People worrying about buying spirit stones but all it takes is to invite random people to get free 97 spirit stones.
I have like thousands of it now, and I don't even know where to spend this crap anymore.
People worrying about buying spirit stones but all it takes is to invite random people to get free 97 spirit stones.
I have like thousands of it now, and I don't even know where to spend this crap anymore.
CreamPuffDelights Doubt it, Afterall for all the supposed "negative publicity" we are causing, the fact remains that we are still on their forums and reading their novels, and if people care enough to be complaining here, that usually means they are paying qidians bills one way or another so why would they stop
Also, they need money to support their company, how can you not see that? â•®(─▽─)â•
Kimyang bullsheet
theyll expire around 30 days...
Holy shit nice one !
I really laugh at the people who support this "premium" that they put out. It not that people don't want to pay and support. The translators should be supported. It's the fact that the new system is complete garbage for so many reasons. Lets call what we been doing with no change at all to chapter release, editing to make sure correct words are used, and add cost per 200 words when 70% of the chapter is filler and repeat on words, and the biggest problem that if you unlock a chapter and support the new setup you now have to wait days or even weeks until your "free" chapter catches back up lol. I have no problem with money and now I'm really only following one premium but I'm not crazy to put that much money into something that has such poor editing. When reading Super God Gene I wonder if I'm gonna read about the MC Hen Sen or the hidden MC "Harry" lol. I just started reading the mtl of that book and to be honest the translation here is only a little better.
Did you forget to take into account the 70% filler ?
I've been sceptical of the changes myself, especially on the numbers end of things, but I think, in the long term, these token systems are superior to what we have with Western web novels and their existence in Korea/Japan/China is precisely why their scenes have thrived much more than ours.
Now that adblockers having basically eliminated ad revenue outside of the mobile market, western authors/translators must either work for free or, for a tiny few, live off donations from their readers. Doing it as a labour of love might be OK for a 100-200 chapter novel, but for a 1000+ chapter epic with regular releases 3-5 times a week? A translator might be able to do this by sacrificing their afternoons and weekends. For an author, though, that is pretty much the workload of a full-time white-collar job - unless they've somehow learned to provide their nutrition needs via photosynthesis, it's not really sustainable, not for years.
Edit: I think it's also worth noting that, by taking these monetization measures and thereby being able to hire fulltime translators, this website is pumping out more free chapters per week than its predecessors. If you simply pretend the locked chapters don't exist, you are reading more chapters per day than you were pre-Qidian. Right now, I'm following a dozen translations on other sites, and their releases are weekly or fortnightly.
I used to constantly check this site for updates but ever since everything I like went premium my library of 12 turned into a library of 3 and I only come in for daily check in and my few novels. I will never spend money on these webnovels because if I ever reach that point I will definitely start questioning my sanity and will definitely give up all webnovels like DixieNormous. These webnovels are both worse than real books and also more expensive. How could I agree to paying more for lower quality and still say I’m sane? The only reason I originally got into webnovels is because they’re free. In a way qi is actually helping me curb my addiction because unlike before when I checked for updates every hr now I only come by once in the morning and night and don’t read as much.
yall dramatic asf man
like are yall that obsessed with novels?
just wait a few days and marathon through them 0.o
DixieNormous Bravo. So true about the cost of the total book. It’s a joke.
Mangoo Bullshit. The authors get paid by the word. Most of these novels are stuffed full of fluff and crap that would never ever make it into a professionally published novel. Word length is a poor indicator of quality
Kimyang You say you have thousands but they will expire fast. So unless you use them all up right away you can’t stockpile and read because they will all disappear.
Xavier2430 this system match's the one on China page and Koran and Japan light novels. To problem is seeing how much money we all allow like the pay to win in video games
CreamPuffDelights Thing is, Qidian doesn't cost as much as Webnovel does. We're being charged around 9 times (more or less) more than the Chinese readers. They can read a whole webnovel at less than half the price we're being charged. And the translation quality sucks even though they're charging us this much (except for a few). And they even have membership over there, the higher level your membership the less it costs you.
ManOrSuperman And most of the translators don't have good quality. And only God knows what the editors are actually editing. Even after being edited, many of the chapters have tons of typos & grammatical errors.
I don't know which novels you are reading that there are so much crap in the novels, but i think a novelist who thinks heighly of himself and want the novel to be good dont't use this method to much and therefore my calculation still is somewhat true. Besides this whole niche-market is so new that these prices are somehow justified.
Everything that is new is at the start expensive and will decline over the time, happens with cars, pc, laptops, smartphones........
And as long as Qidian has no monopole on all novels and translations, which they don't, there will be competition and therefore the prices will be go down over time. But unfortunately we are first in this niche-market so we have to buy these things to higher price but we are also the guys who are the engine in this whole market, to bring these novel to the rest of the world.
DixieNormous I didn’t say you are poor at all lol
If you want a good example of doing it wrong look at Release that witch. over 100 Chapters locked @ 9 ss each so almost 20$ just to catch up?
I would be totally fine if the last 2 or 3 chapters of each book was unlocked through SS.
Then if i bought 1000 SS (which i have before). i would at least be able to read all my library'd novels for a month or so.
20$ for a month of reading , its a bit steep but affordable.
Ending up spending that in 1 days catching up on a single novel isn't really affordable though and will just push people away.
Thus less readers = Less people buying SS = failure and can only result in SS being even more expensive than now.
Its like anything if it costs to much people just give it up. said business looses most of its customers and the only way to maintain its income would be to up the prices of everything they sell or get rid of employees.
I love how everyone here on the internet is both poor and business professionals.
So people actually spend that much money? The world has gone mad. No wonder the Chinese think westerners are idiotic with money.
In all honesty it isn't a lot. Like the guy saying to read the last 100 chapters will cost him $20. Compared to independent translators with slow release schedules asking $40 or more for a single bonus chapter its nothing. Those guys who paid for those were paying ×400 or more.
And it should cost more than in china because this is a translation which requires work and is a reasonable price.