Yuria576 yeah, maybe it was me who "too sensitive" for being offended by some brats who speak very rudely. which i thought it was very obvious that someone would feel offended by foul language, especially after i reminded them that they were talking to an elder. even if you're talking too your peers, its still not good too speak rudely much less to elderlies.
no, (thank goodness) i'm not your ancestor. kinda feel sorry for them to have a descendant who don't care for their ancestors.
at first, i was only stating my opinion. so there'll be always ifs. and its very likely that the translator got permission from author. no matter how many censored they put in the novel, its their right to made some changes to the story. and noxiety mentioned in his op that "the translators think its too offensive to others" (i don't read the novel, my opinion is built from noxeity's op).
"so if (which is very likely) the translators feels the story is too offensive to certain ppl/group and they got permission from the author, they have the very right to censored the story and i support them". thats my opinion.
did this humble opinion of mine offended any of you? why then after that i got replies with some curses and foul languages?
i tried to reminded him that i'm an elderly, felt offended by his foul languages and asked him not to use bad languages. i even tried to clarify my opinion just in case someone felt offended by my first comment bc of my bad english.
i don't get it how you think i'm too sensitive for felt offended by foul languages ("How the f*ck do you even live in this world with such a mindset?","bitching", "cunt", etc) directed to me, but you guys felt offended bc i (an elderly) called a youngster (who speak with foul languages to me) a brat, and it seems fine to you.
i'm very chill. i only follow this forum for socialize and waste some spare time. replies happily to anyone who polite (and respect) to others (jokes are another matter) and at least replies once to those who commented rudely to me just to reminded them (and you too) about their rude behavior. even if i felt offended, that feeling would immediately gone after i click "Post Reply".
as an elderly, i feel some responsibility to remind youngsters i met (even in the internet) if they do something bad (especially to me). after that, its not my business whether they'd listen to my reminding or not, and i don't bother to manage them again if they choose not to. they're not my kids anyway.