Brodroster I'm more concerned about the pace of the release rather than the time during the day, like if they were 14/week before this feature but suddenly became 10/week after it.
Qidian's Premium Chapters
Also if they're going to have a premium feature, quality control needs to be vastly improved, transN is awful quality work, you can see from martial arts master and omnipotent sage that they lack understanding of English.
Kervy daily check in, power and energy stones vote give us free ss, enough for 2-3 premium chaps/day.
ZenByMoonlight they already explain that the adds feature were a loss (they don't get enough money to pay royalties for auth/translat/editor) thats why they launch this premium program.
Arch +1
GoGo people like you kills a lot of promising authors
Arch +1
Darlarren Just endure , you can do it !
N0xiety Do you think the translators were being paid fairly back then? Especially for certain novels who's pace was abysmal. For instance look at Lord Xue Ying.... You were lucky if Radiant did 4 in a week(early 2017 and up not sure how it was before). Now if I can get 7 or 8 I'll be happy. How did he/she, or they manage to up the release? Because the pay that they are getting is better than before. No one is going to slave away. So that's the only conclusion to have. If QI is operating at a lost WHILE providing a nice web AND MOBILE(This is a big one... Can read in bed without my phone fucking burning my fingers, and dropping on my chest-- dumb crappy ads), then they deserve some profits. I just wish it was a monthly fee for premium, hopefully during the beta they see it's unsustainable, and instead go REASONABLE rates for premium access. For instance tiers.
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Can't adapt changes huh ...
PeytyWap huh ? there's is other option to earn ss
Flaffy I wrote “Translators and editors here” in my post. I was referring to the novels HERE. Sure it will be business as usual for other sites if QI shuts down but I am talking about the novels HERE that will be dropped as a result.
If you think that without money as a motivation, the number of chapters released or the amount of novels actually translated out there would remain as how it is presently, may I suggest that you actually look back at the state of translated webnovel scene before people started monetizing it. Yes, there will still be people translating. Will the weekly release be as high if money is out of the equation? Will some novels even continue being translated by the same translated if money is out of the equation? No. Note the SOME I wrote there in case you think I’m saying ‘OMFG WEBNOVELS GONA DIE NOBODY GONA TL ANYMORE”
Darnsky people keep yelling "qidian too greedy!" just because qi try to earn more money (as any company should), but they fail to see that their judgment came from their own greed (i want moar chaps! faster! i want it all free for good) #Lol
AreYouTheEye earning money is one of the way of qidian to make stand for its company, why some people complaining about the new update of qidian, I dont get it why some readers want it for free, its one way to support them and yet there are some selfish people -_-
Flaffy Haha, reading your post is such a waste of time. The mods are very active in the "bugs" section. There are announcements every now and then about major bugs. You have the book of answers waiting for updating due to, again, bugs, which are waiting to get fixed. Any bugs people see are fixed in a day or two, so I don't really understand what you're on so that "readers money will be safe". If you actually look around, no one among those who actually used their money have complaints, or their complaints were already answered. So yeah, you're just an entitled joke. Lmfao.
Policies. Hahahahaha
Demand whatever you want, wow. Anyways, I don't see any point in your post. QI has always been some sort of early access site/game, with new features being added over the months, and they are not stabilized at all like people seem to make them out to be. There are only 4 premium novels, and there are strict criteria to become premium novels, not to mention the amount of time required for the translator to be part of it. All the unpopular novels with a release rate of 7 and below will never see the light of premium (which is like 50 percent or even more of the novels in qi), so you can alternatively just read them, or, you can just suck it up and become a little bitch like GoGo
HugeJin is there a reason why "it will translate into a paywall, eventually" ?
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Arch I love how you say "every now and then" like that's acceptable, but okay. I am not sure if i specifically mentioned bugs, but I was more commonly talking about the announcements of new functions and initiatives they have. Qidian has a habit of only telling half of the function.
"Look you get spirit stones!" is what they tell you, but they never really inform you that they expired you are left to find out.
"Look there are badges" is what they tell you, but they never say wtf a contribution ranking is... you are left to assume.
But yeah I am not going to read your entire post dude, just know I was never against the paying for qidian chapters, I never said I hated qidian and I am not anti-qidian since everyone seems to believe so. I just want improvements cause Qidian is not perfect and whether everyone believes it or not, it aint even up to international standards. It can do better and I believe that, so I am going to keep pushing for improvements because I actually do care!
Luta So, do you really want me to expound on this? Let's go back to xianxiaworld. Do you even know that site? They were the first ones to do a fixed rate, and they died within 4 months. They pay their translators from 25 to 40, depending on popularity—money given first, then money taken back first. I don't have complete data, but I remember when I was there, the manager of xxw said that the cost was around 20k USD, more than 100k usd for like 20 novels in 4 months.
Now, you look at qi. QI started back at January, at March, they already have 100 novels, with varying rates, at least from the "leaked" contracts, it should be around 25 usd to 40 usd too. So let's pick a number. 30 USD multiply to 100 translators, and say if they do only 30 chapters a month, how much is that? 90,000 USD. Keep in mind that other translators do 50, even 100 chapters a month. Now you work that around, March to December, multiply that. 10 months, so 900k USD. That's just the minimum possible, because by September QI already has almost 200 novels. Do you truly believe a meager amount can cover that?
Do I have an insider info? Well duh. I'm even earlier in QI than Chrissy, I just left due to being busy with real life. I still keep in touch, and any sane person will know and understand that qi is operating at a massive lost while investing a few millions to the translators and wow, why did I even forget, "editors".
AreYouTheEye what's wrong with them ? this is why improvement is hard to accept by the others because they cant adapt changes
AreYouTheEye Well I don't understand them.Still they can earn some SS for free If they afraid spending their money.