Oxy i never see translator in qidian ever mass release, except when that novel become premium for the first time.
i only pay 10$ for netflix and i can watch all i want for 1 month in my country, but i need to pay much much more to read novels here dude, are you crazy?
I already told you, i want to help translator and author too, i can even pay 10$/month if qidian really make this happen, but i want to read all the chapters for free, not like this. I have 12 novels in my library right now, can you imagine how much i must pay to keep reading the latest chapters if all 12 become premium? (this will become reality soon or later)
The only way for me is only reading 1-2 novels and paid hundreds of dollars to read the others
or i can go to piracy site and read all i want
So, basically qidian make the readers go away, even for readers like me who can afford to pay.
because this system is really really really expensive if you are a hardcore reader like me (have more than 10 novels in library).
Do You know what will happen with novels that not too popular? no one will bother to read them because we must make a choice if many more novels will become premium in the future.
We don't really got impacted for now, because only 1 premium novel in my library right now (library of heaven path), but the situation will become uglier in the future
And for your information, i live in South East Asia (Indonesia), 10$ a month is expensive for most people here, because average income/month in my country is only $450.
So, this system is really broken for me, and i will keep reading here as long as i can, when more novels in my library become premium, then good by forever, i can still read on another site