hmmm, switching between 3rd person to 1st person for dreams...
Have you got something separating the dreams from the reality like for example:

Reality Text

Dream Text

If you do, then that's all fine. It is not switching that bothers readers, it is if it is done with no rhyme or reason. Even if you didn't have a divider of Reality and Dreams (as I am calling 3rd person and 1st person perspectives respectively) it should be fine as long as you make it clear that it was a dream at the end of the dream and beginning of the 3rd person perspective again).
If the readers know that 1st person = dreams and it is indicated in a way that flows in the story then it should be fine.
For example, if the main character had a dream (1st pov) and woke up afterwards(3rd pov); their friend asking them if they had a nightmare or some form of informative dialogue that still flows in the story would be fine.

To summarize, it is not about WHAT you do, it is about HOW you do it.

As for pacing, that is much harder to explain.
Pacing in a story is different based on things like the writing style, perspective it is written in and the personality of who is telling the story (the personality of the perspective).
For example; if your book is written in the perspective of a character who is really lazy, then you are not going to have him walking into a bar describing the number of warts the old hag behind the counter has right?
If the character is lazy, then you should gloss over unimportant details (to the character whose perspective it is in, NOT if you consider it unimportant).

Try to put yourself in the shoes or pretend you are the character whose perspective the story is told in.
What would that character consider important?
Maybe the character loves his alcohol? If so, describe the wide variety of alcohol on the shelf behind the bar's counter and ignore the old hag who is disturbing the fine view.
Pacing doesn't matter, as long as you can create a story that immerses the reader.

If you are doing an omniscient 3rd person (as you mentioned), then use interesting and descriptive language.
Be realistic with how long stuff takes.
Let us say the lazy, alcohol addicted guy spends a few seconds looking at the alcohol.
To him, since it took much longer, be more descriptive if you are doing a 1st person of his perspective.
For the omniscient 3rd person, just say something like "After glancing at the selection of alcohol, the man turned to the bartender who had a dozen warts on her weathered face"

Pacing isn't about how fast the story moves; it's about how things in the story are described, how the perspective of the story views things within the world.
Does the main character have many thoughts during a fight?
Or does the main character think fights happen quickly?

That is what the very definition of pacing in a story is.
So, I am not the writer and I did not create the characters.
I can attempt to judge the pacing by immersing myself into the storyteller's perspective, but I will not be as accurate as the creator of the story.
It is up to you to decide the pace of the story, the character and thus, the perspective the story is told in, was created by you; therefore, you should be able to self-reflect and analyse your work far better than anyone else.

Thanks, man.
Ecstatic that someone over the internet loves me, not sure my parents do ;)
(note: am joking btw, but still funny joke haha)

    Ohhh btw book, I fixed up the synopsis and some stuff in the story. Thanks for the advice man.

      WorstNameEver Do you even learn anything when taking college English? I'm almost done with English 101(I'm ony final paper) and all we've done is write essays about how stuff made us feel :/.

        True thats all it actively teaches, but usually those discussions and schoolwork tends to improve how well people can express themselves via writing.
        If you get what I mean

          14 days later

          Check mine out
          "Yes darling"
          "I'm not yours yet"
          "You were mine the moment I laid eyes on you😌"
          "Yes darling"
          "You're too old"
          "I heard older guys are spicier. The spicier, the better. I wouldn't say old, I'd say mature😈"
          "Quincy, go home 🤦🏼‍♀️"
          Quincy Davis shamelessly claimed Seraphina Jacob as his. He liked her at first sight, but he fell for her at the first "hello".

          "Yes Quincy😊"
          "My eyes are up here"
          "Oh My. I prefer the two dangling eyes between your thighs. The nose in between is saying hello to me. Hi little Quincy. Let's get to know each other well in the future😈"
          "Sera, eyes up here not down there🤦🏻‍♂️"
          Seraphina Jacob shamelessly claimed Quincy Davis as hers. She liked him at first "naked" sight, but fell for him at the first "kiss".

          This is a fluttering story about Quincy and Seraphina, and how their love blossomed in the Summer.

