Useless but not so useless super powers
Kronoos that could work too.
Both would grant the character different strengths tho.
Through mine a character could hide.
Through yours a character could do things more sneakily.
Mine would also allow sneaky actions, but limited by the characters skill at doing them with their eyes closed and breath held.
Yours would also allow hiding, but if someone looked in the character's direction they'd be seen.
So essentially they are two different types of invisibilities. Both useless yet useful all the same.
lynerparel actually this one is really useful. Also really logical. MC can get out of any issue with enough time to think.
Create airless dome around you, but its around your head and only covers your head.
(Actually this could save you in space....)
immortality but only works after becoming age of 65.
ERROR404PAGENULL0 Don't you mean air dome? I'll stick with airdome. Aside from saving you in space, it can also save you from assassination attempts. Since assassin's need to be quick in their killing, they usually aim for the head. So with an airdome around your head, you can deflect throwing weapons. Also, you can breath underwater! It's useless'nt indeed.
- Edited
The ability to erase typos but not control when it happens.
Every time you hic up there's an electrical outage in a mile radius.
Every time your scared candy pops into existence that may or may not of been in the process of being eaten.
You have a hairstreak that acts as a personal mood ring by changing colors depending on your feelings, no dye doesn't cover it since it lights up as well.
The ability to scratch an itch with a thought, does not have to be your own buuuut boy does it creep people out if you itch theirs.
You find "lost" items no one living or dead cares about. Yup no treasure hunting for you but you got a pretty darn good button collection.
If you lick some one, your saliva is like tiger balm. Poor mom didn't like breast feeding you. No kissing, blow jobs or eating a woman out. However very high quality menthol pain relieving properties but you can't bottle it or mix it with stuff, must be striaght from your mouth to the affected area.
Exactly what kind of power are you looking for? Humorous, serious, deadly, annoying, not helpful, rarely helpful, mean, kind, a life hurdle, only works on a certian type (animal, human, plant, objects, aliens in space), self defeating, only good for others or your self, awe inspiring but so brief, long lasting affect or short, physical, mental, spiritual, environmental?
Extreme senses to the point that you canβt process anything.
The ability to fly, but you get severe diarrhea
Dalton_Reutlinger Imagine flying and the diarrhea starts flowing out
PrincessDustbunny Humurous because I want my MC to have a fake persona. Everyone would think he's this omnipotent god who could end a battle with a mere punch, but in truth, he calculated everything in the fight just to defeat his enemy with his Super Strength that only lasts for a fraction of a second. While everyone is at awe, my MC would be resting since he fried his brain by over calculating every fight.
VinixxVidixxVici This is pretty good if the protagonist can control it in a whim. Otherwise it would just slowly sap his sanity.
Dalton_Reutlinger So this guy, basically.
The ability to never get intoxicated, but alcohol tastes and smells like puppy poo
Dalton_Reutlinger Why would I want to drink alcohol but not want to get toxicated ?
Krizantem You avoid the migraine later on.
ability to remain awake but only works when tired.
darkneblade Well if that isn't me already
Ability to open any door but only if the door is unlocked.