Tofu honestly I don't even read that novel but if a translator has to step away for personal problems and isn't able to release new chapters, yet continues to promise more chapters, it does look a bit bad. It's not about firing them or because they've worked for years and done good so far bla bla. If anything it's about their lack of time to do their job at this current moment while still making promises they can't keep, while also a team for some reason isn't thinking about bringing in someone to fill in and release any chapters at all until the original translator comes back just because it'd be disrespectful. Disrespectful is knowing this is going on yet doing nothing about it while the novel you're team is working on isn't free, if it was a free novel I'm sure people wouldn't really care, things like that happen all the time with free novels. I'm not saying go free, but the best thing is to bring in someone to translate for the time being even if it's not extremely quick releases or anything it's still something, and something is always better than nothing.

- Jul 30, 2019
- Joined Dec 31, 2017
cleetonjake honestly I might do the same. I did buy a bit of ss but never as much as you lol. If they don't do something soon I'm probably gonna leave, I liked some of the stories on here but it's not worth it if I'm gonna have to wait 4 months to even read it fully by getting the free ss. Idk when I joined it was nice and a lot of the stories actually inspired me to do writing. But that's of course when I could actually read other books now that I'd either have to wait a long time to read a full book (which is ridiculous tbh) or just fork out a good chunk of cash, I'd rather just leave and go somewhere else.
Book_Keeper thank you for the review, sorry for the late reply I've been trying to move out of my parents place. Once all of this is done I'll be able to start writing again
PoppyQueen ooh nice, thank you!
When you have the time could you make me a cover?
Title: True God
Author: StarsGrace
Idea: maybe having a galaxy in some old guys palm with it lighting up his face showing his jade green and golden yellow eyes, along with it slightly showing some white or silver facial hair or something, everything else can be pure blackBook_Keeper when you have the time could you do a review and or assessment on my story?
Check out my novel: True God
Synopsis: With the limbs of God's, we give rise to the stars and planets. With our blood, we provide life out of what was once dead.Through this life, humans are born. Weak but smart and with the tenacity of even the biggest beasts. Even with these traits, they didn't thrive but was oppressed by Dragons, Chaos Born, and dangerous monsters.
With time the Humans finally pray to the gods for help and they soon created massive altars in their name using the remnants of their worlds creation; Gods Blood the very breath of life for their world to be better-bestowed strength and power to save themselves and everyone they love.
With the human's rise to power, some forget the gods and the power they wield; yet the altars their ancestors built, remain.
UnjustlyUnderpaid if you want to can you read over my story and give me some constructive criticism and maybe a five star if you like the over all story it's called True God
KoFu_ I gave the review
KoFu_ Of course! If you have the time do mine as well currently I'm doing overall quality changes to my chapters in True God since I've been able to switch over the pc instead of mobile but if you do read keep in mind that right now I'm changing chapters 4-8 so that they read a lot smoother and look better over all instead of a huge block of text just saying
If you want, mines fairly new (9ch) but I won't be dropping it as I'm using it to get better with writing, the MC is overpowered over all (you'll see why once you read) later the Mc is strong but definitely not overpowered and won't always have plot armor to save them all the time since honestly I'm not a huge fan of it, and yes there is world building......literally...
If you'd like to check it out its called True God
Be mindful that currently the chapters between 3-8 are getting reworked for quality sakeJunkieOverThe_Moon If you'd like we can help each other out more if you want to join my discord or if you have one I can join yours
fantasy_land thank you so much!
JunkieOverThe_Moon jesus yeah I usually just stick to 1.2k to 2k words per chapter that's usually long enough to tell a certain section of the story with out adding a whole bunch of useless stuff, I think even the translated stuff is only about 2k at times so, but usually I just do my amount as I'm busy most of the day with adult stuff, plus it doesn't help that although I have some things written down to help out with my story all of it is just thought up on the spot or I get some inspiration for a certain scene to play out etc
JunkieOverThe_Moon I checked the first one out and I'm just letting you know the things you should add and or not add and after this I'll leave the review on it I was going to start from 24 but jesus it's long lol (not a complaint but just saying) so I did it from the newer ones honestly from 24(which I actually read the whole thing) to the two newest ones it sort of felt as though the descriptive language was a little toned down over all but I feel that the two new chapters were quite solid and well written, I'll have to go back and check if there's any mistakes or anything. So far it's all good! There was good story progression and it didn't feel as if you were just throwing words out in order to extend the length of the two chapters.
JunkieOverThe_Moon alright I'll check them both out in a min
- Edited
I'm needing a review and constructive criticism on my writing and what I can improve on since I do wanna get better. In return just let me know what story you want me to do a review on and I will! The name of the story is True God, It so far has 9 chapters I believe. I'm mainly just using it to improve my overall writing before I do some big boy stuff here is the synopsis
Experiencing the life of mortals by creating my own and learning from them. Will I be a graceful and forgiving god? Or will I rule my creations with an iron fist!
Join and see the grand adventures I will partake in the world's of my own creation!
- Edited
I have a story that I'm writing and I'm not exactly sure how to put tags on it like 'weak to strong' etc.