Mansion in Post-apocalyptic World translator censor and cut parts as he likes!
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KoraL actually i was just stating my opinion then people replied me with rude attitude. after my first comment, i don't debate about the censorship anymore.
in my comment you're replying to (and other comments), i was just explaining my point in my first comment and then asked whether it is something offensive and deserve me to be cursed and insulted (so, the point of that comment is not the censorship).
i was expressing my displeasure to the rude behaviors. and no, i'm not relying on personal grievance to argue. my personal grievance (if any), already vented it in my 2nd comment. that curses and insults is what i'm argued about on the later comments (well, not really. just want to remind them about they rude behavior, not that anyone listen.)
i don't see CKtalon statement about translators did it without permission anywhere before i stated my first "ifs" comment (at that time we didn't know whether the translators got permission from the author or not, so i assume they got it bc its not hard for them to get it and i thought ppl who want to make a living as translator won't have a heart or guts to screw author's works). and everyone should easily know what the impact of CKtalon's statement to my first comment. there is nothing to argue about.
if you check my previous comments, you'll find that i stopped coming here after my 2nd comment. bc of noxiety's response "It is said that the best way to handle a troll is to stay silent, so i'm going to follow that starting now. You can scream all you like on your own..." which i consider it as him don't want to hear anything from me. why would i bother talk to someone who doesn't want to give his ear? it was 24 days ago. any comment that came after that, i just simply don't read it (including CKtalon's that you just mentioned).
my comments after that are just replies to people who poked me (thats including you).
the background of my dissatisfaction? uhhh?
i know my english is terrible (i stated it before), but now i know my english is far worse that i thought. none seems to get what i'm talking about. your first sentence is a near miss.
AreYouTheEye Dude, your like a politician with all your damage control :P
Mutt KoraL AreYouTheEye Ok people, can we end this pointless argument now? Lets just all of us stop replying on this starting now. It's not going anywhere. It's best we all just stop...
N0xiety Thats not true... old ppl dont always have wisdom, especially when it comes to interrupting into conbersations they know nothing about. Just google Donald Trump.
Serious issue. Please ask the translator to stop censoring. It's stupid. What if I changed all the names of the characters because I was offended by them. That would be idiotic. That is exactly what the translator is doing now. Please STOP
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I made a suggestion for Titan beneath the Heavens.I said you can change the name of terrorist "Muhammed".Everyone knows the reason I think I will not explain and they answered like this:"Hi there, we did not intentionally picked this name and only translated the author's work. We cannot modify the content in any way. I hope you understand." and ı said it is okay and deleted that novel from my library.I think translator must not change or censor the story. if someone, doesn't like a novel or get offended somehow they can just delete like me.
Frk_ozbk I don't know the reason why you would want to censor Muhammed, unless it was translated wrongly from the authors book. But all translations should be on par with the authors original writing as it is his own work and should not be changed by translators. It is a disgrace to the original work and the author.
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I did not ask to them like, you must change this, I asked like" you can change the name "and they said I can't change so I said ok and dropped that novel.and if you are asking specific a reason ı don't want to talk about religious things
Frk_ozbk Yes, I think you did the right thing here. However even if it is religious I believe nothing should be censored.
TargetPractice1 I think they censored ı am not sure but ı was looking the name but I could not find it doesn't matter though the novel is not good
Frk_ozbk True, the novel is an abomination.
N0xiety I agree that removing parts of the novel is unacceptable for translators to do (although I still don't think it really effected the story), censoring the names doesn't really matter imo. It seems well established that his world is our world, and I was never confused with any of the story, except things like Country F. I have no idea what he is referring to, especially since coro island is not real. Apart from that, censoring CIA or FBI doesn't really matter, it's obvious what he's referring to.
litarius Country F is Philippines apparently. I can mostly understand the actual novel, but why does the translator do it? No purpose and its annoying to see country F country A country UA fucking christ say the actual names.
@ZhangYe boss, we need your face smaking skills in this issue... Wait, never mind. With how nationalist he is, this post will blow up if he comments here.
But, seriously, just don't watch or give SS to the chapters that he release if you don't like what he is doing to the novel. Don't just drop this since it is a pretty good novel.
I get that what he did (or is still doing(waiting for more chapters to be released to marathon them all)) is bad, but don't punish novels for it.
Have anyone here read Apocalypse Meltdown? That's what happens when two bad things get together. Mansion is a great novel with an 'ok' translator, so this topic shouldn't kill it.
I say it, because I found too many people dropping and removing this novel (or saying that they will do it).
Wouldn't recommend dropping this novel, I've easily read 30 other Chinese books and this one ranks at the top easily, it's really quite good
PhantomPR05 What's wrong with apocalypse meltdown? Seems alright.
PhantomPR05 Yeah whats Wrong With Apocalypse Meltdown, I really enjoy it?