ive been searching for something to read for the last 3 hours. im so tired

just give me a random novel/fan-fic with over 100 chaps and il read atleast 10 chaps. thats a promise from fat hitler.

or if there is a random novel generator that isn't shit and actually works would be also good.


    Hey! I would like to suggest my mystery+romance novel. I wish you will have a great time reading my novel. Umm... actually my novel has 70 chapters and I am posting regularly of course. Please give it a try!

    Name: Mysterious Destiny of Us
    Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/mysterious-destiny-of-us_20101912606657405

    Basically, it is a story of a girl who gets involved with the underworld while helping a doctor. They both try to solve an unknown mystery. Meanwhile, some people have transmigrated into the future to repent for their mistakes. They desperately want to change something monumental that happened in the past which left a lasting impact on them. But without any recollection of her past, she doesn’t know whether she was even connected to it or not. If she helps them altering that fateful event, what would happen to her current life?

    Enjoy your journey! <3

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        As hitler once said "promise 10 deliver 6"

        i read till 6 and i dont understand anything about the plot form the story only thing that i get is from the Synopsis
        and your introduction. its like a few chapters were cut from the beginning.

        The writing was too much. it seemed to get better, but in 1-5 chaps a lot of the sentences were wired. its like i understand the words, but not the meaning of them. i cant explain really.

        sometimes you say something over and over again
        "She once again looked here and there to find that person. She stopped a moment ago because she felt a certain someone's presence familiar. She thought that she knows that person but don't know who it is!"

        "She once again looked here and there to find that person. She stopped a moment ago because she felt a certain someone's presence familiar, but don't know who it is!"

        its hard do read and i can't really explain why. when i got to the 6 chapter i was too confused many things were said many times i didn't know where i was what was going on. maybe in the later chapters it is explained better, but yeah this is what i can say about it.

        Im not an expert i've read novels for like 1 year and only got into it cause of manga and anime. the story seems interesting asf. it seems that it could be a great novel, but the wording and things said over and over again should be fixed. get grammarly or something. it seems like it was put through google .

        One of the most important thing for an author is to make the sentences as short as possible and get through as much meaning as possible. Anybody can just ramble on and on. (like i'm doing right now), but if you want to make a good story it has to get the meaning through. thing said once should not be said again right after (well if its for a joke then it can)

        and if you cant tell im putting my words through google

        and going into the future to repent for their mistakes do you mean the past?

        (so in conclusion from the 6 chapter the plot that you describe is interesting, but i couldn't find it or understand it. there was no intertation, like there was some chapters missing from the beginning. there is a lot of potential for a great story, but the sentences have to make sense. 3/5. )

        good luck on a great novel.

          FatHitler Thank you so much for letting me know where the story is going wrong. I do admit that my first chapters need fixing.

          The very first chapter was about a past memory of protagonist. It is explained through a dream. That is why it seems stranded.

          About next 9 chapters, I wanted to explain the daily life of the protagonist. The volume name itself gives the general idea about it.

          I will once again go through my chapters again and try to make it less wordy ^ ^

          Last thing I want to say is sob sob I really got improved in the later chapters...

          FatHitler Before I start... What should I exactly have to do?🤔... I mean I should fix first 10 chapters right?


            not an expert or a good reader. but what i would recommend is to make things more clear less wordy i guess and make them more cleaner. there is no spelling mistakes which is good, but the sentences sometimes just confuse me or don't make sense for me.

            the first chapters are the most important in my opinion. so you should try to make them better. if a person reads till 10 chapter hes already invested into the story and is going to overlook some things and be more patient.

            i get that your trying to reveal the time travel and other thing in the future chaps and that thing seems to be interesting, but the first chaps didn't grab. they confused me, but i would say im not a really regular reader and if a thing doesn't grab me in the 1-3 chaps i go. it did grab me with the medicine thing and the mask thing and the business things seemed interesting, but the wording confused me and ruined it for me.

            and definetly going to try to read it again when the wording gets better.

            so i dont know. do whatever and have fun.

            wishing luck from Fat Hiter.

              FatHitler I am glad that you liked the medicine and business idea! I will surely fix my beginning chapters, I don't wanna lose readers like you who patiently read my novel! Thank you for the advice, it helped to solve my confusion and most important problem.

