Author_Shizu what the f*ck u talkin bout, 370k views is amazing. Think about it, how many clicks these are. If you refer one number as a single minute, it would be 256 days.
Imagine 370.000 people standing right in front of you. Not even people, imagine eggs. Still awe inspiring.
I don’t know where you’re lack of selfconfidence comes from, but I believe these are good numbers

    16 000 and currently growing.

      Hyowha I don't know.
      I have only 13 ratings, including me.
      Not ranked high enough.
      And having upto 10 people commenting each chapter.
      I mean if I have 1900 collections and even if at least 500 people are regularly reading it then why such a small number of response?
      Its like people have added my novel and then have forgotten about it.
      Then maybe I'm thinking too much.

        JunkieOverThe_Moon I recently started a second story, and based from how relatively slow the collection adds are trickling in, I now know my first story is actually doing quite well. Don't even know why I'm telling you this, tbh...

        Lonelytree Pretty please, how do we block the counter? I can't ignore it using willpower alone lol

          Author_Shizu I’m gonna be honest, a lot only add for exp, use only temporary accounts or wait for the chapters to amass. There aren’t many who add the story to their collection to always ben up to date.
          I personally have 5 in my collections and I have not touched them since I added them. Not because I don’t like them. I love them, which i am why I added them. But I either wait for them to get more chaps or only wanted to show my support.
          Adding stories to libraries make them easily accessible as you can see what chap they’d are in without clicking.
          So best is if you take these collection numbers as Likes, rather than traffic.

          I deeply admired the author who can keep writing and updating his novel regularly, even his/her collections are not increasing at faster rate compare to others. As long you enjoy writing your story, keep going. As long you have one reason to keep going, just keep going! Others factors are just nuisance, they will drag you slow from attaining your goal. Remember "Rome is not built in one day"

          If you keep going you might be surprised what's waiting at the end of the rainbow. If you stop in the middle, you will never know...

          Take care all.

            AerynSun I can personally say that this is true, except for me it’s more like

            Welp I gotta write a few terrible chapter and then pop out that one good chapter once every year (and I haven’t even been writing for a year!)😂😂 😅😅😭😭😖😖

            Although you must admit writing too chapters a day is also quite impressive in its own way even if the chapters aren’t that great

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