• Diss
  • Ever since qidian disabled patroen...

Complaining about my complaining does not affect how I want to voice my perspective πŸ˜…

However, the never ending complaints from me and other users may eventually spark a change within qidian themselves. It probably won't but would be nice if one day, they did.

My point, though, was that removing one of the main incentive for translators decreased the quality of the product itself because either they lost motivation to push higher quality translations, or were entirely replaced by B-list, C-list, or even worse translators. (and therefore, decreased the quality of translation, editing, and/or release rate)

But yeah, I do still use the app, so what? Again, I like to voice my feedback. I don't live in an overly "oppressed" culture. Forgive me for how I was brought up (or not, idk 🀣) lol

    sCary I think some Novel still has Patreon, but Webnovel removing the allowance to post advanced chapters for premium novel. Non premium novel could have Patreon with advanced chapter.

    I don't know whether Webnovel would embrace the sponsored style one day than gift system.

      MasterRabbink πŸ‘

      I agree with most of your points, except that the translators should not over promise and under deliver (consistently) which happens often.

      Nor should they rush their work to deliver low quality translations/editing to "catch up".

        sCary What should one do? Both your words are contradicting. Under promised? That didn't sell. :P

        Well, that is what other authors suggested to newer author. Promised far lower than your 'max speed' then make a Power Stones ranking contest when you have a stock. Lol.

        PrimoVictoria Why are you complaining, novelists right for a living and receive full right of what they publish. The platform Qidian gives them the proper foundation to work off from, with the numbers of novel critics in qidian with their long history. If you're good at something, you'd usually won't do it for free. It is totally reasonable and their right for them to monopolize on the novels, which I will tell you cost money, though not as much since prices here are inflated. At least webnovel gives you the ability to use so called spirit stones to read the novels which would generally cost money, giving you the free option if you're very stressed on money. As I've stated before, you signed up under their terms of service, you follow there rules since you agreed to. If they did it for free, they will be like the rest of the translation sites, so I don't see your point, which i do say mind you put it through a grammar check or something. They have to buy the chapters to translate it, so making it free would make them lose money when the novel is already supposedly purchasable as I said before using money.

          BeyondBreaking Though I do agree with the point of having the paywall is rather flawed and looked down upon, it is in their full right to do so. The sponsoring type of system would be an amazing addition to a sight that gives you novels already based for purchase, or better yet, just buy from qidian with their chapters that cost minimal and use the translate option on google, lol.
          Also, on the reply above this I have a typo.
          *right -> write
          English is not my first language but I can make do with a conversation.

          Gamblejay the reason nothing changed because nobody is paying you idiot. If they got paid a lot, the quality and speed would be off the marks. Where the fvck did you get the reasoning of doing a better job if you got paid less? Idiots everywhere smh.

            bachingchung Well that was a nice response. But look here you incompetent schlong wrinkle no where did I even say that paying less means better quality. Furthermore the quality and speed for some of these are already garbage, not sure it can get worse.

            If people keep paying the prices listed then a business has no reason to change their model. In this case they have no reason to change premium in anyway. If people refuse to pay the price then as a business they have to change their model to make money. Webnovel will have to either lower the price per chapter or come up with other means. This is common sense which you apparently lack.

            "If people paid the quality and speed would be off the marks."

            Jesus Christ you can tell you've got zero business comprehension. No jack wagon what it means is the higher ups take a bigger cut and things go about normal. Just like every other company out there. You think that because McDonalds raises the price of a burger and people pay it that suddenly the quality and speed of which you get your food increases? No, the CEO adds a nice bonus and moves on.

            Go shake that head underwater will ya?

              Patreon was a great way to incentivise growing translators to become better and more efficient, allowing them to grow a more direct fan base (which translators would need to answer to, personally).

              If the quality or quantity of translations drops, it would negatively impact their fan base; which, in turn, would impact the translators' quality of life.

              Removing that incentive directly squashed the fan base and lead to a lower quality of life.

              Imagine this, you're a top server at a nice restaurant who is loved by the restaurants customers. Because the customers love how far you go to give them a great experience, those customers make sure that you are well taken care of by leaving you a generous tip. Those said customers will even likely go as far as becoming friends with a great person like you. Compared to the meager hourly wage that can barely pay rent, the tip received provides you with more options to grow as a person, develop new skills, have a family, etc

              Then suddenly, the restaurant decides to take away your tips (your lifeblood). Would you still want to work so hard just to meet basic necessities?

