Arkinslize When they have copyright, and do nothing about it, is the author to blame? If they lose money, it's because of their own silliness or laziness, not author's. They actually hurt authors, not help them... Again, those are not my claims, contracted authors spoke about them (both in public and private).
I'd like to see which clause you refer to, but I think I found it. If you mean the stuff "don't publish anything without webnovel's consent", or "don't violate the law", yea sure, can pertain to content. If it exists for a reason, use it? Simple thing. At the same time, this can be easily bypassed. You can write about joining extreme groups (like terrorists) and tell people "fiction". Doesn't infringe on any laws, it's a fiction. Pointless in that case. (People find racism in Chinese novels, somehow they are still published)
Of course websites need content to grow (Look at their own stats in about page though, I don't think they need to grow more), but they choose any (in a bad sense) content. Selection is not a thing for them, but quantity is. Hence my statement: they will give a contract to pretty much anyone, stands true. If they change that, Great! That is my argument, for them to change it.
The promotion is another thing. They will use commercially viable strategies... and "depending on the
sales of the Work, promote the Work on Party A's Web Channel(s) to help raise the reputation of Party B and the Work.". The first one, I said it too, didn't I? Not every novel will be marketed outside (only popular stuff will be). The other one pertains to their channel only. Also depending on your sales (again top 20 perhaps, not all contracted authors are top 20).
As for what they promote, simple. Whatever makes them money. I don't know if they care whether rape, paedophilia and such is there. Ask them, not me.
I actually forgot about something. You are right, they can lose money on authors. Which my previous argument is invalid (I will remove it later). The guarantee system is in place, which means they can actually lose money. (I can admit when I make a mistake). They can lose from $800 to as much as $1600. Of course authors have to meet those requirements, but a potential of losing money is there. Your argument was different though, but I admit, they can lose money due to guarantee system.
Fanfic is not originality though (in a sense). The author rides a bus on previously popular work (or still popular, with anime and stuff). $1000 for that is great, nothing to complain about. (I checked it now, it's 1000). By the way, $1000 is about what people in top 20 make per month (with a contract). I had that conversation with contracted authors, they make around that much per month, and the lower you are in the rank the less you make (a lot less apparently).
My argument was simple too. You claimed tens of millions of views, in other words 20 millions or more. Check the no. 1 of originals, it doesn't even have that (no. 4 has 27m I believe?). With that kind of views, you should be able to earn around 1.5k a month. Remember that contracted authors have to earn twice that, because they split with webnovel 50-50. As a self publisher, you keep 100% and your rights, and freedoms. That is the difference.
Authors can set the price on privilege as far as I'm aware, but true. If authors could set a price for their chapters, perhaps it would be better, but perhaps worse. It goes both ways, because it can be abused. Standards cannot be abused. You either reached a certain standard or not. If you did, people pay let's say a full price. If you are in the middle, people pay a bit less, let's say. If you are bottom, people pay almost nothing. Is it unfair? No it's not. Improve your skills, and get paid more. Would motivate others to improve, and readers are happy too. (Will never happen, until wn hires more editors basically, and they start a proper selection for contracted works).
Arkinslize Anyway, i don't think all these big companies like Amazon or Disney are any better. As long as there is money at stake, it will be the same everywhere.
People choose webnovel for a few reasons. One such reason: their writing is too poor, and they have no chance getting into a publishing company. Another reason can be difficulty. Writing on webnovel or any platform as such, is easy. Make an account and publish, that's it. You don't need drafts, revisions, nothing. It's the easy way. Another, lack of drive. People do it as a hobby, in other words not seriously. Another, easier to get a contract and popularity. Just write within popular tags and you are alright, right? There may be a few more, but you get the idea.
That depends on what sorts of deal you get. Sure big companies are not rivers filled with milk and honey. I didn't even know Disney published books, that's new to me. Amazon, you can get 70% royalties. You set your own prices too. If you get a good place, they will promote it. You give them nonexclusive copyright as well. (I had to read a lot to find that). In other words, you can publish your books elsewhere. Not such a bad deal, and you can stop publishing at amazon whenever you wish. It's not perfect of course, and you need a book not chapters. (I should mention you can publish for 100% but they will not promote it like ever, no chances).
Either way, that is how I see it. take it as you will.