Luta So, do you really want me to expound on this? Let's go back to xianxiaworld. Do you even know that site? They were the first ones to do a fixed rate, and they died within 4 months. They pay their translators from 25 to 40, depending on popularity—money given first, then money taken back first. I don't have complete data, but I remember when I was there, the manager of xxw said that the cost was around 20k USD, more than 100k usd for like 20 novels in 4 months.
Now, you look at qi. QI started back at January, at March, they already have 100 novels, with varying rates, at least from the "leaked" contracts, it should be around 25 usd to 40 usd too. So let's pick a number. 30 USD multiply to 100 translators, and say if they do only 30 chapters a month, how much is that? 90,000 USD. Keep in mind that other translators do 50, even 100 chapters a month. Now you work that around, March to December, multiply that. 10 months, so 900k USD. That's just the minimum possible, because by September QI already has almost 200 novels. Do you truly believe a meager amount can cover that?
Do I have an insider info? Well duh. I'm even earlier in QI than Chrissy, I just left due to being busy with real life. I still keep in touch, and any sane person will know and understand that qi is operating at a massive lost while investing a few millions to the translators and wow, why did I even forget, "editors".