Xhaare Once again, the price is not astronomical. The fact that you can't into math is not my personal problem, but I will go out of my way to summarize what makes you act as entitled as you do right now.
1st - Webnovel with its chapter subscription system aims for the readers to support the author DURING THE PROCESS of writing. You are not paying to read the finished product, you are paying to get along on the ride.
2nd - Webnovel novel's are usually tens if not several tens of times longer than your usual novel. I don't think you would complain about the fact that a truckload of apples costs more than a small bag of them, so I have no idea what makes you think you can bash on 2kk words long novel being more expensive than 80k words one. (that's 25 times the difference since you already proved to be math-incompatible)
3rd - Priv is completely optional. If you have the money and you want to spend it, then off you go. If you don't have the money and don't want to spend it, then you are free to keep reading at your usual rate.
4th - The prices of each chapter depend on the word count alone, they have nothing to do with author's/editor's wishes
5th - For 5-10 dollars a month you can support a single author? Bitch, I wouldn't need to eat rice and drink tap water if that were to be the case. Most of the readers are free readers, meaning they get to read my stuff almost completely for free thanks to the free initial chapters, then fast passes and then exploiting the system in any way they can find not to spend a single cent to support the novel in the only way that it could prolong its life.
6h - The cost of priv is set by each of the authors by themselves, it's not compulsory. And for those other online authors, I assume you speak about patreon-based ones? Yeah. YOu are completely right. But from what I saw, they rarely do 1ch/day, often limiting themselves to 1ch/week, maybe 2ch/week. Compare it to often 3chaps/day that authors here produce.
7th - Many more? It was tested, it failed, reality proves you wrong.
8th - Don't want to pay coins to webnovel? Sure! YOu can only pay $, but be my guest.
9th - You are supporting the author more than you could by doing anything else when you use coins to read the story. By doing ANYTHING else like reading on another site, using fast passes, waiting for the chapters to become unlocked... You are doing absolutely nothing for that author. YOu are doing absolutely nothing for that novel. You are just a leech that most of the authors treat with scorn at the very least. I wonder how would you feel if you worked your bottom for hours over years, only to have people claim that since they want more free stuff, they will just steal what you wrote and read it for free?
10th - If you don't know something, don't speak about it. This way, you could at least pretend not to be an idiot. The split of raw income with WN is 50-50. Authors get access to a huge pool of readers, a promotion that can give them an audience, platform to publish on in the first place... If you really think that 50/50 split for such good terms, for terms that no other place offers to newbies in the first place, then you are either delusional, ignorant about the market or both of those combined with a huge degree of inborn idiocy.