It was a good journey. Loved many of the novels. Now that you have made almost all the good novels premium with no free chapters I am no longer able to enjoy what I like so I'm never coming back again. It's been a good journey but bye.
Goodbye Qidian
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Farewell daoist, I am on my last three novels that remain free and they are the only ones I enjoy the most. If those three get hit with the premium I will have nothing left. I've been on this app/website since it's beta and I've given almost every book on here a shot as I just like reading things that are good reads I don't care much for genres. I really do love a lot of novels on this site, it's just a shame that they are premium and I love the community. I really wish they reconsider their choice on taking away the free chapter for premium
Will never get the big deal about people complaining about no free chapters and premium. It's not that much and if your reading so much you can't get by on the free spirit stones the issue is with you, not web novel. Don't use spirit stone on non premium novels, do all the daily task, pick out the novels you don't really like that much and don't read them, and you can get by.
Even if you decide not to read the novels here I think the community and the ability to converse with those who share similar sentimentalities to books that you yourself have read is worth at least keeping in mind or using solely as a social platform. There are other novel forums such as Novel Updates and such, however, don't they pale in comparison in regards to the feel it gives off? Well, that's just how I see it anyways.
OMDGEAR pick out the novels you don't really like that much and don't read them, and you can get by.
In short, Pick lower ranking novels to read.
Rextraos Theres nothing here on webnovel tho, there other communities are better than webnovel and with the WN removing free chapters lots and lots of people gonna leave
Its The price, the price is EXPENSIVE
You got 200+ pay walled chapters with no free chapters, the small amount of stones you get by doing daily tasks can not support people with fast reading speeds.Webnovel should be able to support people with fast reading speeds
If you could think outside of the box the free SS would be enough to read all stories in here
I read from originals and frees while saving SS then binge read premiums when I’m at around 700 SS. I’ve had no problem so far. Just got to wait a few months but feels great when I binge read. But I do understand how you feel. I feel it all the time after my SS are all used up and I have to start saving again.
Lol people are so stupid when they say they don't see the point of people complaining about the free chapters and the price. Most people are mad about the price. We pay almost 10x more in their currency to unlock chapters than their other site with no reason why. The novels under "premium" still have bad editing, dont follow a schedule, and there's no communication between webnovel and readers. Heck they still don't even have a page that shows their "premium" novels and it's been out like 6 months and the have like 40 novels that changed over lol.
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Just sayin', there are at least 3 workarounds to get the premium chapters for free. A quick google search can find you how to do this in less than 2 minutes.
EDIT: I'm aware that doing this does not support the author, but it's actually Webnovel's shitty pricing and policies that are making people not want to pay. If they removed all daily stones and toned the price down by 5x, people would buy stones. Probably. More than now anyway.
yu_ba_bu_neng Not even close. Relying on free chapters, it would take you about 380 days just to have enough SS to read a single completed novel here.
Acheron93 Try the originals before you leave. Some like mine have enough chapters to binge read
I'm about to say goodbye as well. If Webnovel could implement a decent subscription model I would be ok to pay a monthly fee to get all-access, but this "stone" business is to bothersome and expensive. Extremely cumbersome and expensive system, especially when there are several free competitors.