Itachi2K3 Let me just respond to the original before I respond the rest of the folks in the thread. I tried to explain this previously to some idiot on the original qidian post. For me I complain because I think Qidian needs to make good on ensuring it's readers are ensured. You know I am a person who appreciates good customer service more so than the service itself. So Qidian can be crappy, but only when they have a dedicated mindset, so dedicated that I can feel that no matter my problem they will fix it for me then I can call them a company worth putting money into. They do not have an official way to log bugs, they do not have an official FAQ for new users, they do not have any sort of monitoring in place that makes anyone feel like they are heard. What they have is a couple randoms on the forums and in discord who may or may not answer your question, acknowledge your concern or help you out. That to do me does not sound like something solid, do they need money for that kind of service I don't know, but I know one thing no company in america survives very long without good customer support. Especially when it comes to money, you don't leave that stuff up to chance. I don't like that Qidian is taking these steps without ensuring the readers that their money is safe, that when you pay for items on qidian whatever they are, that qidian will have your side, I don't feel that trust. It's bad enough I can barely trust that they will give me a quality translation and thats the merchandise they are selling!! LMAO
N0xiety Yeah, you were always worried about this, I don't think it will be that dramatic.
Arch Problem with Qidian though, is they are so unprofessional it's literally off putting. I would never buy anything from them until they fix translations quality, support mechanism, release info and more. Most companies love to sing of their new developments before they hit the market, love to boast about how customer friendly they are, Qidian has yet to make anything clear except they want money. They have not made any promises to fix anything, they have not made any assurances that money will not be lost, I am not 100% sure I have seem a Terms of Use policy or any of that normal stuff that companies have when they want you to pay money. So calling them a company feels like a stretch to me, cause evn smaller companies know that when you introduce money it is better to have these sorts of policies and understanding between customer and seller but I don't see much of that going on, maybe they only do that when you actually pay for something? It just does not seem legit, it feels like we are doing under the table dealings.
Hyper_pumpkin We can demand whatever we want when we are consumers, thats the law of the world, we can complain however we want because we have the money that you want. Qidian seems to always think they are in control of the money, but they are not, we are. Do not give people power that they shouldn't have that's how you end up as a slave. If china was so rich they wouldn't have abandoned malls and so many poor people still planting rice out in the boonies.