Nshat_Tashdid Log into Webnovel Inkstone (https://inkstone.webnovel.com/), and on the bottom left there should be a few menus. One of them has where you apply for translator or editor.

- Aug 30, 2022
- Joined May 11, 2018
cwayy You mean that you are en editor or a translator? Apologies, but with how you wrote the message I don't think you are an editor?
Allen_Clay012 Hm, not sure about how much these can help (haven't exactly looked into it), but one I recommend is Grammarly. It has a free version that I use quite a bit and it offers a Chrome add-on or a desktop app.
Another I recommend is: https://www.grammarcheck.net/editor/ which I used as a final check. I recommend writing in other programs and then using this to check.
The last one I use is google docs grammar check, that is already incorporated into it.
But remember, don't blindly trust the machines, make sure to check what is wrong and if yours is better or if the machine's. Some time the machine checking gives me some random or weird 'wrong' warnings. It usually happens when it comes to names and so, but do check.
And of course, do remember these are still machines, the best is to be able to learn continuously and not have to heavily depend on them.
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Allen_Clay012 Although I didn't read all of the chapters, noticed quite a few things in the Prologue:
- Watch out for tenses when writing, I noticed you wrote in present tense. It is fine, but for readers, it can feel more comfortable for it to be in past tense.
You can refer to these two blogs talking about it:
https://www.aliventures.com/choosing-viewpoint-fiction/Past tense is more 'natural,' while present is more 'immediate' but risks feeling off. Of course, the choice is still yours.
- Make sure to check into having the right tenses.
Check this example in Paragraph 6 of the Prologue, I noticed some trouble regarding tenses:
"While he was walking, he noticed that there are suspicious men tailing him."
The problem in this line is how you went from something that was occurring in the past to something in the present. I would change the 'are' to 'were,' since it was something that happened before the current event happened. This also happens in the second to last paragraph, where you wrote in past tense even though the story is in present tense.
- Check punctuation on dialogues.
I noticed some problems with your punctuation when it comes to the dialogues, for example:
(Prologue, Paragraph 7) "...there might be a fortune in his purse." the ruffian's companion added...
In dialogue, you wouldn't end what a person ends with a point ( . ) if you later write 'he added' or 'x said,' instead, you add a comma ( , ):
"...there might be a fortune in his purse," the ruffian's companion added...
You do add the point if it's something else, for example:
"I'm going to the supermarket." She ran down the street.
I noticed this one in Paragraph 18:
"The boss is waiting for you." then opens the door.
I'd write it as:
"The boss is waiting for you." He then opens the door. (Don't forget to capitalize!)
You can check this website for probably better examples and explanations:
http://theeditorsblog.net/2010/12/08/punctuation-in-dialogue/#:~:text=The%20dialogue%20is%20enclosed%20in,other%20parts%20of%20the%20sentence.I hope this helps!
Edit: I'm kind of a new-ish editor (not for Webnovel) but if someone finds any mistake in my message, I'd love to hear and improve
Allen_Clay012 Evaluate English skills or content? And may I know what is your novel?
For context, this is your novel? https://www.webnovel.com/book/this-crayfish-is-not-edible_17640509305993205
For those that want to know which novel
_Sha Hello, although unsure about it, could you provide with novel name and your planned release schedules? Things such as how many chapters per week and average or estimate words per chapter would help people decide.
Thanks in advance~
YOURGreatAunt_HEHE When an author wrote worse than a machine translation from Google...
- In Bug appear
A bunch of people are suffering from it, there is a pinned post called 'Library Outage Update' about it. Should be fixed in around 1-3 days. (according to the estimation of the post.)
Veronica8 Yeah, the problem was when it was getting repetitive, so I tried switching between the two depending on the situation.
While surfing through the forums, I've noticed many talking about random things~ So I thought maybe I should start one myself!
The topic of this one is the title, Old habits die hard. What are things that you keep (or kept) on doing for a long time that were hard to stop, even if you did fix them afterwards?
Mine are:
- I keep writing everything in passive voice, but then fix it to more active.
- I tend to talk a lot and a lot when I get into things, only to realize after the fact that I'm not even answering the right thing or half could be erased because it means nothing. (Just like all my answers in the forums.)
Louder Now - Tobu
- In Help me!!!!
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Kalih_Smith I think it was forbidden to post the codes?
Someone do correct me if I'm wrong.
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Unsure how story is, but in my opinion to be realistic, you should try to have the character have human (or whatever they are) thoughts and reactions according to their personality.For example, the clash of negative feels when something is wrong. There are many that build funny, strong, etc. characters but forget that fears, worries and many more feelings exist. Of course, how much they have positive and negative feelings depend on their personalities and their situation.
Something else could be world building. You don't have to over do it, but I believe the small details matter.
Like I previously said, I'm still new author, so take my words with a grain of salt.
"If you can't, don't."
"I heard you need EXP to level up, try to collect it."
"Just like goldfish smile back, trees hit back. Don't fly into them."And yeah, best to remove the link as it might be considered self-promotion.
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Ngetsu What I did (on PC, haven't tried on mobile) was that you go to Webnovel Inkstone > Workspace > Stories > Select your story and click on 'Explore' > Click on cog on the top right > And there should be an 'Upload button' with an option to upload from computer.
Whycanti Being honest, mine is more of a 'How to make the story sound worse' rather than saying bad things about it.
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Zinni I guess I can consider myself a new author (Maybe?) and here is what I do.
First, I write down a rough first draft of the chapter. It serves to give you a general sense of direction of what you are doing. Then, I'd start re-writing paragraph by paragraph. If I don't like it, I delete it and write a new one, and this is where I try to make things flow smoothly. To finish it, I read it one last time in case I missed anything and run it through a grammar check to make sure.
The downside is that I sacrifice writing speed for quality.
I notice you seem to have some trouble with punctuation, so I'd recommend the use of Grammarly (Can use the free option) and Google docs' grammar check. Just don't follow it blindly since they might make mistakes.
I hope that helps!
Pleasedeteme I wasn't really deus ex-machina, but I was a 'high rank' user and I didn't need the plot armour, I was my sister's and friends' plot armour. The few scenes I remember is having to save them all the time from when they got into too much trouble.
I'm unsure if it's me that I can't find it, but getting out of the app's forum is somewhat complicated. I have to either close and open app, or spam the return arrow on top left until I do.
Could there be any easier way?