well, i don't really care about earning readers and stuff but i'd be more motivated if there were.

i am also not a native english speaker but i'm working fine with english. we're friends.

my biggest problem is that i'm a perfectionist on doing what i like. i ask advise and edit it right away. it takes me a lot of effort to stop myself from editing and it was sort of a success every time, luckily.

although some says i'm doing fine for someone my age, i still think it's not enough. and this mentality is sort of bad.

well, the thing i always say to myself is i could be better after experiences so i should not really rush. i can revise my novels in the future so why not chill plus it takes a lot of time and effort to edit it right away. saying this to myself woke my lazy side.

    DaddyFishGotBigPp The knives were actually known as the trigger of pleasure. So when you eat strawberries, you can't forget the taste and addicted to it.

      Reinesse ๐Ÿ• for you ๐Ÿ˜Š and about the editing, well what i do is I focus first on making chapters and after a few days or weeks, I reread everything to see if the flow and the coherence of the story is there (cuz after a few busy days, i forget what i even wrote which amazes me sometimes). And if there are some minor errors, i usually change them. But if we're talking about always editing the latest chapter, that'll be quite confusing for the reading because they'll be reading this thing, and when they come back for it, it becomes another thing (which might confuse them enough to stop reading, so beware!) Also, when you edit certain stuff (that aren't those minor things like spelling, grammar, and stuff) you gotta tell the reader you are editing cuz u gotta inform them that there will be some changes or else they'll end up being confused and such.

      Also, there's always a time to look back and edit everything so why not enjoy the process of making a draft as of the moment? Instead of worrying for the current chapter, make another chapter instead. That'll be more productive. Like those professional authors, they don't see feedback from their readers until they finished their books. So, just enjoy thinking about the future feedback and look for ways to improve your writing style (if you want) well, that's what i usually tell myself.

      Reinesse no rush, take your time, you're still too young ๐Ÿ˜’.
      PS. Kill that laziness as soon as you could ( it's one of the boss types of all the heart demons)

      Reinesse but yeah, im also a perfectionist but my lazy side is too overpowered that my perfectionist side cowers in fear ๐Ÿ˜‚ and sometimes, when we post a chapter, we tend to nitpick too much on the "is it okay?" "Is it alright for them?" "I need to see some comments!!!"

      Then almost every minute i would check the comments section. Literally. Almost. Every. Minute.

      But i learned that it soon became a toxic trait to have so what i do, i developed that "Publish and Run" kinda style wherein i publish a chapter, then i 'run away' which is like literally not opening that chapter until I post another chapter (or until I actually remembered after a few days that I didn't look at the comments in the prev chapter.) Cuz thats when you give the readers enough time to read and review it.

      Also, i used to always ask "why is it not a bit known?", "am i doing enough?" But ynow, you just gotta look back on why you started writing in the first place.

      Is it really to be known?
      Is it really about being regarded as the best novel?

      Well, for me, I started because I wanted to breathe life into an unusual character and to show them a different universe so after a few chapters and days of just focusing on my own novel, i soon disregarded things like comparing my own works to others, power stones, and rankings. Instead, I just dwell on the fact that my novel exist for me and for people that wishes to read it until the end of its story ๐Ÿ˜Š

      I'm not saying that you shouldn't care about those rankings or avoid it completely, but you shouldn't let it define your novel and discourage you. It's just an added bonus or a feature that shouldn't stop you from writing.

        So_mi This is so accurate for me. Lol. I havenโ€™t told anyone in real life for so many reasons.
        1. Iโ€™m super white so everyone would be curious as to why Iโ€™m even on an Asian website.
        2. Iโ€™m a girl so they would be even more confused on why Iโ€™m doing a sports book with a male protagonist.
        3. I would feel SUPER embarrassed if they told me how I should write my own story.

        The list could go on for a bit, but those are my top three. I just donโ€™t want to open up, okay. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

          half_empty yussss and my family condones swearing. Like you can't even say 'crazy' in front of them. So hehe... I vent out in my novel HAHHAHAHA ๐Ÿ˜‚

            Getting any amount of recognition is the most difficult part, I still haven't really gotten any. I'm not in this for money, but I would like my works to be widely read by many people, I am branching out onto different sites because of this, to put my novel on more and more platforms.

              Xiaoyiyi8 Discord its a web platform that provides chatrooms and games to play, similar to steam.

              Many people use it to keep in touch with each other and make new friends.

              If you look at the top of the webpage you are currently looking at, in the blue row, it should be to the left of the facebook tag. Click there and download the app. Webnovel have a server for readers and another for writers, with a lot of different channels to chat .

              (Really a lot, some pople even do karaoke in there!)

              if you want to add me as a friend or just send me a message , search for Gabriel Detchans#8768

              So_mi I am like this that too!!!!! ---->sometimes, when we post a chapter, we tend to nitpick too much on the "is it okay?" "Is it alright for them?" "I need to see some comments!!!"

              Amateur writers have fragile hearts. We need feedback. (And pizza, of course!)if we don't get enough, we will be sad and deppressed. But if we suddenly see a that a even a lonely comment appeared, its like "hey, everything its alright with the world again!". Then we leap in joy and start typing furiously again until bam! A new wild chapter appeared! And ten seconds after we publish we are anxiously waiting again. its a vicious cycle!

              So_mi My family use to really hate when I would say idiot. But now they all curse all the time ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‚ also, I never got pizza! Rude!

              But! If you guys need some feedback, leave me the book title and Iโ€™ll be able to read through it this weekend and leave you a review! No promises on whether Iโ€™ll keep it in my library...lol I get busy with work, friends, life, and writing my own (The Hitting Zone). But I still like reading the most!

              You can add me on discord as well: half_empty #4390

                half_empty I am taking your offer. I do need feedback!

                The link for my novel is:
                [links] https://www.webnovel.com/book/12386178405369505/Witch-Zanthia%C2%B4s-Little-Shop-of-Horrors

                There are lots of lonely chapters waiting for comments. Any kind of comment will be aprecciated, even if it just xp.

                And a review would be great!

                By the way, only @So_mi can give you the pizza but you can always ask @Xiaoyiyi8 for strawberries. Just be careful, the last guy that eat them end up a dead fish...

                So_mi with me being a perfectionist too with a lazy ass side overpowering it, I could totally relate to you. The comments section is like a deserted place... and its hard to distinguish whether there are ppl reading it or appreciating it. Majority of the users/readers in webnovel are silent types... so I slowly learn how to not care abt this certain parts and just gonna write and publish because im just in the mood to publish.

                I just hope your novel will be known soon. I'm also working on mine but i'm worried i'll get writer's block back again when I reach 3 or 5 chapters.

                  randomgal23 Maybe this will help you if you get a block again.

                  Quote of a previous post in this same thread:

                  One trick I have, (not sure I can call it my style, more like a thing I often choose to do when i am stuck), is picking two or three seemingly unimportant details (like and object or a word in a phrase) and then ask myself "Why is this thing here? How can be useful for the growth of the characters. Is there a way to use it to move the story forward?

                  For example: candy, dinamite or even a joke or a name in a dialogue of a secondary character.

                  The responses to this questions help me continue developing it into the core of a future chapter.I then plan how to insert that particular element in the story, perhaps not inmediately but a couple of chapters later.
                  It may not be so great a technique but it works just fine in order to build a solid sense of depth in the novel.

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