WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Paying to pay for chapters in advance is not a privelege And neither it is a value. A privelege would be a novel mini suscribtion where you pay 250 and get 50 chapters for free. Paying 250 to unlock normal chapters that you pay to read normally is robery, it has zero value for money for users.
Adding insult to injury its called «privelege» to rob readers.

    I think that the privileged chapters are misleading, I pay 400 SS to unlock and I thought that I will be able to read the next 5 chapters, but I was wrong. I need to pay to unlock the batch and pay per chapter again? Is not easier just to do a mass release? Privilege will be to pay for the batch of unlocked chapters or a similar system as when there was a subscription. Or that the privilege works on multiple novels.
    It is true that no one is forcing us to buy the "privilege" chapters, but it feels like webnovel just want to get us to spend more SS in a silly way

      Illusionist Will feedback, but I think it has to do with the keeping track of what chapters are unlocked, so that when Privilege expires, the chapters will remain unlocked for the reader.

      Web Novel Novel Ask