            Innovation I am a fan of having people help the author correct their mistakes and stuff but there is a limit. I don't mind pointing out two or three mistakes in a chapter but when the author has a half dozen in the first paragraph and literally hundreds of mistakes it's hard to make the effort. Sometimes I wonder if it would be an entirely different story if I corrected all the errors. Would it be different enough for me to call a fanfiction? I think it might be.

            Please check my novel out if you have time


            In a certain universe, there are humans who developed superpowers known as ‘mutants’. A guy who can read minds; a guy who can shoot lasers from his eyes; a guy who can control metals; a girl who can cause storms, and a girl who can control things with her mind. They are just some of the small population of the mutants in the world. One guy, who neither have superpowers nor any mutation, is hanging out with them. But, what they did not know is that he has a much stronger ability. This is his adventure

              12 days later


              "a guy"
              "a guy"
              "a guy"
              "a guy"
              "a girl"
              "a girl"

              Bruh, did you not see the other dude's comment about not using the same words in a paragraph?
              Also, guy is a sh*t noun. Is this a comedy or slice of life?

                a month later

                Alright guys, I am going to clarify just what this post was meant for.
                It is mainly meant for the answering of peoples questions about grammar, English, story ideas and other such stuff. I don't care if people are willing to review or judge novels here because I have done it a couple times myself.
                However, please keep in mind this is a novel discussion chat, not a review swap chat.

                  I'm an English speaker and I agree about the terrible grammar I see in the more popular original novels. It's really hard to read, but I doubt I'm doing much better. At the very least, I go back to previous chapters and check for errors before publishing while I try not to repeat words too much (This means I actually dish out a thesaurus). If you're still taking offers, I would like your opinion about my novel. A comment about grammar would do far more than a single review.(It's easy to miss errors if I'm the only one reading)


                    One of the best discussions I’ve seen here! I really wanted to get this off my chest and I’m glad to find this thread. I don’t say that I’m great at writing but I’ve been dropping books from my library just because I get a headache reading bad English. The story line is good, but it is impossible to decipher what they are trying to relate! And there are some popular original books here with a lot of potential that are in need of serious editing. With a little bit of editing and proof reading they’ll catapult into the limelight!

                      MishaK quoting from piokilek "there are free editors, we call them readers" 😂😂 but that's gonna be troublesome.

                      Oh, wow. This was a worthwhile read. You’ve addressed the issue that I’ve been struggling with on this website. Admittedly, I am also guilty for a few things listed in the Bad and the Fugly (ouch, my face burns), but I’ve also read enough books to notice the mistakes. I’d love to support the original novels but most of them have such terrible English that I just can’t stand them. I get quite peeved when I spot grammatical mistakes (especially in my own works). It makes me unable to concentrate on the story much less care about them. I’ve even written a couple of pretty harsh reviews on those novels (particularly about their grammar), and one of the authors had blocked my review... oof. 😅

                        ihateyounot A bit of advice for everyone. The way I write is (lots of copy-pastes btw):

                        First in Microsoft Word (with multiple read-overs and edits; maybe have an English competent friend help out)

                        Then copy-paste into Webnovel or whatever website it is going to.

                        Read over, edit and format (some sites like qidian prefer certain ways to space. I personally have everything but speech only 1 sentence paragraphs to make it easy for mobile readers. They complained about my walls of text though).

                        I have Grammarly, it helps a lot. Just ignore dumb word corrections. e.g. One time it wanted to make the word "soul" become "soil" in a sentence about soul cultivation in my Eastern Fantasy lol. Use this or something similar for corrections.

                        Copy-paste back to a new Word document (I actually have a base version and Webnovel version of every uploaded chapter of my story in different folders) and use the auto-correct for the finer things (Word has a better correction for certain things compared to Grammarly).

                        Copy-paste back to webnovel or whatever (after deleting the current text in there beforehand of course), then Grammarly it one more time before adding an author's note (Grammarly that too, don't Word it cos no one cares with Author's notes).

                        If you really can't be bothered, then no need to send it back to Word the second time, but atleast save the end result on a NEW Word document since it is nice to see the differences in your writing before and after correction.
                        Don't forget to re=read any edit (usually from the start of that paragraph or half-way through previous one. Basically go back 3 sentences and start reading again to check sentence flow).

                        That is my advice.

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