SrtaA You are so very welcome!
First, take all my words as light advice and not gospel! I haven't read the whole story (or in your case, chapter 2), so my advice is purely for that first chapter in isolation. The fact that you talk about what happened two nights ago in the very next chapter is perfect! That's all I wanted, just to know that we'll get to the bottom of that mystery early on. I'm completely pro starting mid-action--great instinct on that!
Also, I have a very similar problem with vocabulary, which is the only reason I pointed it out. I get called out all the time for words I think are completely standard vocab terms that everyone knows...only to find out that apparently no one knows them, and I'm a lit freak, haha. Always be true to yourself as much as possible, but try to temper that with being true to the specific readership you're trying to engage. You don't want to alienate your readers by making them confused or making them feel like your story is out of their league, simply because they don't have the background to understand the language. (Again, I'm telling you this, but it's definitely something I need to keep in mind myself, and I often struggle with it!)
And as for the "avoid saying things directly" cultural norm, it's definitely very prevalent throughout the world, but yes, it doesn't translate well in English. The English vocabulary is vast and colorful, and we sure love our adjectives and adverbs and modifying phrases, but plot is driven by movement. When we talk around that movement, we lose our focus and the plot becomes muddled. It's a difficult writing style to overcome, but you're on the right path, and I know you're talented enough to write impactful, engaging stories!
Keep up the awesome work, and good luck!