Recently, I find myself being wary of starting a book, only to have it dropped for flimsy reasons like the translator cannot waste time because he’s there to make money or Webnovel cancelling it without considering us.
Why start in the first place if you don’t plan to continue?
Chinese like calling Americans capitalistic but at least with Western novels, I pay once for a book and read it from start to finish. The have rules and laws that protect consumers.
Who else no longer reads confidently because you’re not sure if the book will be dropped after spending months/years and money reading it?
Dead books after investing time and money
read originals maybe... If they have more than 100 chapters the author will most likely continue even if he earns only a few dollars....
Yeah, I'm an original writer, I finished two books in this site not even able to earn earning peanuts actually but I completed the books because I care about my readers no matter how small they are. I want to give them a satisfying ending and not keep them hanging...there you go.
I find this problem huge with the Trial Reads. While the coins get refunded, it is the anticipation and thirst for more story development that is toyed with and trampled upon. It's really sad how the core principle of reading, which is the adrenaline from character and story development, is forgotten on this site. Now, I don't even dare to try out new novel without it getting into the voting pool first.
then again, the books which get chosen is overly cliche and tend to get dropped by many readers quickly. Following which, WN also drops it before it even gets close to the ending. Maybe, WN should look into positioning this not so favourable way of voting, and introduce more niche and uncommon books to diversify what the platform has to offer.
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Bhy85 If you don't mind originals in the mix. Most of these are properly completed stories. If they're not, you can easily see that they aren't.
Bhy85 Honestly, if I were you I would switch to originals. (
long time no chat. Glad to see an old user on this site still around).
I don't read many translations now, only 3-4. I switched to originals because I was getting fed up with the same plot lines with translations.
I can recommend you a lot of good original books
Don't touch translations under 100 chapters and those that don't update regularly?
Bhy85 Uhm, if I was you, before I start reading a translating novel, I'll check if it is already completed or on hiatus or dropped by the author (cuz a lot of novels on webnovel are in this situation) and I'd wait at least they have 500 chapters (cuz webnovel drops a lot of novels if they think they don't sell enough).
Actually original novels are a lot more safe for readers, cuz original authors can decide themselves whether to keep going or not (even if they don't earn enough) and there are many original writers that really care about their readers.
Brian101 If there aren't regular updates, just leave it, imo. These novels risk of being dropped and you'd waste a lot of money for nothing (you would never read the end of the novel).
Lizabelle88 I like your attitude! As you are an original writer, can you please explain to me why are there some novels who the writer doesn't update a long time ago, no explanation either for the author or Webnovel? I am on this site mostly for translations of some books, but I decided to "try" reading some original novels for the past year.
The three of them I am reading, or was reading, one is not updating for almost 8 months ago, the second one update sometimes, but as I know the author of the second one is writing another novel at the same time. But I am not reading a second one from this author if I don't finish the first one. Well, and the third one I am reading, I have to say is very dedicated.
Sadly, I don't think so I will support more original novels...or is me who picked the wrong ones? And there are a good ones out there, but I feel disappointed. Instead of, the translations I am supporting are on a regular schedule, so no complaints at all.
I know you probably don't earn a lot of money doing this, but I imagine you do because you enjoy it, as we enjoy reading you! By the way, what are the names of the original novels you wrote?
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Most counts, originals are a hobby. So there's no mandatory reason to finish such as having a contract to satisfy.
Unless the writer is passionate to finish the story, it's less likely to see an end. As It tends to be the last thing tackled amongst real life needs and duties. Writing isn't a job, which pays bills. But it takes just as much focus and effort to complete a book.
For me all I've earned here is $5, but I'll never see this earning physically. But that wasn't the reason for me to finish my story. Finished my story I did to the point I was tired of editing it 4000 times, so I don't look at it anymore.
I'm sure a lot of contract authors who don't go MGS or Premium have other reasons for going contracted, predominately tied in to finishing a story.
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Here are some reason why some original author can no longer continue writing their novel...
1.) Family member encounter a death situation.
2.) The author suddenly died.
3.) Got heartbroken.
4.) The author is sickly. (Repetitive sickness)
5.) The author encounter mental block.
6.) Earning little on the novel, got discouraged and stopped updating.
7.) Win a lottery draw and kiss writing novel goodbye. (my wish...hahahaha...just kidding.)
8.) Author wake up in the morning and realized that writing is no longer exciting and become boring, tiring and time consuming task to endure...not rewarding...kiss novel goodbye!
9.) Frustrated writer.
10.) Lacking of support and resources...all kinds of against writing...PC broke down, no money for food to eat...need to find another stable job...and so on...
****So many reasons to drop a novel...only the author know why.
My novel is for adults need to share here....hahahaha...just kidding!
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@Lizabelle88 I wish #7 will happen to me, #1 is the reason I began writing. #3,4,5,6,8,9,10 is what I go through occasionally. #2 is more of emotional death
for me. Your post speaks what authors may encounter while writing ^ so moved ^
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Hahaha...I wish you luck, start buying lotto tickets!
Hahaha...if you win don't forget about me! just kidding!
I bought lotto tickets for three reasons...( I would rather buy three to four lotto tickets per month than buy McDonald meal...why? read on...)
1.) Percentage of Lotto proceeds can help fund government programs benefiting masses in my country.
2.) My small money can help several person become instant millionaire...if I can't become one in this lifetime, at least I help other people become millionaire with my tiny donation. Those winners are living my dreams.
3.) If by stroke of luck I won one major jackpot...then lucky me...! hahahaha
Lizabelle88 Ouch!
I am a frustrated writer! XD
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casagui I started writing to help with my dyslexia. Sometimes what I had in my mind doesn't get translated into text, or it got translated wrongly. Anyways, I started it as a hobby for self improvement. I'm no under obligation to update daily, but someone from webnovel reached out to me and offered me a contract. I still put on my terms. Money is not what I seek. I stated out, I can only do this much 12-15k words a month because of my lifestyle. If it's okay, I'll sign the contract, if not, I can't. Because they can terminate you or hire someone else to continue your novel in the case you can't meet the contract agreements. Because of that, I do update monthly, but if I hadn't signed the contract, I would write on my own terms only. I think some of us writers because it's what we like to do with the little free time we have. I got to say, as a full-time career woman and also running a business on the side, writing is only for the fleeting moments I do have to myself as I don't like watching movies, t.vs to pass time. I write because I do have a story to tell, I don't care how. So if my story gets heard, it's all cool. Maybe it was different for some other writers but that was my reason for writing.
XOMatsumaeohana I agree with you specially tire do ceos romance stories and cultivation stories. Same plotline and nothing new. I was excited for the Universe Bank but it's sucks. Now just reading oasis land trial and originals ones.
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Hello guys how about trying the novel "Chrysalis". it's an original with more than 500 chapter, and it's around top 20 in novel ranking.
Lizabelle88 Most of the reasons you have mentioned to drop an original novel are legitimate. I really respect the time and the effort all the new writers out there put into writing a novel. Life is busy, and you are not writing for a living here, I totally understand. However, as a reader who not only unlocks the chapters with money but enjoys reading good plots, it is frustrating to support a novel that doesn't have an ending.
So far, if I decide to support an original novel in the future, I will ensure that it is completed. I am welcome to listen to some recommendations. But playing safe here and spending my money wisely, translations are coming first. Thank your comments though, they are very good!!!