Just live with it man, back in the days when I was following Rtw on Volarie, the release rate was much worse. If you want better release speed and translation quality for the novels, people need to be working full time on the project.

Though as with all the freemium business model, only less than 10% of the customers will form the paying base. For the remaining people, it would be good if a watch with ads option can be made available.

Of coz, I think Webnovel did a poor job in managing the experience of readers during the launch of the premium model. If you look at most freemium business out there, transition between premium and freemium should be clearly communicated.

    Boycott my butt, If anyone still continue discussion in this topic, then you must be kicked by a donkey in the head, if you want to sponsor ,the sponsor ,if you dont want to no one will force you, besides when you get your meal free of charge you have no right to cmplain about extra salt, nothing is free in this wolrd, so to the noisy ones : ''shut up will 'ya ''
    Oh btw this is a me another freeloader complaining about the noise., the walls are thin.

      immortal_corrupt Do they say I give u 17 weekly chapters but now these chapters are paid chapters when they were free? Lol ( RTW )

      In case of RTW:
      You still get 7 free chapter, but yes people with premium will be way ahead in the story than you if you don't pay up.
      In contrast to the old translator it's still better. He/She only translated 4 chapter per week and sometimes didn't release any "normal" chapters on that week because of time issues, but still was able to release donation chapter (sounds BS for me atleast, but no one had any problems).

      immortal_corrupt Does the TLers outside of QI put walls over their chapters?

      I would say yes. Patreon chapters and premium chapter are the same in my opinion, with the difference that people don't get the difference in chapter count smacked in their face.

        ..... This place sure is heating up... I dont care tho, just be civil with your words guys.

        GodBrandy Seriously man? You don't return to me, but write something like this

        GodBrandy Miser detected :stuck_out_tongue:

        to others? I guess it's not in your interest to reply to my post that has some solid points right? I guess i'm a miser too for dreading about potentially having to pay $270 monthly in the future? I'm sorry for not having that kind of money to spend on web novels, my bad. Should have been more successful in life....

        SRandom You gotta remember that Rox did 2 chapters a day for a long time, like half a year. That's how RtW got so popular to start with. It was only at the end when he had some real life issues that the release rate dropped. Serious ones, like housing. Producing high quality, high speed work everyday is not easy, and everyone at some point in time meets real life, like getting sick, getting married, new job, having kids, etc. Just wanted to point that out. He worked really hard and put out chapters fast for as long as he could. But that is quickly forgotten.

          Ebu8b I am not too sure of the release speed from the old translator but what I do know is that it was kinda slow so I usually wait for a week or two and as for why donations chapter being released it is cuz people who donated know that it will be released asap

          As for those donations it is another story so we need not go there.

          Let’s focus on QI

          What I am talking about it the normal chapters. So it used to be 17 free chapters with the ads and little SS that is covered with the daily SS

          But now it is still 17 chapters but 7 free and 10 paid with a release of 1 per day? But so far I did not seee any release on my RTW novel.

          So that is the point

          As for Patreon, it is the choice to support or not and it does not affect the rate of free chapters (well, that is how most TLers handle it so I will take that as the role model)

          But here it is we need to pay for the chapters which was originally free?

          If RTW released the 17 weekly chapters and release others as advanced I will have nobe Hint to say....


            immortal_corrupt it does not affect the rate of free chapters

            And at the same time that release rate is often lower than 7 chaps per week.

            immortal_corrupt we need to pay for the chapters which was originally free?

            Pay or wait. These are the two option you have, the same as for other translator.

            immortal_corrupt I did not seee any release on my RTW novel.

