This is NOT a review swap. You don’t have to give me a review or anything else.

You can if you want, but please don’t give me a review actually unless you’re going to be serious about constructive feedback (I’m only interested in reviews for Canaan anyway, but I stopped uploading that novel on Webnovel). Also, giving me a review is NOT going to increase the chances of me doing the same or bribe me to give you a 5 star. I’ll do what I feel like and have the time for.

    Veronica8 Kitty, I’ve already read more than a chapter of TMS lol, I just haven’t gotten around to giving a review after reading more. 😇 I already think it’s well done, but if you’re interested in stricter advice like me pretending to be an expert xD then I can do that too.

      Chryiss I do not need a review, I already understood what needs to be changed, but I have two questions. Can I ask you here or not? Questions are related to my novel.


        Chryiss Haha you've been lurking the book like Rak0 lurks the forums.😆

        It's all good then. No worries. Your post here is good enough feedback.

        Chryiss 1. How do I know when to finish a story?
        2. How to end a story, how to end it? Leave understatement? So that you can then write, for example, a second story, a second season?


        1. Is it worth rewriting the story, deleting the unnecessary, subtracting it when it is already written, and publishing the corrected version again? Since oh English is not good enough yet, I will use software engine editing. or start immediately writing a second story?
        2. Could there be a romantic line in the novel, but which does not end in the end?


          Gourmet_DAO Good questions! These are my thoughts:

          1 and 2)
          Since they sort of overlapped—when to finish/end a story is up to you. I made all of mine with a set ending and the middle parts being up in the air. For writing a story without a set ending in place already, it can be unclear estimating how long it’ll take since you may get new ideas along the way which prolongs the story to the eventual end.

          If you do get new ideas, make sure that they’re beneficial and substantial to the plot in some way. I’m presuming you’re not going to make a web serial that’s long and goes on for hundreds up to thousands of chapter long—in which case, none of this advice would be necessary haha!

          You should already have an idea of what the MC’s end goal is and how the conflicts build up to some conclusion which either completes his ultimate goal or destroys it. Perhaps the MC comes to a great roadblock without reaching his goal, and then this would call for a second volume.

          Making a second book might actually be easier sometimes because you can almost arbitrarily cut off the first book when it becomes long enough (200-400+ book pages), and end it on some big cliffhanger. But in the case that you end it as if it were a standalone book, and wonder whether it can be continued in a second book, that depends on your own eagerness and ability to conceive of new challenges for the MC or perhaps a new MC in the same world. You can also let these ideas come to you as inspiration over time. But if you can’t think of anything in a year or two after say, publishing the first book, then I’d say move on because readers don’t like digging up old stories after they stopped for a long time. Take a look at Harry Potter with JK adding more stuff many years after the end of the series—not everyone liked that.

          YES! Do rewrite and review your story after completion! Especially if you’re thinking of traditionally publishing it. Right after completion, I can say with 100% certainty that there’s room for improvement. Even while I write my story, I think of ways earlier parts can be improved, but in order to finish writing, I don’t rewrite right away. I keep these ideas and will go back and tackle them at the end of the written story. You can keep a similar log. But by simply rereading your story from start to finish, it’s highly likely that your mind will think of things you can change because after all that time writing, your mind sees the content as newer. Do you can spot things more easily. This is the same concept that goes behind letting something sit for a while and going back later to try to catch writing errors. You can do this for proofreading and editing.

          If you’re not completely confident enough in your English, and even if you are, I recommend getting a complete look-over from someone who is well versed in English grammar and writing. Again, if you’re serious about publishing this, i.e. sending to a literary agent, then you might have to pay for these services, but it’s well worth it to be professional. You can also find beta readers who can be very helpful too.

          Use grammar-check software if you wish, perhaps as a first editing round on correct English, but don’t rely on them. They can’t evaluate your writing on a story-level and whether it’s optimized on an engaging and compelling degree.

          4.) Totally! Some people don’t like open endings, but they can be quite artfully done. Especially with romance, they can tug on your heartstrings. It may also be a good lead into another story.

            Please review my story ... I'm a newbie author starting out so I badly needed some honest opinions and reviews

            Here are my novels:

            •Two-Faced Duchess

            •I Can't Love You Yet

            •Tu Me Manques ( I Miss You )

            Hoping for Ms. Chryiss honest review and opinion

              1 and 2) I think to finish the first book in 5-10-15 chapters.
              And the second may be chapters 50-60. Only part about urban underground tunnels and antiques in flea markets, well, from the strength of chapters 80.

              Yes, I did. to connect all novels in a single line the story of Dara (spin-offs, sequel, prequel, etc.). That is, the beginning of history in the 7th century AD ... and then different events, different people, different hobbies ... but in this or that book, there is information about the whole novel. Rather, it is even a storybook than a novel.

              That is, new challenges, threats, goals? This is extremely entertaining! Understood how the original Star Trek and new series in almost 50 years ?! We have chapters. the special traveled to Green Card to Canada, and gave me 16 volumes of Star Trek, I read, it was interesting :) but then my beginning. Department said that the book was written by a computer, and I regretted the time spent :( But on the other hand, the Klingon Empire, the Romulanders, the Vulcans, are also a curious world.

              3.) Got it! That is, I can cut off entire paragraphs, paragraphs, and even chapters, if it seems to me superfluous? To improve? That is, to make the characters more alive? That is, all ideas need to be written down? I am tormented by numbers, a lot of facts, I'm afraid to drop them, since there is interesting information? How can I keep a balance between facts, figures and so that it is not too boring?

              Well left, only make money on the editor ?! We measure 1000 words, not pages, or signs, somewhere around 1 dollar, + - 5-10 cents. It is interesting in an English-speaking environment, what are the prices?

              It's a pity! It’s like the 21st century, and the programs still cannot help with editing. Alas, while English is not so good. Well, I will again remember the English grammar from the university. But all the same, as a native speaker you won’t know the grammar. Well, on the other hand, this is useful, probably for improving the text block.

              4.) I think I understand, I'll try to do it!

              Thank you so much for giving me your time and sharing valuable tips! I will think! Respect!

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