N0xiety Wuxiaworld is originally a fan translation site. I have no idea about the specific details behind them, but as far as what I'm in knowledge of from way back 2 years ago, what they pay to their translators is what the site earns. Now, keep that in mind—wuxiaworld earns from ads, and they pay their translators through these ads. There's also bonus chapters. In simpler words, money comes first, then they use the money to pay the translators. I repeated that 3 times so that it'll be understandable, alright?
Now, you look at the almighty Qidian International. Lul. They pay their translators a fixed rate even before they started their website. To put it simply, they INVESTED MONEY. They didn't earn anything at the start, instead, they gave their OWN money to pay the translators and editors, hoping for them to provide work that will gain them profits in the future. Qidian is not a fan translation site, it is a business, owned by a company, IN ORDER TO GET RETURN OF INVESTMENT. To put it simply: qidian sends money first, then they wait for the ads to let them earn back what they give. That's a stark contrast right?
Now, as you have seen in the damned premium announcement, Qidian is operating at a lost. What does it mean bro? The money they are investing is SO MUCH MORE THAN WHAT THEY EARN BACK. The fixed payment for the translators are still there, BUT THEY ARE NOT EARNING ANYTHING BACK. Why would the investors or the people behind qi continue supporting or pouring in money on something that will never provide them profits or even RETURN OF INVESTMENT (ROI)? That's just complete and utter bullshit.
Now, what happens to a company that doesn't earn back their money? They file for bankruptcy. They leave the market. And the translators that were earning fixed rate of salary will have no jobs. Do you think they will continue as fan translators? Lol. If even half of them remain, that'll be a fucking miracle. Now, think of the unpopular novels, do you really think they will continue? They will just turn to dust, forever forgotten.
Lastly, this is really the saddest part I saw on your post. Please do compare the ad situation of ww and qi. QI has the best kind of ads in the entirety of the translation scene. You don't fucking lose tons of mobile data through some cancerous ads, and your adblock doesn't block 10k+ ads loading in the site. Do you know why WW earns so much more than QI? Because their ads are cancer, and the site is practically unusable if you have limited data, unless you want your data to run out right away.
Everyone is annoyed about the shit QI pulled off. But understand this is investment, and without return of investment, they will eventually quit the market, and you lose a fuckton of novels.