KingDerp Last response because I don’t want to make you feel bullied or anything due to having a different opinion than me on this issue. You have all the right in the world to pursue what you want to pursue and to be unhappy about whatever. You made a statement that I can’t let go though.
You asked, “are you so daft that you can see that the whole privilege program is exploiting us?” I know it’s a rough paraphrase but it captures to spirit of your question so I won’t quibble the semantics but the heart of your question.
Are you? I’m not the one threatening a law suit, calling in the EU, talking to lawyers, or preaching the gospel of corporate greed and exploitation to the internet. If it’s so obvious then why use the app? Why invest your precious money not once, but twice? Why post on 13 other forum posts about their illegal activity if it’s a foregone conclusion?
Yes, they are providing an exclusive service at a premium. They aren’t selling crack to kids. Your old enough to make a decision on your own. Is the cost exaggerated, yes!!! Is the privilege service confusing, yes!!! So, they still provided what they said they would. As an adult, I have to take responsibility when I use my money in a unintelligent way not blame someone for taking my money when I made a poor decision.
I’m not an employee, translator, author, or collaborator in a conspiracy. I am a huge fan of these works who is burning time waiting for my free chapters to catch back up with my unlocked privilege ones from last month. 3 more days and I am back to my favorite story. I know if I spent the money thinking 50 more chapters I would be super bummed. Your still 50 chapters ahead of everyone who didn’t pay so there’s that! Gl with changing everything.