                FatHitler So, since you are picking random stuff, I might as well try to recommend my random work. But, it still only have 3 chapters on, a lot less than you asked...

                But, if you are interested in a way shorter read than you asked, here is the link:

                A story about a young guy, who goes in a adventure in search for some magic stones and find himself adrift in the dangerous events of the world around him.

                If you are not interested you can just ignore it, sorry for it being too short.

                  4 days later

                  Random novel generator? Get a list of novel names in text format, plug it into a random name picker? You can try finding it online?

                  Or if you want novels that will harm your eyes, you can try reading my original works on my profile: https://www.webnovel.com/profile/4301000478?appId=10. Seriously, they are bad, so bad ... read at your own risk.

                  If you just want some novels recommendation ... maybe drop a description of your type of novel and see if we can find a match?

                    FatHitler You are just the kind of reader I want. Honest about your opinions.

                    I shall apologize to you in advance as there aren't 100 chapters, but I think that's a good thing. There are 14 chapters so far so it is easy for you to decide whether you would like to get invested in the story or not. I release two chapters a week (so you're not going to be bored a lot).

                    What's my story about? Well, I'm glad you thought of asking (or not). It's about descendants. Think of them as demigods. But demigods of which pantheon, you wonder? Well, all of them.

                    I want to create a story that connects all the pantheons of the world—Greek, Norse, Egyptian, Hindu, Shinto, Slavic, Celtic, African, Korean, and more—and brings them together to the modern world. I'm heavily researching to include more pantheons. It's got action. It has romance (for you lovestruck fools). It has a slice of Sherlock Holmes (the main character is a smart young man). It has a dash of Jason Bourne/John Wick. It's got mystery and epic fight scenes. And it has a gay magical talking car who gets involved in an intense car chase.

                    Why do I recommend this story:
                    - It's got a great worldbuilding.
                    - You are going to have more questions than answers, but that is intentional. I want to slowly reveal the world. Kind of like a Sherlock Holmes story where the pieces come together.
                    - Fantastic action sequences.

                    If you do enjoy it, I would love for you to add it to your collections.


                      Hi, I'm a new author and I'm trying to improve my writing technique, any comment on my first work will be welcomed. Thanks.
                      Title: Chronicles of the Drakes
                      Genre: Steampunk Fantasy
                      Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/chronicles-of-the-drakes_20329297905264305
                      At the dawn of the 20th century, the world underwent a technological boom, as well as an increase in warfare, giving rise to a war economy, controlled by the dark intentions of shadowy organisations.
                      In Albion, one of the most advanced and industrialised nations, a soldier, Ruslan Drake, heir to one of the greatest inventors of his time, is drawn into this power struggle.
                      Seriously wounded in a battle, he returns home, recovering thanks to the advanced technology developed by his family. But he soon discovers that London, his hometown, is an even more dangerous place than any warzone.
                      Ruslan will be drawn into the power struggles and influences of London's secret societies, leading him to discover that his injuries may not have been entirely fortuitous, but due to the will of a third party.
                      Now, with his family in danger, he will have to plunge into the abyss of deceit and betrayal of the shadow power struggle if he is to protect his loved ones, and find himself plunged into a new war, this time on the very streets of his homeland.
                      Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/chronicles-of-the-drakes_20329297905264305

                        I don't know if it fits into your description but this is realistic fiction. Perhaps it's worth a try.
                        Synopsis : Do you know how we've all made mistakes? Some worse than others. Imperfection is key, journey through the ends of the Earth, and not a single perfect soul shall be found.
                        We are different, look past the mistakes and there you'll find beauty.
                        Ever met someone confusing, complicated, and ridiculously annoying? , Say hi to Jeremy.

                        And then there's Natasha, nice, loving, and simple with buried pasts she's afraid to face.

                        He's a professional model and she's an amateur.
                        He's rude and exhausting while she's gentle and calm.
                        He's dealing with heartbreak and she's a single mom.
                        Thanks to the agency their lives they have to suck it up and deal with each other.

                        They are both forced to share a house, not the best thing ever but that begins the journey to a life of perfect imperfection.
                        Who cares perfect is overrated anyway...

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