Flaffy Haha, reading your post is such a waste of time. The mods are very active in the "bugs" section. There are announcements every now and then about major bugs. You have the book of answers waiting for updating due to, again, bugs, which are waiting to get fixed. Any bugs people see are fixed in a day or two, so I don't really understand what you're on so that "readers money will be safe". If you actually look around, no one among those who actually used their money have complaints, or their complaints were already answered. So yeah, you're just an entitled joke. Lmfao.
Policies. Hahahahaha
Demand whatever you want, wow. Anyways, I don't see any point in your post. QI has always been some sort of early access site/game, with new features being added over the months, and they are not stabilized at all like people seem to make them out to be. There are only 4 premium novels, and there are strict criteria to become premium novels, not to mention the amount of time required for the translator to be part of it. All the unpopular novels with a release rate of 7 and below will never see the light of premium (which is like 50 percent or even more of the novels in qi), so you can alternatively just read them, or, you can just suck it up and become a little bitch like GoGo