I never remember writing anything in support of sexist comments. We can agree that we don’t like to read that type of stuff along with other topics that I have seen people complain about in novels. Anything I write will not promote these types of things. However, if this is a website that has translations from Chinese authors, their culture and ideas will be in the book even if I don’t like them.
I’m not “supporting” that, it’s just a fact. The author is the one who gets to choose how he/she talks about these themes not the reader. The reader can only choose to not read (and hopefully not pay for) work from an author that writes things they don’t agree with.
As for the unwritten question of why the program black lists emojis and not sexism, racism, or anything else we agree is not an appropriate topic that we want to promote, how would you write a program for that? Programs follow hard, unbending rules. If you tell the program to blacklist a key word like “sexism” or some vulgar word that is demeaning to women, then it flags that word and nothing else.
In other words, it wouldn’t search for instances of sexism and flag that. Only the word would be flagged. It would also be flagged regardless of how it is used. “Sexism is bad” and “sexism is good” would both get your post/novel blacklisted. Keywords can be tricky because they don’t account for tone and how words are used.
What you are after is more moderators and a working report system. While I agree, this seems like a separate issue. Unless, of course, you have a simple program that you can run to detect sexist undertones in writing? If so, please share your invention with websites like this one.
Back to emojis or pictures adding to the story: I never said they didn’t. My point was that there are ways to use words to convey the same meaning. If you read my post, you will find that I used the analogy of a picture book. Both a picture book and regular text-based book can tell the same story in different ways. If one way doesn’t work, you can still use the other.
To use another analogy, this is like us arguing over if biking or driving a car to work (or school) is better. You say driving is better because it gets you there faster, easier, and With the comfort of air conditioning. None of that is wrong, but I can still say that biking is healthier because it gives you more exercise. Fresh air might also be a benefit to the bike for me. Bottom line is that we both get to where we want to go in a way that we like.
Now, if there is a bicycle race, don’t try to enter with your car! You can argue that the car will complete the course faster, but the people running the race still aren’t going to allow it. Using a car rather than a bike is against the rules of their race. If you want prize money, figure out how to ride the bike.
If you missed it, the bike is a story with only words, and the car is a story with emojis. It’s a crude example, but it demonstrates what I’m trying to say.