What else does the Premium Program BETA provide?
With the Premium Program BETA, readers can not only enjoy more chapters, but also support our diligent translators, editors, and greatest authors directly. This will certainly motivate them in providing high-quality stories with a much steadier release rate. We believe that one day, Webnovel translators, editors, and authors globally will be able to see their jobs as full-time professions, and the beginning of that is today.
- Result: quality = same, speed = same (after a small stockpile of chapters when going premium so you are further ahead of the free release rate and have to wait for a long time or just pay for the next premium chapter), cost = much more.
What is the Premium Program BETA?
The development of any business model requires constant improvements over time. It is not solely dictated by Webnovel, and it requires all of us to explore and develop the business together. Therefore, we will continue running the Premium Program in a BETA stage. There will be constant optimization to ensure that we do not deviate from the right path—to ensure that all parties receive what they deserve. We also invite all of you to help us in building a better future.
- Result: All feedback is ignored.