Venerable_spam that she said that is too much info to store for qidian to to give a free chapter per day from where you are in the novel and that's why they have to make it so the free chapter is global and not per person.
To that I replied that is not actually too much data because they only have to count how many chapters you unlocked on a novel and thrn take the global free chapter and sum up how many chapters you has unlocked to keep track of everybody individual free chapter with only adding a single variable. Not rocket science.
as for the example i can simplify the numbers but not much more to being easier to understand.
Here I will try:
So all novels unlock a chapter a day.
You can unlock more with SS but then you have to wait for free chapters to catch up before having more since free chapters are global.
To keep track individually instead of global without too much data as she said in the comment I quoted I solved the problem adding a sinple counter in the code that keep tracks of how many chapters you unlock with SS. So if you unlock three chapters you are three chapters ahead of the global free.
So there us no need keep a registry of every single user reading a novel to give then a free chapter from where they are locked but to simply keep the count of how many chapters you unlocked as for if you unlocked three chapters and the current global free is chapter 10 then if free chapter was individually tracked you would have been in chapter 13 that is 10 of global free plus three you unlocked so keeping individual track wouldn't be difficult as she has said and QI knows it since is like programming 101..