Well here is a advice for boys as a girl I must say - boys belive in 'love at first sight' however girls want a love story - an assurance that the person whose proposing to them is trustworthy and won't leave you ever so... basically I would say that if you wanna persuade a girl firstly become friends with her know what she likes and give her the assurance she wants....after that give it a go!!!!!
Love and life advices from fellow authors.
NixxxiE What I love about your philosophy on life, love and happiness is that it finds its way into your writing. You are very philosophical & I love your quotes in the creator’s comments at the end of each chapter. Happiness & gratitude is also linked to mental health & well-being which you also touch on in your stories. You may be a romantic fiction author but you have so many important themes running through your stories which resonate with many readers
Love advice from a married woman: There are always rotten men out there but that does not mean that there is no one who would totally love and care for you. sometimes, you need to get hurt many times before finding the right person for you. for some, it might be superficial to say that God actually puts two people together at the right time and the right place, but it is is real. it happened to me. so do not lose hope. true love will come when you least expected it and most often to the person you never thought you would ever love.
Use your hurt to find yourself and build yourself to become stronger. do not be co-dependent. find your own identity, and do not lose it even in a relationship. if you do have to change, change for the better. not for him but yourself.
love yourself. you deserve it.
Just say hi and introduce yourself. If they are into you you'll know it Don't stalk a girl smiling hoping for a chance to start lame small talk.
True Love is not true at all, everyone is selfish to the end. No matter how much they love you? So don't rush to find your true love. In fact, if you keep searching for her, you'll never find her/him. The only way to get true love is to build it. Share the love with the girl/boy that you are currently with or rather, the girl/boy that deserves your love and attention.
Not everyone deserves that, only those who are true to us, true to their feelings in our hard times, deserve this. And if your girl/boyfriend is one of that, then build true with him/her. Attraction and Love are completely different, you might feel you love her just because of your attraction but when you are in real love, each of her/him will be reflected on you.
You'll find love/hate/ drama/ jealousy/ heartbreaking moment/ all kinds of mixed emotions when you spend time with him/her. And if that really happens, don't hesitate, don't wait, don't shrink yourself, because you have already done enough. It's time to step up and confess to her. You might get rejected, you might succeed, but in the end, never no matter you succeed or not, that is not true love.
That is just the beginning.
When you saw your crush, walk towards her/him.
Life short remember...
Walk towards her and don't fucking give any damn about her. Just walk past her.
Girls tend not to crush back on a boy who loves her dearly.
Life is short don't waste time on someone who deserves no one.
Hahaha! HAHAHA!!!
I would like to give you guys a very good life advice :
In our day to daily life we come across various kind of problems ... may it be mathematics , physics or chemistry ; No ! No ! I am talking about our life's problem !
Here Life's Problem refers to the various kind of problems that we come across in our daily life ... whether it is physical or emotional ! But it's true that each human has to face many problems in his daily life !
As one proverb says that "Beautiful roses also have throngs" just like that problems are also a part of this beautiful life ! Just like roses also have throngs , we also have various kind of problems to deal with !
Most of us usually try to run away from them ... But the truth is that no matter how much we try ... we can never run away from them ! Because they are a part of our life !
So we should start facing them ... Some people fear to face them ! But instead of not trying and have Zero percent of chance , atleast we should give a try ... even if there is One percent of chance , atleast there's a hope of light !
Some of us manage to succeed in tackling them ... but some give up and suicide ! But is it justified to give up and lose one's life only because we couldn't handle a problem ?! Absolutely No !
Because suicide isn't the solution to each and every problem ! Whenever you think that you cannot tackle and bear this problem anymore ... then you should talk about it to with the person whom you trust the most !
Because "Whenever we share our problems with one another we feel less burden and an ease at our heart !" We shouldn't keep everything upto ourselves ... we should learn opening up our heart with others because this is the only way in which we feel good !
One of the most important thing is that "We should never think that we are the only person who faces problem" ... because there are many people who even face the worst sort of problems that we can ever think of !
We cannot even compare our problems with them ! Each of us faces different kind of problems ... but one thing is same that it is we who either decide whether to try it upto the last end or give up !
