Cantiara I actually got a reply from the official account once

They reply in 2-3 business days depending on how busy they are.
I get support emails from Webnovel as well, mostly related to transactions.

    i hate how some chapter require a fast pass and coins to unlock.

      Still don't like that it takes 334 weeks of reading 960 min a week to earn a 20k store item.... That's if you don't read any novels that don't reward you points for reading. (like a good 95% of their books....)

      Not to mention that once the vouchers expire all the chapters that you have read are locked back again.
      This doesn't include chapters that you paid in coins like the discount vouchers. they are unlocked forever. So which one is better?

      1) Free X-days Site-Wide Vouchers
      2) Discount Vouchers

      I also notice they added Fast pass vouchers
      Also the other one confirmed by CKtalon, Is redeemable only once per users.

        No entiendo por que sacaron los coins ahora me cuesta más seguir leyendo estoy pensando en eliminar la app ☹️

        i cant still understand how to use that fast pass. also this is fis appointing. at least add another way of earning points other than friend invitation and buying. this sucks.. really

        i cant still understand how to use that fast pass. also this is disappointing. at least add another way of earning points other than friend invitation and buying. this sucks.. really

          sj5127 This should help


          This is a locked Chapter Use the fast pass to unlock it by pressing the Use button
          You can also see the Auto-Unlock feature that unlocks for you automatically when ever you scroll down to a new chapter. It first uses Fast pass > Coins


          That depends on what you are asking

          1) Transaction of bought coins
          2) Receiving Reading rewards.

          This post is made for answering any question related to the update

            Would it be weird if they made a Forum rank named Thecheese that would be interesting... and weird :thinking:

            Honestly the point system is a serious downer. Doesn't make me feel a single bit of motivation to realise that reading 41 chapters of an original novel rewards me with only 10 points. I know it's based on the time spent reading but do I have to slow my own pace?

              Well if you really want points. But in my humble opinion just read as you normally do it adds up without you noticing about it also it resets in a week. For me I already reached 240 mins so I spent 2 hours reading my comics. Yea I only read comics, unless the novels are good maybe I would read them. Maybe

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