Tashady In one sentence I'll summarize their response to earlier posts like this: It's what sells.

Basically, Webnovel has no interest in values and its influence on impressionable minds. Their overarching goal is to publish stories that get people to spend real money, that's all. It's really disappointing, and also equally disappointing is that these abuse stories actually sell (apparently).

Perhaps someone from their ranks will come along and say exactly what I said but in more palatable terms, but in the end Webnovel has yet to prove me wrong. (Admin, in case things get lost in translation and you are unable to read between the lines, this is a challenge for you to actually prove me wrong by picking better stories!)

In the meantime, I really hope people keep posting things like this and maybe someday Webnovel will actually take heed.

    I agree, Some of these so called Romantic novels are trash.

    The male character rapes a female not once but many times and it is considered ok. Why? He is jealous or he is angry.
    What nonsense. Rape is rape. It is not love.





      Tashady yup , I agree why can't they differentiate the difference between rape and romance ? From 2 treasure , mr. Yuan's dilemma to this love in the midst of mistaken identity it implies that it's totally ok to use rape and violence in the name of love.
      Webnovel is a huge platform for all types of readers, especially youngsters . These type of novels that are encouraging rape and abuse as a part of love are damaging social point of view of the younger one . May be not immediately but if these type of novel kept promoting then it'll be a norm to use rape and violence as a part of romance .
      By publishing these novels web novel is only demoting feminism

      Needless to say rape and domestic violence are crimes in some western countries. To glorify either in stories may lead to such considerations.

      If anything, Webnovel authors should keep consideration of laws in their minds when writing on sensitive issues. Not only local law, but certain globally agreed laws.

      It's the reason I'm learning on content media management. So I'm aware of the hot water.

      Smh, when you're just here to read a story about a mass murder who could cultivate to become a god..
      then you find out that it is just some 2nd degree domestic abuse sh*t, am severely disappointed in this website.

      RenuKakkar Ughh I never understood such romance. It’s beyond me and I feel so disgusted when I think about it lol. Girl is left pregnant then years later he comes back and they get together.. i mean the guy treated her so poorly, so why...? Lol. Maybe they’re masochist and like possessive guys? Idk lol

        I hate rape romances. There are tons of them in Chinese novels. As soon as I see that in a series, I drop it immediately. It might even be a fairly good series, and then that comes out of nowhere! Like, what the hell, China?

        There are even series that don't treat rape as rape or even treat it like a joke when the victim is trembling and terrified of the abuser. I don't mind reading about rape in a story as long as it's actually treated like it should be. Twisting it into some delusional romance is ridiculous and obscene.

        Ah agreed such stories really belong in the metaphoric nonburnable trash bin. This is not bashing on the author's skill or writing style but on toxic unhealthy things we really shouldn't be encouraging in life. Sadly these things aren't even censored in mainstream media, let alone a small site like WN.

        Remember how long it took before WN took down those pornographic nude covers on those spam stories posted? It took so many days of seeing such explicit content.

        Reading about sex is fine, we have rating warning for that. Youths on the internet will also look at things regardless of warning, that's nothing WN or any site really has power over. The problem is that people romanticize and encourage these dangerous mindsets on what 'love ' is in these 'popular' CEO type romances. It's like watching a legion of thirsty middle aged housewives and preteens eating up the leftovers of the 50 Shades of Grey craze.

        WN can't do anything about what people like but they could be more careful about what they promote. However I don't think they will do anything about it, just as ace_cap says it's all about what sells. Not quality, what will last or be a good impression on the site in general, just what the 'statistics' say is the best. WN only looks at numbers and maybe it's all they can afford to do. I don't think they can even afford to hire the staff to check through such things when they seem understaffed as it is on mods/admins and editors.

        While it's not their fault it is something they could do better on.

        I completely agree. Personally, I have a novel about an office romance, but I haven't even thought of the idea of putting in abuse of authority. Just because rape and love both have four letters doesn't mean their the same or even remotely similar. Be more creative when writing these plots. What's the better way to show his affection and win the hearts of the readers? To rape her? Or to show restraint and through it his respect and trust.

        I may have ran my mouth a bit here, but domestic violence in a relationship that is meant to be centered about real love is just a bit disgusting. Webnovel is a smaller novel publishing site, so I kind of understand their inability to deal with matters like this right away, but I believe they should pay a bit more attention to what goes through the content filters.

        Tashady Please do not think this is a post about shameless novel self promotion. My 1st novel here focuses on a relationship developing for my female lead post leaving a relationship involving domestic violence, and that it can happen to anyone. Yes as the story goes on it does go into those other areas (not for my female lead) but it helps understand why her previous relationship ended up like it did (intergenerational disrespect and manipulation). I just hope that I am a little cog in breaking that mould on Webnovel you are commenting about (despite thete being flaws in my writing style).

          These discussions pop up once in a while, and I think it’s great to talk about it and possibly make others more aware/think from a another perspective. But what concerns me is that even though we seem to be highly aware of this, readers still support these fics, and authors keep on writing them.

          The most common arguments I see for rape or as I call it, unhealthy romance that doesn’t even qualify as true romance, just physical and psychological abuse, is that people like what they like, and then leave it as a “controversial” issue/story. Seriously? Yes it’s controversial, but that still doesn’t mean it isn’t straight up wrong in so many ways. I get it, people have kinks or whatever. But that doesn’t mean it’s good to keep promoting these types of stories when it can be done well without the rape. Reading into these stories makes an endless vicious cycle that makes rape ok, which it never is.

          Why do not the authors write from their own life. Most of us had love marriages or some had arranged marriages and fell in love with their spouse after marriage. There is the struggle to settle in marriage then the struggle to be accepted by the in laws from both sides.

          One can even write a story like an old hollywood movie or like an Indian movie that has a bit of everything in it. Romance, marriage, adjustment with the in laws of both sides then some fight chapters, a few kidnapping chapters, hero to the rescue etc. I think I will do that when I write a romantic novel. Presently, my book is science fiction.

          Tashady I completely agree with you.

          Relationships, especially in beginner writer's works, have a tendency to feel forced. Even in some popular and famous works of fiction, the relationship doesn't feel natural.

          Not to long ago I made a post much alike this one. I’m glad to read that I’m not the only one thinking this. I’m not a big fan of the romantic genre, but after reviewing quite a number of stories, I believe the often confused characterisation between a “popular bad boy” and an abuser is the biggest mistake made in these works.

          Stereotypical bad boy: doesn't follow the rules because he thinks they are harmful or stifling. Outbursts are at points whenever the character believes there are injustices taking place; he fights to defend.

          Abuser: doesn't follow rules because he thinks he's above them. Outbursts are about things not going the way he wants them, fights to prove superiority or lay claim.

          On the same note; there is a difference between having a nice, compromising protagonist and having a borderline or actually abused protagonist. Some authors might write the latter as though it's supposed to be romantic.

          While toxic relationships could be considered a story on themselves (for example a story about escaping a toxic relationship), they are often portrayed as the ultimate romances.

          No matter how handsome, wealthy, smart or amazing, an abuser should never be the ultimate romantic fantasy. Certainly not for adolescent readers who are only just learning to experience romantic attraction.

          10 days later

          klmorgan Finding Her Forever by Heidi McLaughlin is also a good example of what you're doing. It's also on my fave list with most of that series.

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