Imagine yourself as a first time writer. You're writing here in web novel, without any expectations of popularity nor attention. You're just writing for the sake of writing, you're writing because you love writing and nothing else. But then suddenly, one day...
You were bestowed upon a contract and you thought, "Why not?" Since I am having fun anyway, why not try to earn money with my fun? That's two birds in one stone!
And so, you signed the web novel contract, received a feature and suddenly got... an influx of readers?!
Furthermore, these readers, most of them may be silent with only a few of them talking. But those few are readers who are proactive in asking questions about your novel! Some of them are praising you, some of them are complaining about the general direction of the novel, and suddenly...
You are now under immense pressure! This is the first time that you got so much attention from writing! You don't know what to do! But then... Your defensive mechanisms activate and you chose to... what?
Well, you chose to detach yourself from your reader base. You know that doing this is bad since this makes your readers feel hurt, but do you really have any choice?
Do you really have any choice when a single negative review, remark, or comment makes you feel like you're getting stabbed by a thousand needle and step on a lego at the same time?
There's a well-known adage that it is impossible to please everyone, but you are someone that's easily demotivated by a negative review? But why? is it because you're a first-time writer that's trying so hard to please everyone that you're now changing the general direction of the novel according to the whims of the readers instead of yours, the writer?
Yes it is!
Now, what used to be a fun activity for you has now become cumbersome and tedious. Furthermore, since you detached yourself from your readers and writing is now a boring chore to you instead of being a fun activity.
The readers who are reading your novel will eventually notice that the story is getting quite cumbersome to read. I mean, if an author doesn't have fun writing the story that he's telling everyone. Why would a reader have fun when the author himself doesn't have fun writing it?
In the end, not only your readers lost interest at you, but you also lost interest in your writing and then?
It's game over...
Another talented, ambitious, and hot-headed first-time author has fallen...
The lesson here is that I want you, a reader, to understand that an author, once he/she gets sufficiently popular will eventually detach herself/himself away from the reader base. You shouldn't be offended by this change, because first... Since he or she is popular, she now has several dozens of readers that may comment at once.
Replying to them will definitely take time and it is also a gamble since one of those comments may be a negative one, dealing huge damage against the writer's fragile heart. Second, the author may be forced to change the direction of the story for the sake of the reader's satisfaction, which is something not really bad, to be honest.
It only becomes bad when the author gets forced to write something he does not want to write just so he could maintain his popularity and earn more than peanuts per day.
This is why you shouldn't be mad at the author for not interacting with you...
But sure, there's a caveat. If you're a new author that's still not relatively popular yet, or you can handle answering to each comment without getting unmotivated. Then sure! Feel free to interact with your readers, interaction is healthy for us humans anyway...
But my point is... Please don't be mad if an author doesn't interact with you frequently...
He's trying his best, you see...