Gamblejay Can't you do simple math before you berate someone?
496 chapters left in Immortal Mortal.
24ch/week release rate. 496 / 24 = 20.6 weeks
Free chapters are 7/week, there are currently 34 premium chapters. So (496 + 34) / 7 = 75.7 weeks which comes down to 19 months.
Conclusion = Premium takes about 5 months to finish while free takes 1.6 years. You really think more than a year difference is 'just a bit of time'?
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How am I delusional??
There are 530 premium chapters left for Immortal Mortal
Let's assume the cost is 7 SS for every chapter (which is wrong and will most likely increase)
So 530×7=3710 SS just to finish Imortal Mortal
If they take away the bonus SS (They will do eventually) you will need to spend 80$ in 5 months just to read 1 novel. That's 16$ a month if you just follow 1 novel.
If you follow more novels with a higher word count or a higher number of premium chapters this number will most likely increase exponentially depending on the number of novels you read.
Imagine following MMORPG, the cost for every chapter of that novel is massive and there are a lot of chapters left to translate, so the cost for that full novel would be like 2 or 3 times higher...
This system is very 'addictive' and is just forcing for you to pay for it all if you start.
Considering you stop halfway because you want to take a break as you said, "Have you ever got tired of a story and just let it sit for a week or two then decided, hey I want to give this another shot" . 530/2=265 days. 265=7/8 months, so for you to get another free chapter and give that novel another shot you would have to wait 7 months. If you ever start to read a premium novel you have to be ready to spend 80$+ to finish that novel or it would be pointless...
I am not delusional I am just doing maths
OldManDuotian are they new books or ...????
GodBrandy True..I don't spend any money but still can enjoy premium chapter (about 33 free SS is given per day)
They are why not get paid?
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I do not know why they even made such a premium system. Other translators have paid chapters too, but it is paid in a pott, once the pott reached a certain amount another chapter will be made available too ALL. So the community pays so that everyone can read. That is far better than everyone has to pay alot for themself, so that they themself can read.
let us calculate. RTW premium chapter costs 7 stones, you get 50 stones for 1 € (we disregard the bonus for now), that would make 1 chapter at around 14 cent. lets say RTW has around 1 300 readers (i took the amount that rated, so forgive me if it is wrong). lets say 1000 pays for the "premium" chapters that would make 1 chapter get as much as 140 euro!
Lets look at the other system: around 15-20 € for 1 premium chapter everyone can read (yes there are some out there who try to charge more, but not successful)
i would say it is a big difference
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Lomacris You're doing shit cherry picking math first of all.
N0xiety This applies to you as well, wanna tell me to do math but forget to add all those free SS you get each day. How convenient for your argument...
Let's say it is 3710 SS to finish it, hell I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and raise it to 4k. You're missing the free SS given each day in your equation. Your conclusion was that it would take 5 months or $80 worth to finish the novel with me bumping it to 4k which would still cost $80, without any bonuses.
Now lets assume we're getting all 30 days in those 5 months. 30x5 = 150 days. At a minimum, you should be getting around 20 SS each day but ill drop it to 15 for the sake of the argument since you went low with the amount per chapter. 150x15 = 2,250
Lets take 2,250 from 4,000 and we get... 1,750 or $33 worth of SS to finish in the exact same time as someone who flat out buys their SS. But let's say you didn't buy that $33 worth? At 15 SS a day it would take you an extra, 116 days or 4 months to finish the book.
Now, let's take this even further.
What is the Premium Program BETA?
The development of any business model requires constant improvements over time. It is not solely dictated by Webnovel, and it requires all of us to explore and develop the business together. Therefore, we will continue running the Premium Program in a BETA stage. There will be constant optimization to ensure that we do not deviate from the right path—to ensure that all parties receive what they deserve. We also invite all of you to help us in building a better future.
Instead of flipping out and waving the torches, READ. It's a Beta, which means testing, which means shits gonna be adjusted.
You can still get Spirit Stones, which can be used to access premium chapters, by daily check-ins, voting, inviting friends, participating in community events, and even watching video ads on a daily basis (this will be implemented soon).
So on top of getting 2,250 SS in those 5 months it also sounds like they are working on adding MORE ways for people to not pay a dime.
So you tell me, whose being more ridiculous here and needs to chill out with the Qidian are Devils! My Crack is being taken away! And general mob mentality?