            Okay that is weird. Because you should see one free chapter per day. First time hearing that. Maybe bug on your side? I use my SS for the premium chapters and therefore I can't see the release for the free chapter anymore.

            immortal_corrupt used to be 17 free chapters with the ads and little SS that is covered with the daily SS

            Well that can I say beside that Qidian has to pay the editor, translator, author, their staff and then needs profit to increase/improve their service. Unlike other sites who don't pay the author (some translator share their patreon money with the author like CK did when he was still in WW) or have the pressure to increase their profit.

            immortal_corrupt for why donations chapter being released it is cuz people who donated know that it will be released asap

            You wanna tell that the translator who went MIA almost every third week, isn't so lazy that he would just post the normal 4 chapter per week as donation chapter. But sincerely translated the donation chapters but not the weekly chapters.

            He didn't even finish all the donation chapters, so someone else had to do it. If it is about other translator, I would most likely give you the point, but not for the old translator of RTW. And yes I am biased towards that translator.

              N0xiety I'm not sure which novels you're following, but unless they have at least 14/week release rate they won't turn premium. And even novels with 14/week release rate aren't completely sure to turn premium either~ But if they're all super popular, there might be a chance. As for the halved release rate for premium novels, it came as a surprise to use too, and even translators can't decide the number of free releases right now; it's fixed to 7/week no matter how many chapters you release. As for your situation, I can't say much about it besides what I already said. You just need to have patience and stockpile chapters. Even if it's my favorite novel, I usually get tired of reading daily chapters xD

              Lomacris I don't really care what a bunch of nobodies says about me. And what use is reputation anyway? Qidian doesn't have any (it's probably negative by this point) and it's still pretty successful :thinking:

              WitheredWill My DOTA 2 inventory would have something to say here :thinking: Just because you're a leecher doesn't mean everyone is a leecher. How do I know that you're a leecher? I just looked at your history à_à



                The main problem in this system is that premium novel and PFF not integrated as 1 entity so reader only get choice one of them, not both. So you pay to change your rights, not get more rights

                  Actually I don't like the current system very much, but I am doing fine. I am waiting for other novels or I just watch the ads and only use my SS for RTW.

                  But I would prefer a sub system with 2,99€ and 4.99€ subs.
                  4,99€ all novel for free + no ads. 2,99€ you choose 10 premium (if we ever reach that number or higher) + no ads.

                  Before anyone ask why 2 options. We have novel addictics and casuals here. 4,99€ for everyone would be unfair for casuals.

                  Well in the end it is a dream. Wish I had some influence in Qidian. Still it's weird for me that they didn't follow the Soundcloud/Kindle Unlimited/Spotify model. Perfect examples of what is working just fine.


                    We are all grateful for what Rox has done, but it also goes to prove that Rox`s model is not sustainable.


                      Actually this system give you more benefit than subs as not all reader read all novel but just as i said before its not worth it to pay to change your rights, not get more rights

                        lol, i just wanted to chime in and point out that there's someone here with the username @Everyone, when everyone likes your post, it looks as if everyone like your post. a consensus, and i just wanted to point out that consensuses are harder to find than unicorns, especially in a forum with 100+ people, and their 100+ voices

                        Missed it earlier, Qidian is still giving two +5 for voting and not just one. So yes the free SS received per day is around 19-23 total. That works fine if I log in every day but I might not and then there's the fact that Immortal Mortal has a tendency to cost 12 per chapter which is a total of 24 SS.

                        That said, I can live with the current situation. I don't like paying up to $60 dollars a year to get my daily fix but that's where I draw the line (that said I am a miser so I can't say I'm paying with a smile on my face.. I was upset when my phone bill went over $5 dollars on average a month... yes it can be done... it's up to $23 now...).

                        My main concern is, what is the plan going forward and what kind of money is it going to require if I want to keep reading at a regular pace? If there is a constant release of 7 chapters per story per week from the paid tier down to the free tier then I have no place to complain. But there has been several changes over the past year and I am a bit worried about what the executives have in mind and where they will draw the line on their side.

                        Qidian, please tell us where you're headed and stick with it. I know it's probably in testing at the moment but please let us know what can be released. Thanks!

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