RIP minyol
Everyone will be dropping the links
Including me, cause why not?
Author: 4knnife
Title: Born In Blood
Genre: Romance Fiction
A crow woke me up. Dazed, I realized that life indeed likes to repeat itself. Because I was reborn.
Left alone by all, she was sure her heart will never warm up again. When tortured for hours, she was confident her bland life was over. Who would expect that once collapsing in a pool of blood, she will wake up in a fluffy bedding from a long time ago.
a) are a person who wants a good ending, but when you get a good ending you're not satisfied cause you also want drama
b) are a person who wants a sad, heart-breaking ending that will leave you crying, but when you get a sad ending you aren't satisfied either, and secretly wishing for a good ending
c) want to sob/stare at the wall for half an hour and wonder what to do with your life after finishing the story
d) are a wandering reader who is lost
e) are just a bunch of awesomeness and pure curiosity
THEN, give this story a try
A/N: Make sure to prepare a truckload of patience, books to throw, walls to punch and a squishy stress ball.
P.S feels galore
minyol, do you have discord?