Innovation lol
How to get contract/get paid?
Lizabelle88 very
Arkinslize everything but pirates :p...
Arkinslize Top Star has bad grammar but was heavily promoted (wayy better than most fan fic though). So, not really true.
You seriously appear on this forum again with your rant? Let me finish my chapters. Use that time to get a cup for your tears.
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Honestly, i'll probably stop the debate here. I don't even know why i'm losing my time defending the devil. I just said at first that i've seen this contract and that nothing really surprised me there.
Every thing they do or do not, whether they should or not can be sum up to lack of personel, or basically money issues. That they're looking for cheap profits or are not reactive/ do what you expect from them is really another debate. You gave example of people that webnovel did not help, many maybe have been helped in time that you don't know about.
Every word you said is agressive and feels like webnovel owe you something. They don't. They are neither your friends, nor here to carry you. It is a business. Final word.
DarkRay We are talking about original works, translated novels are completely different argument. Don't use translated novels as your standard here
I never used translated novels as standard so please stop. The one with 270M views you're talking about doesn't earn 100k$ but much more.
You don't say which author from the top 20 you're talking about that earn only 1.5k$. You don't say how many premium chapters has his story, or how many chapters he/she publishs every week, how many gifts or fans he/she has. Being top 3 or 20 for a while in power ranking doesn't mean anything.
DarkRay No, you don't have "great luck" when your native language is English. What sort of argument is this? Improve yourself if you don't want to write in your own language, and don't complain.
You just litteraly made my point valid. So you're an english native, i presume. So, before you misunderstand, i'm dentist irl, i speak 4 languages as i speak here in english with you. I truly don't care whether i earn 100k$ or 200$ writing here. I'm living well.
Pretty arrogant to say someone can write in his own language, when there's no market. If as you pretend the top 20 here earn 1k$ per month, how much do you think you will earn with an audience 10 to 50 times smaller.
The other reason is that most people here read webnovel in english, since as i said there's no market yet in most other languages. Spanish, chinese ect.. have it better, but nothing for the others.
Most of all, most of the foreigners here are probably working like crazy to improve their grammar and writing skills.
I'll stop here, if you still want to talk about it, we can continue on discord Arkinslize#6861. Maybe not everything can be said here.
BravelyNovice 2-3 months to get contract. 3-6 to actually improve and earn and a year to write and earn well.
I would say write a short story about 200-300 chapters first, sign it. Try it out and see if you like it and if you get some readers good, if not, you can try with another book after you improve. It takes a year to actually write decent.
DarkRay Just as a teaser:
I'm around top150 in the power ranking
I'm around top70 in the trending ranking, meaning that my rank with votes is half the rank I get when the earnings counts.
Arkinslize DarkRay Better to stop the debate. Webnovel contract is not that bad. If you look at Amazon contract then you will be surprised. Amazon can literally kick you, ban you, take your income if they wish to do so and there is nothing you can do. They also don't need to provide any reason why they did so.
Popcorn, anyone?
Arkinslize No, I haven't been aggressive at all. I presented my arguments, and quoted you. I don't have any ill will towards you at all. I showed you the original claim to which I responded, and I made a mistake to which I admitted. I'm not trying to win here, we were having a discussion, that's all there is to it. That's what forums are for.
Arkinslize You don't say which author from the top 20 you're talking about that earn only 1.5k$...
Piokilek is here, ask him. I talked with precell (he/she is a mod I believe) about that too, and a few other people. Ask the original authors, that is what I got from them.
You presumed wrong. I'm not English native. I had to learn English, and it took years. Therefore when I say "don't complain and do something about it", I think I have the right to say this. If you are interested in some bs wrapped in feely words, unfortunately I don't provide that.
Why is it arrogant? Anyone can start writing in any language. You can take it a step further and publish it as a book. You can make money, if you really want to do it. Sure the market is smaller, but so what? If you are after pure money, getting a well paid job instead would work much better (like being a dentist, I believe it's a well paid job). I also said that alternative is learning English, as it is an international language (giving you access to bigger market).
You don't know if "most" authors strive to improve. I don't know either. I'm happy to talk about this at discord, it doesn't really matter to me. Forums exist for the purpose of discussion. I don't feel like you insulted me, and I don't think I insulted you in any way. But, if you want to continue at discord, I will comply.
Piokilek If you look at my replies, my stance is clear. I don't tell people whether to sign it or not. I tell people it is their own choice. I read amazon terms of service, especially if you take their royalty shares. That is incorrect. They can terminate your account true, but not for free (as in for nothing), and they have to notify you of such termination.
They can't take your income. They can offset returns
"If we pay you a Royalty on a sale and later issue a refund, return, or credit for that sale, we may offset the amount of the Royalty previously paid for the sale against future Royalties, or require you to remit that amount to us.
if a third party asserts that you did not have all rights required to make one of your Books available through the Program, we may hold all Royalties due to you until we reasonably determine the validity of the third party claim.
Upon termination of this Agreement, we may withhold all Royalties due for a period of three months from the date they would otherwise be payable in order to ensure our ability to off-set any refunds or other offsets we are entitled to take against the Royalties. "
And so on. Only if you break the law, will they not pay up those royalties. The reason will be there when they notify you. I read them, and I can even link their terms and conditions.
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We should spend the time and energy on writing — and not on excessively long rants each time a person makes a comment or statement. Also, if you don't know the truth, nor have you walked a mile in the person's shoes, you should be mindful of what you attempt to preach; since, you have zero experience in the shoes.
[unknown] Yeah, its different when it comes to kindle select. I know a person who earned 18k but then amazon said the views were fake and cut it in half to 9k. They said if you have a problem with that, you can sue them. Good luck with that. I'm not saying Amazon is bad, I just say its also as shady as everyone else.
@yaoyueyi Necro'ed Thread.