Gamblejay You could only barely be able to follow a single novel with daily ss. Anyways i don't think they will be able to keep the free ss model tho. Think about it, there is practically no way to stop people from creating multiple accounts and dedicating each account to a single novel to unlock with ss. What can they do? Ip check every person? IP can be changed in a moment. Cookies? It can be made so that the can't store anything on your cashe. So? How would they stop such a thing? There is no way. If enough ammount of people exploit this, they will be forced to remove daily ss altogether. Oh they have one alternative, that is to make earning ss alot harder than just clicking a few buttons every day. Tho even then a simple script would solve the problem...
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I wonder when the ratings will be updated. I'm seeing a lot of 1-2 start reviews either boycotting or dropping the story altogether. I doubt very highly immortal mortal is going to keep its 4.4 rating.
I've only taken a very brief glance on this topic so I'm not going throw myself in the mud that Lullaby started, but this could potentially turn out to be a very big mistake depending on it's outcome. You can justify a change with well thought out and understandable reasons, but if you bleed away a big chunk of your readers the move is ultimately a failure. It's doubly so if it gives the story a bad reputation.
Gamblejay You are considering people will only follow 1 novel?? That's what's delusional . The majority of the readers follow multiple novels. If 3/4 novels I follow turn premium I will not be able no keep up with the chapters only with the daily SS.
In one reply they gave on a thread (the one complaining about the expiring time on SS I think) they said that free SS are harmful to the community and the content creators as they don't give them any money. So they will most likely gradually decrease the number of free SS we get till we get none
Relying on the free SS is not a stable income influx for readers with multiple novels, so don't think that those 20 will help in any way in the long run
Shameless7kim yes. I can just go and buy and some Japanese, English or Russian or Even Chinese( if they in 3 first languages, yes. There is some kind of them translated and printed out) novels In paper or digital version. Beside each book will contain text about 800 chaps of RTW. And text will not contein "Chinese" repeating the same text about 3-4 time in row. Price for book of this sort from 15 to 30$ in my country, even if I buy some of them from Japan.
Lomacris Again you have enough to follow premium for one and wait for free updates on others. Your entire argument is complaining about not being able to read at the same speed as someone paying.
You are not entitled to these stories, it is not your god given right to be able to read them. It is a privilege that the authors, translators and Qidian are giving you. They don't have to give free ANYTHING, they could just put a price on it all and be done with it. But instead of being thankful for the platform, the translators and the authors you bunch of self entitled brats do shit like downvote their stories because you're throwing a tantrum.
Welcome to the real world kid, where things aren't fair and stuff costs money. I mean where was all the protesting when Immortal gave an extra 20+ chapters ahead for $50 a month on their patreon?
immortal_corrupt Right because at the end of the day, we're still getting free chapters on a daily basis along with new novels on a almost weekly basis. Most people understand that QI has to make a profit for that to continue.
Gamblejay There was no protest in Prateon, because the ones that paid were ahead a fixed amount of chapters that didn't change. In premium the chapters you are behind will just keep growing.
I am not saying they shouldn't be payed. They should, that's their job, but there are much better and much more honest ways to do it. A successful business needs trust from their consumers and if they keep pulling these changes out of their ass without previous warning the trust will be non existent
GodBrandy I'm glad I don’t read any of the novels you translate. I'll now make it a point to never start one.
GodBrandy I was neutral to this whole thing. I'm not new to Qidian but you could say that I'm relatively new. Your behaviour of an arrogant and rude prick made me understand that I'd rather give up on this website and app than pay money to the likes of you. I hope you get diarrhea and while you suffer in pain, you grow a brain and learn to be polite to potential customers.
Lomacris dude what is the problem ? ALL chpaters will come out in due course of time. just read then and it won't cost you a penny. go and look outside and see how many translators are even doing chapter a day.
typical not too bright bulb<sigh>. i was tempted to use juvenile imbecile but won't.
To me it would be better if the free daily chapter was released based on the current chapter you are reading.
Imagine that you have a new premium novel that releases 2 chapters daily, one locked and one free, after 50 days there would be 50 locked chapters and 50 free chapters. Now imagine someone who is only reading the free chapters but at this point the story is getting interesting and decides to spend some money to read the locked chapters, wouldn't be nice if the next day he gets the chapter 101 free and the chapter 102 locked?
Because to me the problem with the premium novels is that there is no middle ground. either you are all in or all out.