• Diss
  • Ever since qidian disabled patroen...

You don't have to read any of the materials here. Look elsewhere if you don't want qidian to never exist in the west. You voluntarily agreed to use webnovel and all of its terms of services when you signed up so no use complaining. What is it gonna do? Somehow improve the rating when some novels out there are up to their current numbers and are purely reaching their quo due to the stress of time. Rubbish am I right or am I wrong. Your argument does not sprawl to the entirety of webnovel so don't stereotype it and make a bad image for a subject you know one thing on.

    Velixar customer Lol
    Qidian showed that they care about their readers otherwise more than half of the novels here would have been behind a pay only wall that would exist only a volume in like they do in the east, quit your whining kid.
    You dont even have to pay anything to read Any novel on here yet idiots like you still complain

      The only ones interested in translating under the current system are garbage dime a dozen translators that are part of large groups like transN and nyon boi.

      Look at the awful translation of the novel that released this week, the quality is the pits.

        Mute hey! Don't diss these Translators. We the masses are thankful for these two groups for Translating really good underrated novels. They have so far made excellent choices as far as their projects are concerned.

          Ply Nope.

          If they weren't so cheap, better translators would do the job.

          There is no reason to be thankful. It's not a fan-translation. This is business.

          E: Imo A translation should also never be slower than the original release rate.

          I'm getting tired of people posting the same thing every day..
          Spirit Stone this, premium that.

          I mean no offense, and I feel you, but can we just drop this and move on?

          Things happen, but oh well, it doesn't matter in the end because, in 100 years, everyone in this world would be dead. .. Anyways, there are plenty of good novels that are free. In fact, the premium novels aren't that good(IMO) and the free ones are better.

          You complain but you're still here, and so am I
          Because you chose to be here.

          You have the right to post what you want, but it gets annoying when the same shit is repeated a billion times a day.

          No hate btw, just MO

            yeah whining about it really doesn't do anything thing for you if u hate qidian learn Chinese and read the raws

            BeyondBreaking they monopoly the novels thats why you dense mofo you wouldnt defend qidian like this if your father owned it whats up with ypur attitude licker ?

              Just go to one of the many underground sites and read for free. If people keep paying, nothing changes.

                sCary I think the problem is not the rate, but the Translator. People have life. Remember HUMAN RIGHT!

                The best translator at most could only do 4 (I still remember the day of WMW).

                Nevertheless, 2 is the best for most, if the Translator still have personal life. I don't think Patreon affected it.

                7/week is good enough rate for me. I still can go with 3/week.

                Less than that, just put it on a pile and read other novels first.

                  Complaining about my complaining does not affect how I want to voice my perspective 😅

                  However, the never ending complaints from me and other users may eventually spark a change within qidian themselves. It probably won't but would be nice if one day, they did.

                  My point, though, was that removing one of the main incentive for translators decreased the quality of the product itself because either they lost motivation to push higher quality translations, or were entirely replaced by B-list, C-list, or even worse translators. (and therefore, decreased the quality of translation, editing, and/or release rate)

                  But yeah, I do still use the app, so what? Again, I like to voice my feedback. I don't live in an overly "oppressed" culture. Forgive me for how I was brought up (or not, idk 🤣) lol

                    sCary I think some Novel still has Patreon, but Webnovel removing the allowance to post advanced chapters for premium novel. Non premium novel could have Patreon with advanced chapter.

                    I don't know whether Webnovel would embrace the sponsored style one day than gift system.

                      MasterRabbink 👍

                      I agree with most of your points, except that the translators should not over promise and under deliver (consistently) which happens often.

                      Nor should they rush their work to deliver low quality translations/editing to "catch up".

                        sCary What should one do? Both your words are contradicting. Under promised? That didn't sell. :P

                        Well, that is what other authors suggested to newer author. Promised far lower than your 'max speed' then make a Power Stones ranking contest when you have a stock. Lol.

                        PrimoVictoria Why are you complaining, novelists right for a living and receive full right of what they publish. The platform Qidian gives them the proper foundation to work off from, with the numbers of novel critics in qidian with their long history. If you're good at something, you'd usually won't do it for free. It is totally reasonable and their right for them to monopolize on the novels, which I will tell you cost money, though not as much since prices here are inflated. At least webnovel gives you the ability to use so called spirit stones to read the novels which would generally cost money, giving you the free option if you're very stressed on money. As I've stated before, you signed up under their terms of service, you follow there rules since you agreed to. If they did it for free, they will be like the rest of the translation sites, so I don't see your point, which i do say mind you put it through a grammar check or something. They have to buy the chapters to translate it, so making it free would make them lose money when the novel is already supposedly purchasable as I said before using money.

                          BeyondBreaking Though I do agree with the point of having the paywall is rather flawed and looked down upon, it is in their full right to do so. The sponsoring type of system would be an amazing addition to a sight that gives you novels already based for purchase, or better yet, just buy from qidian with their chapters that cost minimal and use the translate option on google, lol.
                          Also, on the reply above this I have a typo.
                          *right -> write
                          English is not my first language but I can make do with a conversation.

                          Gamblejay the reason nothing changed because nobody is paying you idiot. If they got paid a lot, the quality and speed would be off the marks. Where the fvck did you get the reasoning of doing a better job if you got paid less? Idiots everywhere smh.

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