As for pacing, that is much harder to explain.
Pacing in a story is different based on things like the writing style, perspective it is written in and the personality of who is telling the story (the personality of the perspective).
For example; if your book is written in the perspective of a character who is really lazy, then you are not going to have him walking into a bar describing the number of warts the old hag behind the counter has right?
If the character is lazy, then you should gloss over unimportant details (to the character whose perspective it is in, NOT if you consider it unimportant).
Try to put yourself in the shoes or pretend you are the character whose perspective the story is told in.
What would that character consider important?
Maybe the character loves his alcohol? If so, describe the wide variety of alcohol on the shelf behind the bar's counter and ignore the old hag who is disturbing the fine view.
Pacing doesn't matter, as long as you can create a story that immerses the reader.
If you are doing an omniscient 3rd person (as you mentioned), then use interesting and descriptive language.
Be realistic with how long stuff takes.
Let us say the lazy, alcohol addicted guy spends a few seconds looking at the alcohol.
To him, since it took much longer, be more descriptive if you are doing a 1st person of his perspective.
For the omniscient 3rd person, just say something like "After glancing at the selection of alcohol, the man turned to the bartender who had a dozen warts on her weathered face"
Pacing isn't about how fast the story moves; it's about how things in the story are described, how the perspective of the story views things within the world.
Does the main character have many thoughts during a fight?
Or does the main character think fights happen quickly?
That is what the very definition of pacing in a story is.
So, I am not the writer and I did not create the characters.
I can attempt to judge the pacing by immersing myself into the storyteller's perspective, but I will not be as accurate as the creator of the story.
It is up to you to decide the pace of the story, the character and thus, the perspective the story is told in, was created by you; therefore, you should be able to self-reflect and analyse your work far better than anyone else.