Problems are nothing but exams ...The only difference is that our teachers conduct our school's exam , similarly in our real life God also conducts exams ! We just have to find the solution to those problems !
This is one thought written by me :-
"No matter there is what kind of problem ,
We should always give it a warm welcome !
We shouldn't be afraid and run away ,
Instead we should face it with confidence and stay !"
It means that no my matter what kind of problem is there , whether it is difficult or easy ... we should always give it a warm welcome as if it is our friend ! We shouldn't be afraid and run away from them ... Instead we should stay there and face it with full of confidence !
As a 26 year old, I think I am too old to talk about love, but I still wanted to write something here, even though I don't have much experience.
I see many couples, I also see lots of breakups, so the conclusion I get for which I will repeat the quote which I once read, that is 'we get the love which we think we deserve.' The way people treat us is a direct reflection of how we treat ourselves. So please fall in love with yourself, with the beautiful, unique person you are.
You might think I am a crazy fan of the law of attraction and all those self-love things, so yes I am, but again I see lots of people who love themselves are more often get the love which they want.
And self-love is not only all the skincare and exercise etc, but it is also dealing with your anxiety and other negative emotions, yet again, negative emotions are also our part, so denying them doesn't help us, so accept them, observe them and learn why are you feeling those, I think this is also self-love.
Maybe we fall for the wrong person though but don't stay in a bad relationship just because we care about society or because of our ego. After all which don't help us grow only stopping us from growing.
There is another point which I learn in these years.
As we write in books, love is indeed a magical feeling, but love is also small things, like sending a good night and good morning message daily even if you are too busy, missing that person when you are happy and sad, wanting to talk with that person daily even if you have many friends. So Love is nothing complex, It is quite a simple feeling, so if you are lucky enough to get that type of love then go ahead, until that love yourself, love your family and friends.
And for life advice, I will say, drink lots of water with lemon, be happy, take your vitamins, show kindness, save money, and don't watch too much news, also do decision detox, social media detox once a month. These are the only things that I know and follow.
Take care of your beautiful body and beautiful soul.
Have a wonderful day.
@Legion20. Hi, I’m sorry there was no way to make this private. Was the only way to contact you.
I am someone going through similar troubles as Lith. I can’t love due to fear of the pain and I would rather be an orphan than have family. I don’t know why. Felt like that even when I was a kid.
Now it has evolved to the point of murderous thoughts towards my family, suicide, unable to make friends and never being in a relationship. I run away from the world so much that I don’t care what happens to me or anyone around me. I just want to find a way to be alone in this world.
I am not trying to sound sympathetic nor do I need compassion, advice about treasuring life, or insults.
I am currently on chapter 235 of your novel. It is the best novel I have ever read. I really do not understand how you were brilliant enough to write this. I am in awe.
I see I still have over 1000 chapters to go but I cannot bring myself to continue. Every fiber of my being is rejecting Lith’s current growth into being accepting of love and family. I simply cannot stand his ideology changing because I share them and although I have not even gone through 1/1000000th of the pain he went through, and I wish he finds peace with himself, I just cannot be happy for him. To me he has the justification, but I don’t. Sometimes I feel like a sociopath but I also know I am somewhat kind.
Anyway, I hope you can help me. I want to be able to enjoy life. Unlike him, I do not even have the will to fight for what I want. When ever I try to go out and live, I end up running back and dig a deeper hole. Rinse and repeat, for over 10 years. I lock myself up for months until I am able to convince myself to try again, only to come back and decide its not worth it.
I don’t know what I am expecting from you. But since I found some part of myself in Lith, I believe you are the only person I have met, who has some kind of understanding as to my feelings. So I wanted to reach out.
I really want to continue your novel but I always find myself stopping novels when the MC seems to have become “human” and found trust in others other than immediate family.
Thank you for such a lovely book.
angelloyd11 If you were one of my patients, I'd say that you have to understand, first and foremost, why you have lost trust in humanity, your families, and the people around you.
And since you can't possibly do it on your own, a professional can help.
