Gamblejay You are considering people will only follow 1 novel?? That's what's delusional . The majority of the readers follow multiple novels. If 3/4 novels I follow turn premium I will not be able no keep up with the chapters only with the daily SS.

In one reply they gave on a thread (the one complaining about the expiring time on SS I think) they said that free SS are harmful to the community and the content creators as they don't give them any money. So they will most likely gradually decrease the number of free SS we get till we get none

Relying on the free SS is not a stable income influx for readers with multiple novels, so don't think that those 20 will help in any way in the long run

    Shameless7kim yes. I can just go and buy and some Japanese, English or Russian or Even Chinese( if they in 3 first languages, yes. There is some kind of them translated and printed out) novels In paper or digital version. Beside each book will contain text about 800 chaps of RTW. And text will not contein "Chinese" repeating the same text about 3-4 time in row. Price for book of this sort from 15 to 30$ in my country, even if I buy some of them from Japan.

      Lomacris Again you have enough to follow premium for one and wait for free updates on others. Your entire argument is complaining about not being able to read at the same speed as someone paying.

      You are not entitled to these stories, it is not your god given right to be able to read them. It is a privilege that the authors, translators and Qidian are giving you. They don't have to give free ANYTHING, they could just put a price on it all and be done with it. But instead of being thankful for the platform, the translators and the authors you bunch of self entitled brats do shit like downvote their stories because you're throwing a tantrum.

      Welcome to the real world kid, where things aren't fair and stuff costs money. I mean where was all the protesting when Immortal gave an extra 20+ chapters ahead for $50 a month on their patreon?

        immortal_corrupt Right because at the end of the day, we're still getting free chapters on a daily basis along with new novels on a almost weekly basis. Most people understand that QI has to make a profit for that to continue.

          Gamblejay There was no protest in Prateon, because the ones that paid were ahead a fixed amount of chapters that didn't change. In premium the chapters you are behind will just keep growing.

          I am not saying they shouldn't be payed. They should, that's their job, but there are much better and much more honest ways to do it. A successful business needs trust from their consumers and if they keep pulling these changes out of their ass without previous warning the trust will be non existent

            Lomacris So your not protesting the number of free chapters but your protesting having too many Premium Chapters available to unlock? Really? :)

              GodBrandy I was neutral to this whole thing. I'm not new to Qidian but you could say that I'm relatively new. Your behaviour of an arrogant and rude prick made me understand that I'd rather give up on this website and app than pay money to the likes of you. I hope you get diarrhea and while you suffer in pain, you grow a brain and learn to be polite to potential customers.

                Lomacris dude what is the problem ? ALL chpaters will come out in due course of time. just read then and it won't cost you a penny. go and look outside and see how many translators are even doing chapter a day.
                typical not too bright bulb<sigh>. i was tempted to use juvenile imbecile but won't.

                  To me it would be better if the free daily chapter was released based on the current chapter you are reading.

                  Imagine that you have a new premium novel that releases 2 chapters daily, one locked and one free, after 50 days there would be 50 locked chapters and 50 free chapters. Now imagine someone who is only reading the free chapters but at this point the story is getting interesting and decides to spend some money to read the locked chapters, wouldn't be nice if the next day he gets the chapter 101 free and the chapter 102 locked?

                  Because to me the problem with the premium novels is that there is no middle ground. either you are all in or all out.

                    What I don't like is the fact that Premium For Free, the daily unlock, doesn't fuse with my current chapters. Lets say I read RTW and unlocked chapter 707. PFF Unlocks 1 chapter a day and it SHOULD unlock the next chapter from where I left, hence unlocking chapter 708. BUT the problem here is that it doesn't work that way. The one unlocked is chapter 700, which I already paid SS for. So in conclussion, PFF doesn't affect Daily SS Warriors (People who unlock chapters using their Daily fix of SS) and that is bullsh*t. This needs to be adjusted as I was excited for the TGIF unlock 5 event only to realize that I have already paid the 5 unlock they were talking about. Bummer. We need the PFF to fuse with our current reading status.

                    Artep Agreed. Since this is Premium BETA, this is a change that is needed. I hope next update they add this.

                      OldManDuotian Then... go buy them? I'm not sure why you are even complaining about these trivial things if you think that webnovels are so bad. Just drop them, or do you enjoy reading garbage?

                      Negative2k99 I'm glad I don’t read any of the novels you translate. I'll now make it a point to never start one.

                      Sirocco I was neutral to this whole thing. I'm not new to Qidian but you could say that I'm relatively new. Your behaviour of an arrogant and rude prick made me understand that I'd rather give up on this website and app than pay money to the likes of you. I hope you get diarrhea and while you suffer in pain, you grow a brain and learn to be polite to potential customers.


                        GodBrandy Ohhhh you did it now.

                        Positive_Lullaby Very biased for sure, justified biasness cannot blame a guy for trying to turn the tides even when rude. Though indeed very triggering.

                        GodBrandy I think they were just commenting on your bias not the actual situation. Similar to how I am right now.

                        ImperfectInfinity Applause. Applause. Applause!!

                        HeavenlyNoLife true dat!

                        Sirocco LOL that was funny. I completely agree it is very damaging to insult any clientele no matter how unruly said clients are, that is the price of the service business. I don't think Qidian translators fully understand they are providing a service for qidian and it's customers now, not freelancing.


                          again the chapters are still free, all you have to do is wait for 1 day, im following 10 novels on webnovel and im not complaining about this premium thing. you people are so greedy. so what if you didnt read latest chapter or you are far behind the premium user? you losing money or something?

                          I've missed a party. Not that I'd really contribute much. My whole stance is like: well, dun effect me rn, cool.

                            Flaffy Banned from Discord 😤
                            Anyway, I'm not sure why you keep going on with this nonsense that I'm biased. I said no lies in my arguments unlike certain 'customers'. Strangely enough, the best argument these 'customers' can come up with "Hurr durr you're biased I'm not talking to you" when they don't know how to reply cause their lies have been exposed 😅
                            That being said, I don't completely agree with the number of chapters being halved either, because it was a bit too much, or rather than that, it's annoying that I can't decide the number personally and I'm stuck with 7/week even if I want to release more 'free' chapters, but it's still higher than 95% of the other sites out there, and people seem to forget this detail.

                              GodBrandy Well I don't think you are purposefully biased this time, I will not comment too much about on discord, will just say we all know how that went down, you shot first and asked questions later not a good police officer imo but hey it was your justified choice.

                              People can be biased just because they know something, you are a translator who is paid by qidian yes? your interest is to keep money coming in from qidian yes? The way a customer would see it is an employee is defending his job because it will be in jeopardy should anything fall. Now I don't think you are 100% reliant on QI but no one wants to lose a job cause the company fell in, not saying qidian will but you know what I mean. It's just natural that as an inside man you would be seen as biased.

                              A customer is a customer no matter how small. Customer Service is important, employees at mcdonalds(not saying qidian is mcdonalds just an example) have been fired for less. Though I'm not sure of your intentions, it appeared as though you were being aggressive to potential customers. On the forums where it would seem translators have some say this could be seen as damaging for qidian customer service. I have also been told I appear aggressive, maybe we can learn something from this together (no sarcasm).


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