Qidian's Premium Chapters
GoGo Great. Pirate the novels like a little bitch. I've mostly passed the editing job of ritf to Chrissy, so I'm not that affected anymore, but hey, let me just say fuck you for pirating from the people who are working hard to provide you chapters everyday, spending hours of their lives in order to make the chapters presentable to your eyes. Oh, sure, there are retarded tls, but there are so much more who are working so hard and all they get is a fuck you in the face because of people like you encourage pirating.
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Arch Oh! shit.. I am feeling bad now...
Ok I get it! But why the new system, a kind like this.. we also have work to do, When we see new chapters far from our reach, what do you think will go in our mind??, I am ready to purchase the novels on Kindle if you ask me to, but besides that... I can't do anything else. I still don't have a job, I am 20year old already.
The new system introduced my most hated monetization tool, the fake currency. I have had bad experience with these things, I have never purchased them, but they most of the time break the balance in the community, certain advantage to certain individuals just because they are able to flesh out some money!!
I know that this is how this world works, and Qidian is also a service provider that needs to feeds its workers.
But you need to see, that we also got real life too... I am free for 2 months at most. I am able to stay on net for a long time now without a consequence, but not everyone has this freedom. Even I will loose it soon as not much time is left.
So to do multiple task for some minuscule amount of spirit stones will be stupid(and the each ad will take at least 1 min for 4 stones). So How can we manage??
Reading novels is a cheap and fast vice, its not that time consuming as games(I am on break now), and I have watched the anime's that liked!!
P.S. I am living a pretty good life when I think about it!!
Having a premium with paywalled (SS) 10 chapters ahead... well its ok I guess, if you want to read ahead then pay, but...
If they slow down the releases to support this then, thats a big no-no. They can easily keep the 10 chapters ahead for those that want to read the first, and still release in normal format, but we will see what the greed is later.
Darlarren SS expire after 3 months
At the current rate of SS/day it doesn't matter how many do you have, eventually not only it will not be enough but if you read about 3+ novels that have daily release and are premium you won't be able to do it for free
Rokuman_24 It will translate into a paywall, eventually :))
GoGo Take a moment, work that brain, and picture this:
1. Qidian failed to make money. As a result, Webnovel.com is shut down.
2. Translators and editors here are paid to work on the novels they work on. When QI shuts down, a huge amount of these translators and editors will not even bother staying as fan translators.
3. As a result, lots of novels will be dropped. At that point, there won’t even be anything for you to pirate. NOTHING. Only the few popular novels will stay and survive on patreon.
It’s in everyone’s interest that they actually start making profit with this new premium model. If not, it will only result in QI shutting down or even harsher type of paywall. I bet you aren’t gonna be so happy about that if that happened.
Itachi2K3 Let me just respond to the original before I respond the rest of the folks in the thread. I tried to explain this previously to some idiot on the original qidian post. For me I complain because I think Qidian needs to make good on ensuring it's readers are ensured. You know I am a person who appreciates good customer service more so than the service itself. So Qidian can be crappy, but only when they have a dedicated mindset, so dedicated that I can feel that no matter my problem they will fix it for me then I can call them a company worth putting money into. They do not have an official way to log bugs, they do not have an official FAQ for new users, they do not have any sort of monitoring in place that makes anyone feel like they are heard. What they have is a couple randoms on the forums and in discord who may or may not answer your question, acknowledge your concern or help you out. That to do me does not sound like something solid, do they need money for that kind of service I don't know, but I know one thing no company in america survives very long without good customer support. Especially when it comes to money, you don't leave that stuff up to chance. I don't like that Qidian is taking these steps without ensuring the readers that their money is safe, that when you pay for items on qidian whatever they are, that qidian will have your side, I don't feel that trust. It's bad enough I can barely trust that they will give me a quality translation and thats the merchandise they are selling!! LMAO
N0xiety Yeah, you were always worried about this, I don't think it will be that dramatic.
Arch Problem with Qidian though, is they are so unprofessional it's literally off putting. I would never buy anything from them until they fix translations quality, support mechanism, release info and more. Most companies love to sing of their new developments before they hit the market, love to boast about how customer friendly they are, Qidian has yet to make anything clear except they want money. They have not made any promises to fix anything, they have not made any assurances that money will not be lost, I am not 100% sure I have seem a Terms of Use policy or any of that normal stuff that companies have when they want you to pay money. So calling them a company feels like a stretch to me, cause evn smaller companies know that when you introduce money it is better to have these sorts of policies and understanding between customer and seller but I don't see much of that going on, maybe they only do that when you actually pay for something? It just does not seem legit, it feels like we are doing under the table dealings.
Hyper_pumpkin We can demand whatever we want when we are consumers, thats the law of the world, we can complain however we want because we have the money that you want. Qidian seems to always think they are in control of the money, but they are not, we are. Do not give people power that they shouldn't have that's how you end up as a slave. If china was so rich they wouldn't have abandoned malls and so many poor people still planting rice out in the boonies.
Limostn Thats a little dramatic, people are translators because they like it obviously and not just for the money cause imo it's obviously a dead end job if they need to ask people for donations(just saying). And you are way outrageous, Qidian only has chinese novels by Qidian so there will always be novels out there don't kid yourself just cause Qidian changed it's name to Webnovel for international does not make it a spokesperson for all translated novels lmao.
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How do you know that? Have you some insider info? They already started earning money ever since the pay for stones option got released. People bought crazily and if you don't believe check just the amount of topics after the badges got made. I saw people buying 10k stones at least.
Tho personally I don't even care. I'll read only regular chapters except my 3-4 favorite novels (like the hell I'm gonna use spirit stones for the VRMMO novel)
And also I agree on whatever @Flaffy says.
If you want us to buy the stones you'll have to bring out your A-game dear Qidian. That means every novel should have a translator that is active somewhere so he can be told about the mistakes of his novel and always consistent releases, I won't care if you're sick or busy. As a user who will/may buy the stones I will also want every novel to be perfectly translated. If not I won't pay anymore and I'll ask for a refund on paypal immediately. Also if I keep seeing unedited chapters I will yell it out everywhere and on every social site (reddit, discord, nu forums and etc) that it sucks and flame because I'm the customer and I'm just not satisfied. If I see a novel that is premium not being translated up to the quantity and quality I'm promised for I'll ask for a refund again.
Also the opposite is true, if the chapters are good I won't complain and I'll praise instead.
Why are you guys supporting them in putting up a paywall??
It's because of you people that they can do this to us. Before they ever go into the western translation community everything was free and we could support the translators as we see fit.
Now they want us to support them in order to make them more and more money. Good luck in giving them your wealth to make them richer which you stay in the same place.
You are content in eating your $10 meals While supporting them so that they can wine and dine in $1000 restaurants.
Good luck!
well if the translations and services were premium quality i have 100% of conviction of people ( and me ) just saying "oh its ok thanks"
Brodroster I'm more concerned about the pace of the release rather than the time during the day, like if they were 14/week before this feature but suddenly became 10/week after it.
Also if they're going to have a premium feature, quality control needs to be vastly improved, transN is awful quality work, you can see from martial arts master and omnipotent sage that they lack understanding of English.