Most of those stockpiles i dont even read. Because its different genre what i even read. Horrible. Why i need pay more to get aome chapters earlier and then wait?


In the business world, time is always of the essence. If you take donkey years to address this problem, a growing portion of the customers will become acclimatized with reading the novels for FREE on site aggregators. In other words, the piracy will become so rampant that the readers will no longer be interested in paying any amount at all.

Not every reader is concerned with supporting their authors or translators, they are more concerned with the convenience.

    Hi... please i'v been having a problem with purchasing a SS ,I always get feedback as the account verification SMS can't be sent,please help me with it
    Itel S12
    Version 7.0
    From Ghana

      Hi... please i'v been having a problem with purchasing a SS ,I always get feedback as the account verification SMS can't be sent,please help me with it
      Itel S12
      Version 7.0
      From Ghana

        Reporting a bug even though I'm not o the beta team.
        For some reason, the chapters of stories that I've I haven't read in a long while have been relocked. I wouldn't have bothered mentioning it if it was only one novel, but I now have like five novels that want me to repay for chapters that I'd already read and paid for.

          Hey check out my new Novel it's me first one and I'm still working on it so if you could give pointers

          The magical boy

          LaneYu_F convenient, easy to read, not always using the phone all the times and feel secure (apps sometimes glitch and experience not so good). Using WN apps (install in the emulator/phone) only to collect ss after watching the video or sneak peek on discount or free limited schedule (if remember) or for the test new version.

            Is the floating shortcut for the rewards and reading time really gone or is that considered a bug as mine is suddenly gone after an update. Also, I don't see any of the new features that was initially mentioned from the post.
            📱Phone Model: Samsung S10 Plus
            💻Operating System: Android Version 9
            📧Internet Connection: Wifi and Mobile
            🌏From: Canada 🇨🇦

            It's an inconvenience to me when I have to keep making purchases of spirit stones. ┐(´ー`)┌

            To have sufficient atones, I have to make multiple purchases every month. The maximum purchase size of 2.5k stones is clearly insufficient for me. I doubt even 5k would be enough if I am reading at my maximum capacity ( /ω)/♪♪

            With a monthly subscription service, I only had to set it up once and voila! It works (●♡∀♡) Every month it would do it's deduction and I could read hassle free. And it would look so much neater on my card transaction if there was one transaction instead of so many transactions!

            And about the supporting the author and translator, I totally agree with you. But I know of many fans of Japanese anime/manga/light novels who have never spent a single cent on it...

              so yes just an update to my original post, it was a bug because the rewards section is showing now but I'm getting alot of cannot connect to server issue even though I clearly have internet connection.

              Yuki_Qing Ok, I see...

              When you say "app sometimes glitch and experience not so good", can you be more specific? Thanks in advance.

                My suggestions to make things more convenient:
                1. Subscription with tiers
                2. Increase the SS combo choices / Allow purchase of a larger amount of SS, e.g. 5000, 7500 & 10000.
                3. Automated top up of SS once it falls below a certain value.

                Thank you for your time and help.


                  (Using apps on phone/emulator):
                  Whatever version before: library not synchronize well

                  (Using emulator):
                  Apps keep auto shut down or kick me out when I: open WN apps for only 2 or 3 second / after try to click on other section (e.g. library/reward/homepage) / do nothing at all after successfully open it (message: app not responding). This happened 3-5 times (in 1 day) or more than that - really need high patient on it. This issue started this year.

                  Why troubling myself and still stubborn not using app on phone? Like I mentioned above, I do not always using the phone, except for family / work and some routine can do it on PC.

                  Emulator problem? I have no issue with the emulator as i read other publisher novel/manhua/manhwa apps or watch movie/drama or playing heavy game in there. Although encounter some problem like apps auto shut down, only for 1 or 2 times for 1 day.

                  Experience not so good - ss issue, no need to mentioned in here as already email and believe WN have record for that email. .

                  So, for me PC is really convenient.


                    Yuki_Qing For the synchronization and auto-shut-down/kick-out issue, mind leaving your phone model, version of your phone and edition of your operating system as long as your Webnovel ID? That would be helpful, thanks.

                      Web Novel Novel Ask