              I'm not saying that money is the only motivator. However, I also don't see other incentives that qidian is employing to keep great translators.

              Thus, we may or will likely end up with a turnover cycle of low quality translators. Higher quality translators will likely want more benefits.

              Patreon did not only provide a monetary incentive. It provided a community & a variety of support through their fan base and close friends who evolved from those fan base (and on and on and on).

              Misguided_Rooster Just saying, but you also have the right to not bother or read these posts. Instead, you seem to care enough to reply back at these people? Smh, your preaching is like a paradox. Just move on and don't bother right?

                Enlightened_Lord They disabled free premium chapters so this statement is now incorrect for the growing list of premium novels.

                  Gamblejay Qidian China doesn’t understand this logic. They werent making enough money so they removed Free Premium Chapter releases. Basically making the site worse πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

                    N0xiety Well, if you read the line: 'You complain but you're still here, and so am I'

                    I have the right... and I do care, why else would I write that and this?
                    Wasn't preaching, just sharing an honest opinion.

                    (I mean no offense btw)

                      Yakumo Well, no, obviously.

                      But how is this going to make things better?

                      I totally understand what people are complaining about(I also used to complain, I just stopped because I knew what I did didn't matter) but how is insulting someone/something(Not saying that everyone is insulting and all that, just that I've noticed the majority. I used to do it too, so yeah, I get it) going to make it better. I mean, sometimes sure, but I don't think that's the case here.

                      whoknowswhate Well, if that's how you wanna interpret it, then sure, you hypocrite.

                        Misguided_Rooster If everyone just accepts it and keeps quiet, like you want other ppl to do, nothing will change. And that's why Webnovel doesn't respond. They hope that we'll just shut up after a few days and everything will be fine, but as long as we keep complaining, we hurt their image. New readers will know about Webnovel's practices because we keep repeating it. Maybe then, we'll really see changes for the better. Not because you gave up, but because others kept bringing it up again and again. If you wanna be ignorant, then do so, but don't stop other ppl from voicing their opinions in hope of changes for the better.
                        PS: there will always be insults in the www, where ppl have different opinions. It's not specific to this topic

                        Misguided_Rooster I understand that your own forum protests did not work for you, but why do you want to stop others who comes to take your place (after you've retired from continuing your own complaints)?

                        The way I see it, it can be like tag teaming. You can tag us in to continue the same ideology of wanting positive change.

                          Misguided_Rooster This forum was designed for one to put their voice out there. Whether its about a novel's story, or a feature on this site. If QI didn't want people talking about their opinions on the premium system then they could easily get rid of these types of forum posts. or the repeated posts. They don't, so you shouldn't be complaining either.

                          You wen't from complaining about premium to complaining about people complaining about premium. In the end your still complaining so don't sit there and try to act like your on a high horse morally. Because if anything your worse then they are. Your complaining about someone voicing their opinions. Which is far worse.

                          If you wan't people to stop posting tons of threads about premium, make a mega thread about it, keep it active by bumping it up every day. Actively encourage discussion in it. Don't just flat out try to say people should stop posting about it on their own. It makes you look worse.


                            I'm going to make this clear so you guys can understand; then maybe you could stop assuming and trying to find fault with my OPINION.

                            1. Read the god damn post. I simply said 'drop it and move on'. Do you see a 'stop posting, you're not allowed to'.

                            2. 'I feel you'. I literally said right there and elsewhere that I understand but you guys seem to completely ignore that.

                            3. 'You're here, and so am I'. I shall say no more

                            I could go on, but I won't...I will...later

                            I'm not telling people to stop posting, I simply stated my opinion that I tends to get annoying.

                            Now, please, stop interpreting me wrongly.

                            Why is everyone so angered by one opinion? God..

                            It's not like I'm on WNs side, I also don't like how it currently is.

                            I didn't post what I did because I'm trying to change minds, I don't give a crap honestly. I posted it because I just wanted to share an opinion.(Like you're doing right now)

                            Everyone(a few) seems to be interpreting my words like I'm telling people their opinions are worthless and don't matter and that I'm on a 'high moral horse'.

                            I don't even think this reply will do anything except aggravate you guys more and then it's just gonna be a back and forth thing.

                            I will complain, because I can.

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