These are very affordable rates for those who enjoy reading web novels which I assume that's most of us except for sporadic trolls.

If the math is correct at $0.0198 per stone based on the 50 stones for $0.99
rate, you will pay ~$356.4 for 1500 chapters given a chapter cost 12 spirit stones
info: One chapter is 1965 words ─ rough estimates, give or take; 1965 words x 1500 chapters = 2,947,500 words
So $356.4 spent on web novels on Qidian equates to buying 38 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone books at $8.86 each (Amazon's price for paperback). You will pay $336.68 for thirty-eight $8.86 books.
info: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is 76,944 words x 38 books = 2,923,872 words
Is it still worth it? Kind of.
Now consider that Qidian authors only get a fraction of that money to support their living conditions? I say "living conditions" because these authors sometimes don't make enough to live in luxury much less help their family. They're not JK Rowling, but they no doubt deserve as much for the entertainment they bring me.
You don't get FREE chapters from print novels like Harry Potter, but you sure do with Web Novels at Qidian. That's FREE as in Free Samples at Costco.
Here's a quick question:
Would you pay five bucks for a cup of coffee? What about to eat out? Or for some sweets?
Yes. Yess. Yesss...
But how come paying to relax and de-stress from reality then becomes unreasonable? Hell, I pay chefs at restaurants to cook for me, tips to waiters, and coins to homeless panhandlers. But sometimes I don't like on Qidian.
On Qidian, if I'm broke and without money which often is the case as I'm struggling, I wait to read the free chapters. I hope that the time I do buy spirit stones, I can support my favorite authors, so they can continue to pump out quality stories without stress. I know stress kills creativity which will kill my chance to disconnect from reality for a bit before I log back into the Matrix.
With that in mind, is it still worth it?
You cant even get that kind of deal at the dollar store. Holy cows!
And the dollar store doesn't even give free samples. Crazy.
Now back to you:
Should I employers pay you for YOUR skills?
PS: To Qidian, please do a better job of supporting your authors, translators, and customers. Everyone deserves to be treated fairly even with slight compromises. Without authors and customers, your platform will significantly suffer unless you're not concern about other sharks in the open sea. For example, many of us are not as loyal to Qidian's brand as we are towards the authors and translators, and if a competitor disrupts this space, we will likely support the better in regards to your treatments stated earlier.