No. Non-binary means the person does not fit in the spectrum of female and male (masculine and feminine) identities. (It refers back to third gender or two-spirit (Indigenous term) during the old times). They are not inside the gender norms.
I’m terrible at explaining. But some non-binary people use they/them pronouns because being called she/her or he/him in not comfortable for some since they do not identify as either or they identify with both masculine and feminine identities.
Think in the way of androgyny.
It is also an umbrella term for agender (having no specific gender. Think of venom (he is an alien with no definite gender, his gender is who ever has him, and he can get pregnant; it is in the comics. I use he/him pronouns for him cause of who has him) from Marvel), gender fluid (moving between male and female; think of Loki from Marvel because he can shape-shift into a female), bigender (identify with both male and female identities), etc.

    RJMidnight Yeah that is silly. Once again mostly Americans made it big. I mean obviously, there are 2 biological genders. Loki is different in fantasy because he actually changes unlike in real life.

      I disagree with you but that is your opinion and it is not my job to to change it or anything. (And ah yes, let’s blame everything on America because America makes everything, that some people don’t agree with, popular [sarcasm]).
      I only came here to explain what non-binary was, so goodbye and have a nice day.

        I see what you're saying, I just honestly think female lead should have a genre choice outside of romance. If I posted a story on here with a female lead that had no romance in it (I do have stories like this), then it would have to be put in a romance genre, which is misleading. This in fact may irritate readers who think it's a romance novel and find out otherwise.

        I see it as sexist as it's indicating female lead novels must be romance. I won't argue with you this is just my opinion, you're free to have your own as well.

          Stars_Quotes Unfortunately this argument has been had here and lost a long time ago. This is how the WN literature classification works on the Qidian side, and has been for a long time. So it was set for WN. It's not going to change unless the entire WN catalog system was uprooted and remodeled. This will mean a complete organisational change here. As well as reader mindsets.

          Adding: there are author protection reasons for placing lgbt+ in the female lead readership section.

          Note : female lead/male lead = reader target. It's not representation of the book protagonist.

          I mean, why do people need to differentiate between genders so much, everyone tastes mostly the same and breathes the same air? If you feel like you don't want to be called something feminine or masculine go be you and everyone will be happy, but because of extremist (They give feminist and etc bad names because they are the most vocal about it) everything is so out of proportions. I find it funny when someone says they are non binary. I immediately think about 1 and 0 but hey, we all possibly be codes of lines inside of a matrix and we’d never know. (Btw, don’t take this seriously.)

            Stars_Quotes I too has a story like that. Also, I've also feel a lot of grieve when I first use this site. I open the FL section, and see an interesting story. I click on it with excitement, only to find it a male lead one.( BL btw. I want to search GL, but they gave me BL, on Female lead section)
            After that, I've never read a novel without looking at the tags. If the novel don't have tag, then I will mostly never read it.

            After all of that... I've just got used and don't really care anymore. If I want to search story with the genre that I want, I just searched it using Google. And not shockingly, using Google search is easier.

              Godack I mean, why do people need to differentiate between genders so much, everyone tastes mostly the same and breathes the same air?

              We have Y chromosome, they don't. We play with toy cars/guns, they play with dolls. We earn money and take care of them, and they give birth to our children. We think differently, but love each other. Of course, it is extremely generalized and some people (lgbtqwhatever) are different, but most people (I hope) are still within their gender roles and it leads to different preferences, including reading.

                Stars_Quotes Genres are based on the audience the author intends them for, not on the type of book you are writing.

                For example, you can write a BL book but it is intended for the female audience, so you can categorize it among female lead books. It doesn't have to be a male lead book simply because both protagonists are males.
                Same goes for transgender. You will give it a female lead tag if it is intended for a female audience or male lead tag if it is intended for a male audience.

                It's a site dedicated to the international audience.
                When you bring a national food to another country, you often need to adapt it to the ingredients and tastes of the said country. Or it won't become popular. The same with a movie.
                Why can't a BIG Chinese company adequate its little business to the international audience they aim for?
                We Westerners rather wish novel genders unrelated to readers' gender. That's what we are used to. We like to make our own choices.
                Think of a restaurant where the menu is "drink for ladies" and "drinks for gentlemen", "Dishes for ladies" and "dishes for men". It's so XIX century!
                If I was a man, I'd be deeply ashamed to be treated like a toddler whose Mom is picking his clothes and food.

                  HinataPerolada westerners are not "the global audience", just a part of it. Asia has more than a third of world population. Not to mention Africa's population. I find it funny that it's always the others that need to adapt to our lifestyle and ideas

                    xiaohai_23 Yes, I agree, in a broader sense, since I'm not discussing what is East and what is West, I'm sure you know it.
                    I don't think, though, this site is catered to the Asian audience and their tastes anymore. As you can see, Webnovel is changing to become more like Wattpad than like its parent, Quidian.
                    If it is different, why is the company showing the winner of the Spirits Award in NEW YORK's main billboard, and not in Mumbai, Ryad, Johannesburg, or Manilla?
                    So, at least in my opinion, they aim at Western audiences.
                    And, a company needs to adapt to its market, yes. It's basic.

                      HinataPerolada Well I am a westerner not whatever you are. And this doesn't affect me at all. Also, your dish example is beyond silly. Like who even separates what gender eats what??Nonsense! Anyway, for some reason, it's always small to moderate but the very vocal community (Mostly Americans)that likes to shout their silly corruptive 'ideals'. They imagine themselves as someone who should represent the west.

                        "Well I am a westerner not whatever you are. " Uncle_Sheogorath

                        Please don't use your own limited experience to judge the world. If you never heard of something, is it the final proof that thing doesn't exist or didn't exist at all? Don't shame yourself on the internet.

                        Are you trying to offend me by pushing this type of aggressiveness? Are you challenging me to prove how Western I am? Should I tell you my lineage? My birthplace coordinates? Please, it's silly.

                        Are you an expert in indexing books? Perhaps you have a history in publishing houses? Have a degree in Biblioteconomy? A deep understanding of how people search for books?
                        Don't bother replying because I know the answer.

                        I clearly can see where you are coming from. Anyway, I think this thread is derailed and toxic because some people cannot discuss the single idea of a new way to classify novels without becoming political, nationalist, and rude.
                        @yaoyueyi you should lock this thread, dear. I apologize but I had to answer this rudeness in kind.

                          HinataPerolada This what I mean. Lol. I meant nothing to do with your lineage like wtf are you even talking about? Are you so insecure? This is not even part of the same discussion. You getting very personal and into serious matters. Like how can you say and manage to conclude all such things from one thing I said. When I said 'Not whatever you are'==from this you manged to extrapolate dozens of your own weird conclusions, which has nothing to do with my intent nor my meaning. And you are making it a fact! And you are becoming political not me, I only stated a small comment without much detail towards politics just a small statement.
                          What I meant by that statement is that you are living in your bubble of beliefs and applying it to 'EVERYONE' living in the 'WEST'.

                            Tomoyuki Who does? And who are they? You can't generalise all the people. And ad hominem might apply to 90 of the whole of internet. I included probably, I never really thought about it. Also racism? Intent is key. This discussion wasn't about it. Only some people like to have it everywhere when it isn't even there. Go read some Chinese novels then you can find racism. Oh wait, will you call me being racist because of me generalising Chinese novels?? See, it always goes like this.

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