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GodBrandy Well I don't think you are purposefully biased this time, I will not comment too much about on discord, will just say we all know how that went down, you shot first and asked questions later not a good police officer imo but hey it was your justified choice.
People can be biased just because they know something, you are a translator who is paid by qidian yes? your interest is to keep money coming in from qidian yes? The way a customer would see it is an employee is defending his job because it will be in jeopardy should anything fall. Now I don't think you are 100% reliant on QI but no one wants to lose a job cause the company fell in, not saying qidian will but you know what I mean. It's just natural that as an inside man you would be seen as biased.
A customer is a customer no matter how small. Customer Service is important, employees at mcdonalds(not saying qidian is mcdonalds just an example) have been fired for less. Though I'm not sure of your intentions, it appeared as though you were being aggressive to potential customers. On the forums where it would seem translators have some say this could be seen as damaging for qidian customer service. I have also been told I appear aggressive, maybe we can learn something from this together (no sarcasm).