There will be nujudgement here. But since you want to be able to enjoy life, you need to be able to shed the fear. And as long as your mind didn't integreate why it is closed to the world, you cannot break the shell that traps you.
Phytotherapy could help you somewhat, but I think most of the journey will have to be done with courage, and someone to guide you.
I wish you all the best !
AmrutaShinde95 Law of attraction is actually a thing, if we understand how it works.
The choice of a companion is fone according to our own psychology. Our own 'structures'. If we feel like we are unworthy, we will chose someone who thinks the same.
It's pretty simple really, but it means working ona subconscious level. Once you see your worthiness, the others can see it too.
So I heartlily agree with @angelloyd11.
I recall this boy that was an acquaintance in college. I think today we’d call him borderline autistic but back then we just called him a mathematics major. He told me once he calculated the relative “hit rate” when guys he knew would hit on girls at party at something like 3-4% so his solution was pretty simple, at a party he would go up and hit on 20 or so girls. He got shot down ALMOST every time (including by myself), even got drinks thrown in his face but at the same time he did go home with a fair number of girls over the years.
Perhaps don’t take things to his extent but my advice is don’t sweat bein shot down.
This is so important. Don't forget to show love to people around you.
I recently lost a cousin to suicide.
ash_knight17 Thanks my deaest author. That was inspiring.
- Edited
Great advice. Had me cracking up during some sections. I thoroughly enjoyed reading.
Ahhh Love, to be honest I don't think anyone will ever truly understand the damn thing. Take it from a soon to be father, you don't always get it right. Men are usually driven by their 'Ideal Type' more often than not we project what we want on what we have and that has caused a shit ton of fights with my fiance and I.
But women! Oh Lord that's a puzzle I'm still trying to figure out. Pikolek gave great advice... At least for those who are still single, but trust me getting the girl is not the end, it's the beginning of a bloody war that you can't help but love or hate every moment of.
Women expect you to know everything (news flash all you awesome beautiful ladies! We fucking don't! We're men, authors or not we're still idiots cut us some slack.)
They don't like it when you change, especially if it affects them. But no one else would want to mold man in their perfect image than a woman, God probably learnt from them.
Everyday for a man is a test. You have to start figuring out new ways to impress, joke, act, kiss or have sex just to make your relationship fresh. In retrospect, and in a romantic way.... You have to make sure she falls in love with you all over again, every day for as long as you guys are together. Sometimes it's not enough but don't be a coward and love halfway. You'd regret it, even if you get hurt.
Now LADIES! I've seen this problem in a lot of you and in a bunch of GUYS too but .... A Relationship is not FUCKING AUTOMATIC! You both have to out effort and meet each other halfway. Girls can't just sit back and always expect the man to do the romantic stuff, that's just UNFAIR! Ladies you date or marry us, it means we're your overgrown babieswe also need some loving!
I remember one time my Empress spent the whole day doing weird and extremely romantic gestures for me. (I blame the pregnancy! Women are freaky when they're pregnant, downright scary too) but I remember and cherish those moments forever, cause she showed she could love and take care of me just as hard as I could for her.
Now there are a bunch of stuff to be said, more exposition into this conudrum that is love. But just like Pikolek said... I'd probably do a part 2 if I can stop being lazy and get off my ass.
From yours truly: Anone!
Author of: Necron: The Legend of Rezar Deathwind, Asd: A Werelion's Journey To Arcane Supremacy, Kael Cor: A Vampire's Awakening, The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer And The Heir, Wudang: Legends Of Qi Earth
Here's something for yall looking for love:
Be patient and I'm not talking about waiting for the right one. If you find someone, who seems to feelings for ya', give both of you some time before jumping into a relationship. People can rush these kinds of stuff, just because it makes them feel safe.
In reality, rushing into a relationship is one of the worst things you can do. Wait for her to open up, look out for red flags and when a certain amount of time passes, only then should ya' jump into something serious.
I'm not trying to say you shouldn't date gals and maybe even get physical, just watch out for yourself.
Good luck, dudoz:3
here i am laughing because wow, this is actually a thing, and yet here we are, alone. mind blown