@NatsumeRikka Dear, I already reviewed your story. First of all, I want to say that like your story very much.Its very well written. But there is something I feel that you need to adress. A minor flaw in chapter 3 that can be easily fixed.
Since you stated that this is modern world, in actual Earth, this chapter has some credibility issues. And I am not talking about reincarnation. Also, I love Yi Lan and I understand that she is really tough and a complete badass.
However, a highschool girl won a fight against 20 burly man at the same time? And then she walked away after being shot twice? Don't you think its a bit too much? I feel that you should at least give a reasonable explanation for the mc to have this kinds of abilities. After all its a novel in the magical realism genre and not in fantasy.
Martial Arts won't cut it because you stated that she is living in the real actual world. Unless she is a cyborg or a cultivator or something powerful like that there is simply no way she could do those things. So you either remove the modern world tag you putted at the first chapter or you have to include a paragraph to explain her superhuman resistance and abilities.
For example, something like this:
"Since Yi Lan was born she had more strengh than normal people. The reality was that she had bones denser than average due to an excess of calcium, her skin was thicker than normal by an aditional layer and her kidney glands constantly generated a small amount of adrenaline. While medical science struggled to find a reasonable explanation for this anormalities, fortunately her family could provide her with the drugs needed to keep her condition in check.
However Yi Lan did not care about these things. What she did cared about was that she could summon a great deal of strengh at will and it was damn useful on the fights. Of course, her parents and siblings worried a lot about this. Specially since they found out that because her pain threshold was a lot superior that normal people it was common to her to ignore all wounds until it was too late."
Hope you will find this feedback and suggestions useful. Again, I love your story. you definitely got yourself a new reader. Keep up the good work!