DragonKnight531 sounds rough. If you’re too busy you should say that you will be going on a small hiatus. This not only gives you a chance to finish your non-writer tasks, but this buys you some time to make backup chapters.

Trust me, back up chapters are high up the list of Things A Webnovel Author Always Needs.

    DragonKnight531 9k views in 4 chaps, that’s only going to keep growing, Dragon. Trust me you definitely have an audience, whether they like it or not ;)

    Even I started with only 2k views after like 13 chapters. Your nkvel’s Fame is spreading and you don’t even realize it.

      DeJeL I plan to review your chapter soon, sorry I can’t do it right now. I’m a little busy and will add you next onto my list of novels to review.

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