Lullabybao just like you and SrtaA said, Slice of life,horror and war is hard to write. Not only for the detailed information and explanations, also for the way you interpret movement and actions, also technology to make the readers understand how the world or the situation work inside the novel.

But, people can practice and improve everyday. You don't write something that you don't like to read. You write something that you like to read. It's still hard, but writing what you don't like is harder.

Everything isn't easy to write for me. I figuratively spew my guts out on anything I tackle. I write into a lot of genres, but neither are successes for me. If I have to pick one ugly beast, it's historical fiction. Doing my WW2 recount almost killed my sanity.

    I absolutely love historical settings and I feel your pain because I also wrote a 'historical' novel.
    The author must decide whether he will try to be as faithful as possible to historical facts, events, customs, mindset, etc, or will write a historical novel bending it to fit our contemporary expectations.
    As for me, I decided not to be so faithful to all I learned from the period I tried to depict, because it would spoil the plot.
    It happens with most of the movies and books said as 'historical', because the (most of the) audience wouldn't enjoy a more accurate depiction of past eras morals and visuals.
    So, yes, it takes a lot of time learning about the period, and them, a lot of time trying to make coherent characters that may fit this said period and also, not to be mistankenly disgusting for a XXI Century reader.

    Any genre can be can be pretty hard write, especially if you’re new and you’ve never written in the (genre) department before.
    In my opinion, it would be anything that has to do with trying to make the reader feel tense, nervous, or terrified (as in horror or thriller). As a thriller writer, I have to work hard to make sure that I instill those emotions with just black letters while at the same time not trying to make whatever happens next predictable or cliché... ( sighs )

    For me it would simply be 'The less I enjoy it, the harder it would be to write.'

    If I don't enjoy something in the first place, how on earth could I make it good? I wouldn't have any gague to work on. I'd just be blindly putting words on paper and hoping people like it. When I write, I try to write something I enjoy, because if I enjoy it, then it's at least good in one aspect.

    For example, as a heterosexual male, BL would simply be impossible for me to write. It simply wouldn't make sense for me to write such a thing. I would never enjoy it, thus how could I make it so others would?

    Action to me is the hardest especially if you have to picture a fight in your head to make it work like if you were writing a wrestling match for WWE.

    I think the hardest genre to write for is the one a writer is the least knowledgeable of or least interested in. In both cases is very hard to get a proper flow of creativity to spark. While the former can be fixed with research the latter is more a question of individual motivation, its very hard to stay focused on a topic you really don't give a flying flaming rats ass about.

    As many people have said, it depends on the authors preferences. In general, writing anything well is hard. There is a lot that should be consistent and tracked in any genre, so authors should write what they are motivated to write, and on topics that they already know about or like to learn about.

    I haven’t written every genre, but I find romance, action, and horror very hard to write. They require a very specific pace, mood, and level of detail to be written well. I have not mastered any of these. Horror is also a genre that is particularly bad when not done well.

    Fantasy seems to have a built in problem for a lot of authors who think that logic no longer applies. I ran into this a lot as well when I first started. Having a fantasy novel doesn’t mean you can do “anything” because people still expect the story to make logical sense at some point. For example, if your character can fly, then him being stopped by a tall fence no longer makes sense. A reader will comment “Why didn’t they fly over it?”

    Sci fi is fun for me. I’m trying to write “hard” (or very realistic) sci fi, which takes a long time to research. It’s fun, but it’s also more tedious. Having to write slower sometimes kills the motivation to write, especially if the book is supposed to be very long.

    I consider difficulty in terms of time it takes to write a set amount of quality words. Comedy is easy for me, I can do it with a flick of a sleeve. What I found the most demanding to write is battles of wits. Good twists take a long time to think of. I wrote a poker novel and even as an expert, it wasn't easy thinking of arcs to make people interested.

    Another type of story that consumes a lot of time is one that requires extensive research. I wrote a novel about gods and doing research on all the gods from various cultures took a very long time.

    Talking about which genre is the hardest will differ based on personal preferences. After all, it'll depends on which genre the author interested in.
    For example, for myself, I found writing romance harder rather than action despite writing with female lead. (Which is the reason the novel I wrote usually quite different than what most people would have interest in). And there are a few genres I know I'll never dip my hand into such as horror because it's not my cup of tea.

    And after trying a few different genres (modern, contemporary romance, historical, Eastern Fantasy), so far I found myself enjoying writing history the most despite the fact that it's hard because need lots of research and all. Writing romance is quite torturing for me as it's not easy making the relationship progress well and so on... For eastern Fantasy, while it might not need a lot of research, the extensive world can be quite demanding because I need to make sure the concept of the world and the fights can be understood and followed well by the readers.

    In short, all genre had it's difficulties 😂 and depending on the author him/herself, it'll be different. (Those diffculties I mentioned above might only apply for me or can be for other authors too since I don't know).

    Though, I personally still interested to try several other genres as well that I took interest in 😝 to see how well I'll fare. (When I have time)

    Well, I can't write anything other than action, comedy, fantasy. I can't write or bear to read romance, slice of life etc lol.

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