• Diss

Tofu No am not comparing "a reader, to a translator is okay" am comparing someone who's paying for a service, should get it, your logic is very flawed, people put countless of hours in any job they do, it's normal, i do that too, do you think that am some kind of robot or AI?
We all have lives and jobs that we put "Countless hours into", you should have not insulted readers in such way.
And this proves my point, this how most translators view their readers, which in this case, again we are not just "Readers" anymore, it's not free service...

DaoistFedUp Can readers also say, sorry we have real life issues, we won't pay spirit stones, we wanna read chapters for free?

This part itself indicates that you believe yourself to be on the same wavelength as a translator.

Translators are people too and sometimes they have problems that requires urgent attention. Just like when you work in a traditional job and you need time off to deal with other problems that occurs in your life. If you can't understand that fact, then you may just be a robot.

We are grateful for our readers being committed to reading our novels, however, we don't tolerate it when readers believes it's acceptable to mock our translators. You may have your own job and perhaps you are incredible at it, that's great, I admire you for that. Our translators are equally amazing at their jobs and we respect them for such, therefore, we will support them in anyway we can.

    Tofu This part itself indicates that you believe yourself to be on the same wavelength as a translator.

    So you're implying that i am a lesser human being? am not qualified to be on par with translators? we readers are trash or something?

    Anyways, this could be solved simply, transparency, most people complain because of empty promises and disappearance without notice.

    Have a good day.

      Tofu Generally speaking any "employee" of a company that goes from a productive member of the team to doing sub-par work and missing deadlines would be fired. And it is NOT translator > reader or any such thing. Its service provider and paying customer. If he was doing it for free than yes he can screw off all he wants. But he's not doing it for free is he?!

        Vap0r1 The translator have been keeping up with a consistent release for the last couple of years, and he has been working with us for ages. If we were to fire the translator DUE TO PERSONAL PROBLEMS THAT REQUIRES ATTENTION then what would that make us to be?

          DaoistFedUp No one ever indicated that. All I'm saying is that being a reader and a translator are not the same thing, you can't use the logic that you can get free chapters because you don't feel like paying. Please get your head out of the mud and read.

            Tofu I try not to ever complain in the comments in Kog. And the only review I have is positive because it's a great work with good translations. While thunder did a great job in the beginning how can you still say hes a great translator? His quality is very good still dont get me wrong, but its incredibly disrespectful of how the readers are being treated. He is no longer even meeting the required chapter's that Kog offers while having the gall to promise more. At this point hes making everyone involved with him look bad as they defend an unacceptable practice for something that isnt free. I also dont understand why it isnt acceptable to simply have another translator step in if thunder can't handle this. At this point the only reason Thunder shouldn't keep up is if thunder had maternity leave which would indicate he needs a replacement. Maybe I'm just frustrated that every other novel I read has more consistency or at least communicates with the readers. But at this point I might as well just quit webnovel if they wont hold translators accountable and show this is acceptable.

            Tofu Any clue about the lord xue ying translator? He's been gone a week without word, a few weeks ago he vanished for 3-4 days without word aswell, i'm worried the translation will die like quite a few on the site have.

            I don't think it's disrespectful to have someone fill in for Thunder while he sorts his stuff out. It's direspectful to keep readers hanging with empty promises, especially when the service itself is no longer a completely free one.

            If we're using the work analogy, it's like he's working on an important project and coming in every day to do 0 work instead of just saying he needs a vacation and taking those days off so management can reassign that project and it can keep proceeding smoothly.

            Tofu I'm not saying fire them. I'm pointing out that you should not be so condescending to PAYING customers who are the ones who pay the translators salaries. The paying customers have every right to know what is going on and why there are delays. They have every right to not only ask but demand a replacement while he works on his issues.

            You're right we all go through personal shit, not our problem though and people should not be paying for a service they are not receiving.

            Tofu honestly I don't even read that novel but if a translator has to step away for personal problems and isn't able to release new chapters, yet continues to promise more chapters, it does look a bit bad. It's not about firing them or because they've worked for years and done good so far bla bla. If anything it's about their lack of time to do their job at this current moment while still making promises they can't keep, while also a team for some reason isn't thinking about bringing in someone to fill in and release any chapters at all until the original translator comes back just because it'd be disrespectful. Disrespectful is knowing this is going on yet doing nothing about it while the novel you're team is working on isn't free, if it was a free novel I'm sure people wouldn't really care, things like that happen all the time with free novels. I'm not saying go free, but the best thing is to bring in someone to translate for the time being even if it's not extremely quick releases or anything it's still something, and something is always better than nothing.

            Thunder wrote:"I don't think I might be up for the job anymore so if it really doesn't work out for me, I'll pass KoG to another translator"-->what about this?

              Tofu if you really love and respected your translator, you wouldn't have left him high and dry in front of the community. You would've helped him with the release of chapters. All you are doing is pouring gasoline in fire. Not replacing him temporarily, while he fixes his shit, is making the community hate thunder more. How is this better for him? Some can even say that you're intentionally sabotaging him. Make him take the blaim while the company still gets paid by webnovel. If the so called 'respect for translator' is getting him ass fucked by the community, then i would say it's better to not have this 'respect'. Replacing him ' temporarily ' is not disrespect but it's a lifeline.

                Qwertg We don't get paid by Webnovel unless the chapters are released, you understand that right? We don't get any benefits from Thunder stopping his releases. Naturally, I want to be of help to him, but ultimately what he wants is up to him. I've given him a period of time and we will soon be making compensations to readers.

                  Tofu what about power stones and gifts? Don't you get paid through that. I'm assuming you guys do. There are many 'special' people who still voted ps and gifted ss for this shity releases. Anyway, don't want to argue,just want a stable release rate.

                    Why not make most if not all of KOG chapters free to clear up this mess. Paying customers are angry, easy fix is make this translation mostly free. Once thunder or new translator starts consistenly working (i.e. back to 10 chps a week) again have to pay for the new chapters.

                      Tofu I think you should ban such an incompetent & unreliable person to get in your translation team

                        Qwertg It doesn’t work that way, ss gift goes to webnovel pocket.

                          Tofu Gifts do come to you (after the author/translator/Webnovel split)... Power Stones aren't monetary, so obviously no one gets anything from that except for exposure.

                          Check your Bonus column in the payment list. Those are all Gifts.

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