AreYouTheEye while I do agree with you that the world and the internet would be a better place of people were less rude, I don't think that censoring history in any way is good for anyone. In this case, the context of the censoring matters a lot more.
History has a tendency of repeating itself. The more we know about it, the more we can do to keep ourselves from falling into the pitfalls of our ancestors while being able to repeat their successes.
This translator is cutting large portions of the original work, many of which are references to historical events. As alluded to by cktalon, the translator was spoken to regarding these omissions, implying they did not have permission to alter the novel as they had been.
I feel that not understanding the background of the dissatisfaction has led you to arguing for a different cause than you intended and now, backed into a corner, you can only rely on personal grievances to argue this new cause.
Respected elder, please have the maturity to be the bigger person and avoid trying to correct rudeness on the internet. If you have more to debate about the particular censorship done by this translator or similar censorships of history, culture, or politics, then I would love to discuss that.
Otonashi_Yuzuru I have a feeling some people translate to censor because if someone else translated it, it would not be censored. Thus acting first allows them to keep the works censored almost indefinitely. See 4kids for examples of translations that many consumers will never see the uncensored versions of.