i support @_Min_ and @Rainystars in this matter.
i said IFs, if blablabla i support them in this matter.... and you said this mindset of mine can't make me live in this world? are you cursing me dead? if you can't speak up your opinion politely, you better stay silent.
ask your parent to teach you how to respect elderly.
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How can a name of a country be offensive for some people?
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AreYouTheEye i support Min and Rundi in this matter.
You said that you support them. So that means you support the censor of everything i listed and think they are offensive to people. Tho i doubt you even read my whole post and just here to cause trouble...
It is said that the best way to handle a troll is to stay silent, so i'm going to follow that starting now. You can scream all you like on your own...
The author write it like that! We read it as we like,,, i too hate it when translator change term, shorten real even for something idk? It make me confuse? And make story strange at some poin, when the term isnt consistent!?
I just drop the novel.... Huff... My english already bad enough,,, and suddenly history change...?? Wtf thats why i prefer isekai
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N0xiety author has direct access to it and I guess the author did not care about his work being censor...... partly it is good too.......(Qi censor sh**t and overall china's internet policy..?). It looks like it is not that big deal of problem too. You don't need to get that much of salty over it. Also, give a little bit of time on wiki page en.wikipedia .org /wiki/Censorship_in_China and google wtf are censored and not allowed there. You will be amazed. They have a strict policy there when wide range audience is targeted (fukn international now).
PS:'How the fck do you even live in this world with such a mindset? ' You might say that to Chinese ahem... government
Vanhellsing Mate... even China doesn't censor country names, cities or famous buildings of other countries. People in China doesn't think that White House is called 'Rainbow Mansion'... So if you find China's censorship extreme, then what do you say when a translator censors what even China doesn't bother to censor? Bonkers beyond saving? The novels already come to us after being censored in China, but you think a translator censoring it even further isn't worse? Haha... What is even your point? So are you saying that since everything is censored to hell by China, it wouldn't matter if it was further censored to oblivion by the translators?
Also author doesn't even read the english chapters. We do... Do you think author has any idea? Do you think author checks english forums? No... So why would he care? Even if he is earning a bit of money from us, it's a pittance compared to what he earns from the Chinese audiance. So there is nothing in it for him to be overly involved...
notsane I think I know what's up. The translator obviously has North Korea in mind when translating, so we shouldn't mention the UA. Of course if American white supremacist groups read it, we gotta censor out negative American history and positive foreign history. Let's just obfuscate han too, just in case. We don't want to remind them of that trillion dollar debt. Oh, we need to keep our kindergartners in mind too, so let's get rid of some of the war bits.
I'm kinda offended that the translator thinks that's the target audience.
@_Min_ @Rainystars @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL
Give us some enlighment.
N0xiety i dont read it yet.
Is it not fixed yet? Even now?
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LeechesOfSoul Well, there is nothing to be updated really. Cktalon said that the translator has been informed long ago and the story has been in apocalypse side ever since. There is no censor in apocalyse since there is nothing to censor, everything is complete fiction. So not sure if the translator will continue with the censor when the mc goes back to real world setting. Only then can we see if it will continue or not. So there is no point in further discussing it untill that time actually...
N0xiety well for now we have to wait it seems
YouKnowWhat Well, even if we wait i don't think the translator is going to change what he has censored so far. There has been no changes to the earlier chapters, so for consistency sake i'm guessing the translator will continue the censor he has done so far. It's really annoying, but i can deal with it if no 'new' censor is done to the novel. I use an app to auto correct words that the translator censored from before.
If a translator wants to remove offensive parts of a novel why not just write their own novel.